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Posts posted by troy

  1. Can anyone shed any light on this topic? Also does anyone know how long can shedding last once your on propecia? I have been on propecia for 7-8 months and almost 6 months post op but have been shedding latley. Could shockloss set in late? I cant really notice my hair thinner, but have noticed a lot of shedding. And I am really curious about when hair does shed and has that white tip on the end and is thinner is that hair that has permanetly fallen out, or does that not mean anything? I would sure appreciate any feed back on this, thanks

  2. johnnie69, it is odd isnt it. To promote your doc the best you can do is tell how your day went without all the hype-keep it real. Then document with pictures how things went and when your results come in show those pics and tell people you are happy and would reccomend him. This is the best thing you can do!!!

  3. andyb, I think you made some very powerfull statements. I do have concern with, people come on here and are very emotional and see this as a avenue to help them get back to where they want to be. Some start not knowing much at all about this process and are so emotionally stirred up they may take your comments and take action on them. What if something did go wrong, would you truely guarentee it? It sounds like you have been very pleased with your results, I believe the best you can do, is from your own perspective simply tell your expirence-no hype. Also to personally guarentee someone results is completely against cosmetic surgery, remember we sign the waiver before we even start? After being a part of this forum since last september I have come to believe there is not a "best" doc, but rather what a person feels is best for them on thier personal journey going through research. This, of coarse is just my opinion.

  4. Update, I am over 5 months post op and loving my results!!! I never wear a hat anymore, I have had a lot of people compliment me on my hair, but noone knows ive had a ht!!! They say I look healthier, but cant put a finger on it. I went out dancing the other night and one person couldnt belive i am 32, but this is the best of all of it. (Because everyone on here has been so supportive i have to share this.) My ex left me for another man about 3 years ago, and i saw her give me a triple take the other day at my sons conferences, and I have to admit it was a nice feeling- how do you like noooowwwwww!!!! Having this done i feel like the old me is back, like I have my edge again. Thanks again DR Rose and shapiro staff and all on this forum and community for all of your support and wonderfull advise!!!!

  5. I represt people in realestate for a living and one frusterating thing i deal with is when people want my help, but not my advise. I have found when they dont listen to my advise they will most likley regret it and wish they would have taken my counsel. I believ this is true as well in HT, I think you should stongly listen to the advise you are recieving IF the doc has a impecable reputation, and believe it is better to error on the safe side. I also agree with Bspot and feel you would better off with the advise of being conservative. If you read this forum enough you will hear the cry of people who have not been happy with there ht and live with there choice with great regret. It is easy to get caught up in the emotion of resoring your hair and could be easy to make a bad choice. I think you should go the shapiro route.

  6. I have been on propecia since last september. I will email Pat again and ask him to get my web blog on my posts. I have found its so easy to give others sound advise, however when it comes to myself its not so easy, so I aprreciate your advise Hairbank , it makes sence. I guess I am on a roll and love getting my hair back and want to finish it.

  7. 5 month update. I just added a bunch of pictures to my web blog. I found some better pre op pics taken at shapiro the day of surgery. Matt Z did mist spray my hair with water to really show the extent of my hair loss, but you can really see how far I have come. I was wondering what you guys think, I am still thin you can see that on my over head. I was thinking one more dense packing of 3000-3500 should about do it, what do you think? Also do you think I will see much improvements between now and the next year? should i wait a year to make my decision to finish or get it done sooner? thanks guys.

  8. un fortunatley I have not heard good things of these docs Loria/Bosley/Elliot, and my guess is their work did not harvest at your expense. I think the advice bezane gave is right. see if you much left for donar and have a good game plan. I think if you had that much work done by todays standards it would be night and day difference. good luck

  9. mike you are at a great place for advise, why do you feel you may not be a candidate? also post pics of your situation, good quality pics that shows the extent of your hairloss, you will get a lot of good advise. Vineet congrats on your ht. All of the docs with shapiro are great! good luck!!

  10. Domie this can be a roller coaster ride of emotions, maybe wondering if it was the best choice ,what if it doesnt work, but when the crop comes in its so awesome!!!!! You are going to have such incredible results and amazing before and after pics and be a inspiration to many, It will be very fun to watch your progress over the next 4-5 months.

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