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Everything posted by london__lad

  1. pics. Very pleased with progress.Have just updated my gallery with 9 Month progress
  2. pics. Very pleased with progress.Have just updated my gallery with 9 Month progress
  3. Cyclone, I was a norwood 5 and had a procedure done with Hasson & Wong in Canada. You are going to need much more than 2,400 grafts.I suggest you do a lot of reasearch on this forum before making any descions. You can follow my progress here http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/london_lad/ Good luck
  4. Hi Garageland, Sorry I couldn't make it on Friday but didn't get home from work untill late evening. Also im only at 3 months and still have a long way to go but I have some growth kicking in now so should be well on the way by April. Will you be posting any pics this time round ? Would be good to see how all your results are coming along.
  5. A number of H+W patients met up in London today which is becoming a regular meet. I was unable to attend due to work commitments. If you take a look on the other forum you will see details including latest pics and also you can find out when the next meet up will be. I will be attending the next time so if you want to meet up, let me know, I can give you the meet up date and it will be an excellent chance for you to meet up with 4 or 5 UK H+W patients.
  6. My grandad died at the end of October and was one month post op at this time. My partner applied dermatch wet to the scar area which hid the shock loss and scar. I applied dermatch dry to the front area and it looked ok. I was a bit paranoid that someone would notice but no one commented, was glad to get it over with. If it had rained then that would have been a different story !
  7. Hello, Spursman, what you said in your post about growing the donor area longer to make judgement on whether its good enough for ht is spot on. I was told by quite a few posters on the other forum that my donor looked thin, and I would not get that many grafts. The pictures I posted where of my donor, with just a weeks growth after I had razor shaved it and it did look quite thin. I ended up with 7800 so it goes to show that pictures can be deceiving, its best to have a top doc have a look at your donor rather than go by peoples opinions of photos. Ps, Come on you Spurs !
  8. I think the second ht hairline suits you better. But I must say I think the first hairline looked great to. Your new hairline will frame your face better and looks more natural.
  9. Bushy, Your hairline looks great. Looks like another fantastic transformation from Dr.Hasson. Good growing to you.
  10. John,I will continue to take medication on the advice of Dr Hasson. I have been using Proscar for one year and noticed some regrowth in the crown area, he said switching to adovart could give me some extra growth in this area and may also thicken up some of the remaining hair on top. Jake, it's good to know that I have plenty if reserves if need be. I hopefully wont need to call them up but they are always there waiting if needed. My scalp dosn't really feel tight so hopefully I will regain quite a bit of laxity in time. Landen, I will be taking it real easy for the next few months to try and avoid the scar from stetching. I don't work out or lift weights so hopefully this shouldn't be an issue.
  11. bayscholar, I have no problem with your Fue statement and it does make absolute sense what you say that I could use fue into scar if needed. What makes me laugh is people are making statements purely by guess work by just looking at photos. For instance B spot seems to think he has donor hair simular to mine by looking at a picture. My hair density in the donor area used was around 150cm2 according to Dr.H. Maybe he does have, if so then he has no worries about future supply. Jakevig, I can only dream of getting results like Bobman and Jo, would be great to get somewhere near. I have been using Proscar for one year but now Dr H has advised me to switch to Avodart. I recieved 5760 multihair fu and 2001 singles.
  12. I do not really want to get to involved in this debate but feel I have to just to clear a few things up. MisterChris I haven't a clue where you get your info from but i'm infact 30, not 27 which you seem to be claiming. Also regarding the scar it is 30x2 cm. I trust Dr hasson 100% and with all due respect his opinion is held in a much higher regard than that most, and certainly those who are just looking at internet photos and judging future outcomes. I am not a gambling man and would never gamble when it comes to my appearance just to get a quick fix and not think about what I will look like in 10 years time. I have researched this descion for many years and have looked at my family history and took it all in consideration. I have maxed out the amount of grafts in one hit and have plenty in reserve if need be but don't feel it will be needed. If I thought there was any chance of me receeding to a nw7 level then there is no way I would even contenplate into a ht period.
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