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Posts posted by HairBeThere

  1. In 3 weeks from the 3 month mark, you will have a ton more to go. That large of a session in the crown, will surely be slow growing.


    The crown, for what ever reason is the slowest. But if you are, and not suprising of the size, seeing good improvement at 3 months, may accept your progress in 3 weeks.


    But you will go further in the nest 6 months.


    Without pics, posts will only be speculative.


    Best of luck!

  2. Fabe, yes... If the hair moved from the donor area is DHT programed (to fall out), then yes, it is possible.


    But that would mean you are destined to be a NW6 or NW7!!


    Listen to the doc., and if you are still uncertain, check with a dermatoligist, or better yet, another HT physician.


    True is in your neck of the woods, so maybe you may want to pay a visit and get another opinion.


    Never hurts to get 2 or more thoughts on a final decision.

  3. Pat... I never said "doctor recommendations on the Hair Transplant Network are taken lightly.



    I'll be frank, hell.. I learned a lot from this site, and I continue to. I also, due my best to share what I learned with the peron in my best interest. That should be obvious.


    But, I dont know the workings behind what is being said here. Things were brought in a conversation, you and I had over a phone conversation, that were said won't be brought up on the forum.


    I respected your opinion, because they were yours, but know because I am happy, you brought it up publically.


    That seem's you are taking shots on me, because I'm happy, with what you disagreed with!!


    Hence my certain specualation.


    Like I said.. I don't know what is going on here, but it was poor, and crossed what you said.


    Thanks for that.. I didn't want to bring it up, and tried to avoid it.


    All I wanted to do is say thanks, to all participants from which have helped change the situation I was in.

  4. And on the note of realism..


    Thanks Fabe.. absolutly no disrespect taken!! Like I said, we all have our own goals! GOING BALD SUCKS!!


    KenEastCoast, well... I'm actually starting to keep my hair buzzed for the most part, due to the thinning look.


    I would suggest getting your own hair clippers, and working your way down to see what you like.


    I have fine hair, so the scar shows after a #3.. So I kind of have an idea of what I need to use. Less than $20, you can be your own barber, if your clipping your own head.


    It's all trial and error... You'll figure out the #..


    And for god sake, your 2 weeks out.. Stop thinking of donor scar, and focus on those bad boys growing!!



  5. well, actually if your using a doctor because he is recommended on a site, then there is a lot you should learn. That's why we call it research.


    A physician should be choosen due to research!


    Not a site. Though it is an excellent start, but look at some of the excellent HT physicians that are not part of this site.


    That was a really dry unthought comment, cas.


    Something strange is going on here, and I am starting to get leary of certain comments.

  6. ofcourse, Fabe.. Everyone has different opinions. I respect yours.


    For me, I have a big head!! LOL.. A shaved head is not good on me.


    But, it's to late for me to shave my head. I had work done that caused excellerated hairloss, along with some unnatural look.


    But, a shaved head looks like a shaved head, vs. a bald area on a head with hair looks much worse. Think of it as framing your baldness.. Who wants that.


    So given the option, people choose thinning. Like myself. And for other reasons previously stated.


    But to say, shaved vs. thin, or thin vs. balding.. It's all a preferrance we hold to ourselves.


    There cannot be a definitive line drawn.


    We are all different, seeking different goals.


    spoon, thanks for your responce.. I know I couldn't have said it better myself. Bullseye!!

  7. Pat, I think I'm going to have to disagree with you on this.


    From your post, are you saying density over coverage first?


    That can not be the only answer.


    I think I'm a perfect example of this. I had a terrible head of hair that had previous work done. There was some slight pitting, and some cobble stoning.


    I opted for coverage over density, to hide all the previous work. With doing this, I had a lot of acerage to cover. So density was out of the question.


    This now gives me the apperance of thinning, instead of bald.


    I definetly would rather someone say you've gotten thin up top, than say YOUR BALD.


    I now have, if I remember the numbers correctly, about 30% density in the front forelock, tappering to the back 2/3rds from 25% to less.


    2360 fu grafts, can only go so far. Especially when there is a lot of area to cover.


    I appreciate your feedback and concern, but I am very happy with the results so far. Remember I've been thru the ringer twice, so I do know what a bad job is.


    My opinion, is it's an excellent job, and I'm actually considering going back. But, who knows.

  8. I have to agree with Jacob.. Just for the reason that, you really never know. Looking from newbie eyes.


    But, they do give great insight into the world of HT from different physician perspectives.


    My favorite in them, is listening to their backgrounds, where they came from and why.


    I think they are good. Saves time for people searching for different perspectives from physicians. By means of not having to go see different ones randomly.

  9. lol, ya you're right Franklin.. I shouldn't compare the majority of New Yorkers to markcia..


    and on another note...


    Don't be so quick to thank the Frenchies for the Fries..

    It's argued that the Belguims were the first to originate those greasy wounders... The "French" in Fries refers to a french style cut.


    Long and thin...


    Which explains other French starting words. icon_biggrin.gif


    More useless info to "French Fries"..


    McD's uses 7% of America's taters to make their popular fries.


    Want to know more, contact your local FFA, or Agricultural Society.


    This message is to bring awareness of our favorite veggie... The Spud!


    Don't bring up Potatoe Chips!! icon_eek.gif

  10. markcia, your a dick...


    Typical New Yorker... B.C. thought process. That's Before Christ, since you may have trouble with those initials.


    I may not be in favor of the French Government, but I'm not about to chastise French people for this.




    Pricing are starting to get as low as $3.oo per graft. Start researching rep. doc's, and look at their pricing structer.

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