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Site evolution and development

Hans - Webmaster


It's been 10 years since I started working with Pat on his original site and boy, has it come a long way. In the early days, there was just the single site, where Pat was so proud and impressed with his hair transplant and from there, it evolved to the Hair Transplant Network. All this, just because Pat was really keen on blowing all the myths about hair transplants out of the water.

It has been a privilege and an honour to see how many people he has helped to discover the "real" doctors and artists out there and has played a major role in educating the many visitors who have sought to research and educate themselves on the causes, cures and treatments that do and don't work. There are now a number of sites that are all geared towards educating people and providing them with a really top notch list of physicians around the globe.

I have not been that "visible" to the many visitors to the sites, as I am really the "back room guy" that works behind the scenes. Hopefully this new site will really open up a whole new level of interaction between the many visitors and members and will grow from strength to strength.

To quote Pat - "Onwards and Upwards"


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You've done a terrific job in helping sort out and handle many of the technical details in releasing this new community. It's been a pleasure working with you on this and dozens of other projects "behind the scene". I look forward to working with you for years to come!


Bill (Falceros)

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Hans, Thanks for being the wizard behind the curtain all these years. Of course with your thick hairline we've had to hide you to maintain our credibility :-)

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