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6 months on propecia and 3 months on headway/regrow. What can i expect?

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Hi all..i've been on propecia for about 6 months now and i was wondering what shud i expect? on one hand, after washing and drying my hair i see a lot of small hair growing (i have long hair so its noticeable), however, on the other hand, it doesnt seem like there's a significant diff in volume especially the frontal part.. altho my mom who happens to be the only one i speak to this about says the hair looks thicker compared to six months ago..im quite at lost here, is it just slowed down my hairloss or has it stopped my hairloss and taking its time to grow thick again? how do i know which is it?


my other question is i've been on headway and currently using regrow and i know that it only shows growth after 4 months but im leaving to the UK next week for a year and since the exchange rate is too high (7 bucks = 1 paun) and i cant really take like 10 bottles there, i was wondering if i could stop using minoxidil once it starts growing? wud propecia secure the existence of the new hair? i was thinking of taking like two extra bottles thats it. Thanks icon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

Hi all..i've been on propecia for about 6 months now and i was wondering what shud i expect? on one hand, after washing and drying my hair i see a lot of small hair growing (i have long hair so its noticeable), however, on the other hand, it doesnt seem like there's a significant diff in volume especially the frontal part.. altho my mom who happens to be the only one i speak to this about says the hair looks thicker compared to six months ago..im quite at lost here, is it just slowed down my hairloss or has it stopped my hairloss and taking its time to grow thick again? how do i know which is it?


my other question is i've been on headway and currently using regrow and i know that it only shows growth after 4 months but im leaving to the UK next week for a year and since the exchange rate is too high (7 bucks = 1 paun) and i cant really take like 10 bottles there, i was wondering if i could stop using minoxidil once it starts growing? wud propecia secure the existence of the new hair? i was thinking of taking like two extra bottles thats it. Thanks icon_smile.gif

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Propecia works differently on different people. Even if it stopped or slowed down your hairloss, its still a win. Some people experience regrowth but not everyone. Its best to take pictures in the same light to document if there has been a change. Since you look in the mirror everyday you won't notice anything dramatic. Not sure about your minox question, I'd imagine that anything that regrew because of minox will be lost when you stop using it.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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actually i wanted to know because if it has stopped then fine but if it has just slowed it down then i wanna shave my head instead of tormenting myself..hehe..thanks for the tip tho..i'll probably start taking pics and comparing it over time to be sure..


i'm still wondering about the minoxidil tho..? anyone here know if propecia will secure the new hair? or will stopping the minox cause the loss of new hair?

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Tragedy, far too early to tell what effect finasteride has had after only 6 months. I have been taken it for one year with good results. I first started taking it seven years ago but stopped after two months due the the expense and I did not see any results(fool!!) Take a look at my twelve months pictures. Both taken with flash on. Take into account my hair is longer now.


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wow!! that looks amazing..congrats man..if that was 6 years ago whats it like now? i was definately gonna continue with propecia as it seems to be the only hope but this pics sure make me happy icon_smile.gif


but still worried about my minox situation i've got 4 days left before i leave..shud i continue? i really need to know if the propecia will sustain the results of minox.

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Tragedy - My understanding has always been that you will lose what you gained from the minox if you stop using it, and relatively quickly at that. I believe this is independant of the finesteride, because they both work in different ways (although they are known to often work in conjunction very well). If I recall, basically, finesteride might create more new growth, and the minoxidil more just strngthens existing growth, which I guess would include the strengthening of what might otherwise just be insignificant peach fuzz gained from the finersteride into stronger hairs. But alas, no, I don't think finersteride will maintain any gain from the minox.

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I also use Minoxidil twice daily. Not too sure how effective it has been, seen lots of small "peach fuzz" in the frontal area but nothing significant. I take 1,25mg (quarter tablet) of proscar daily. The HT doctor I saw in Australia who proscribed the Proscar advised that if I saw results after a year then maybe reduce the drug to Mon/wed/Fri, which I believe many people do anyway.


Tragedy, I would not worry too much about not using Minoxidil for a short while, I believe both work good together but Finasteride is the sole drug I would account for my crown regrowth. Personally I would try very hard to use both Fin and Min together consistently for at least a year. I lived in the UK up until recently and there is loads of competition for sales of Rogaine, you should be able to buy it cheap from a online company.

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