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Dr. Alan Feller

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Dr. Mohmand,


Thank you for adding the required disclaimer in your signature. This meets our disclosure requirements.


In the future, I encourage you to disclose all affiliations before entering into a topical debate, so that our members and guests can consider this in addition to your point of view. Additionally, even though some may agree and some may disgree, your credibility won't be in question.


I do accept your explanation that you were not purposeful in deceiving this community.


Best wishes,



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All HairMax is doing is trying to add credibility to their quackery junk science. So they add "reputable" doctors to their board. I did admire Dr. M's passion to defend LLLT even though he showed no physical, scientific or any other proof that it works. But after learning that he is part of the LLLT advisory team pretty much killed ALL credibility he had.


Bill, you know I like you, your passion for this community is undisputable and extremely valuable but I just don't see how you cannot see that there is NO "being on the fence" here. There is no proof (photographic or otherwise) that can even claim 10% of efficacy as Dr. M advocating.

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Bill, you know I like you, your passion for this community is undisputable and extremely valuable but I just don't see how you cannot see that there is NO "being on the fence" here. There is no proof (photographic or otherwise) that can even claim 10% of efficacy as Dr. M advocating.




I think you've miscontrued my viewpoint on laser therapy. I never said I'm "on the fence". I said that I don't advocate a treatment until it provides sufficient proof of efficacy. Therefore, I do not currently recommend laser therapy as a treatment.


In my opinion, it's up to those who support it to provide sufficient proof. In my opinion, more public evidence is needed. However, a few physicians I highly respect claims to have seen some benefit with it in their practice. So just because I am not a laser therapy advocate based on their word of mouth, I'm also not ready to call them liars and dismiss their claims.


Best wishes,



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M&M brings up some excellent points about the deceptive photography used to promote LLLT.

It's fair to say that it is also being used liberally by doctors who sell LLLT to the public.


Check out this video I made of the website of a high profile doctor who "showcases" an exstatically happy female LLLT patient.


VIDEO: Deceptive LLLT presentation? You make the call


Laserquackary at it's most obvious.


Would it surprise anyone here to learn that the woman allowing herself to be showcased on the website is actually an EMPLOYEE of the cosmetic surgery industry herself?


I think an appearance of impropriety would NOT be an unreasonable charge here.

Laserquackary at it's most obvious.

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Can't fool Dr. Feller!

I believe Dr. Mohmand lacks ethics by not disclosing his affiliation with Hairmax. He just lost all his credibility, and thanks Dr. Feller for exposing this.

I don't agree with HTN for recommending Dr. Mohmand.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Please review Dr. M's reply to my query on why he does NOT use microscopes last week. I think that it is on another of Dr. Feller's started threads in this section. Any how it evolves into Dr. M discussing not using microscopes and I directly asked him his thoughts. I can't find it right now(I am in a case)but I know that its on this site.


Maybe I misunderstood his reply, but it sounded to me as if microscopes were not a part of his regular practice.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr. Lindsey,


I appreciate your concern.


I've been in touch with Dr. Mohmand privately and he is now using microscopes regularly to sliver the donor strip.


I am still waiting on a response from him on a few other items.




I understand that you are passionately against laser therapy. But whether or not Dr. Mohmand believes laser therapy works or not, we feel confident that he is working to improve his hair transplant practice and now meets our standards for recommendation.


I have accepted Dr. Mohmand's explanation that he did not intend to deceive others by not disclosing his affiliation with Hairmax. Dr. Mohamd did admit he sells the laser comb early on in the debate. He also claims that he is not paid to be a medical advisor for Hairmax. Because his website is linked to Hairmax however, we consider this a "compensation" and thus, we required him to disclose this in his forum signature.


This laser therapy debate caused some heated discussion and many are very passionate about it, even to the point of calling doctors who promote it "unethical".


Given that a number of reputable physicians still believe that laser therapy may provide some benefit (whether or not we agree with it here), I do not agree that physicians who use it without overselling its benefits are unethical.


We do not recommend physicians on what non-surgical hair loss treatments they promote, but whether or not their surgical hair restoration is high quality.


Thanks for understanding,



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Dear members,


Members of this community have the right to know what affiliations exist between posters and services or products they are advocating or promoting. This is why our terms of service states that all compensation for products a member is advocating are to be listed in a member's forum signature.


Clearly Dr. Mohmand failed to disclose that he is an unpaid medical advisor for Hairmax. He did however, disclose that he sells the Hairmax laser comb in his clinic.


After speaking with Dr. Mohmand, I do not believe he was trying to intentionally mislead this community. Additionally, he has added the necessary disclaimers in his signature according to the rules listed in our terms of service.


Given the great number of laser therapy threads still open and the fact that this issue is resolved, I am choosing to lock this thread. Feel free to continue to discuss your views on laser therapy, but I think the topic in this thread has fully run its course.


Best wishes,



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