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shock loss

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  • Regular Member

hi all , i had a ht 4 months back on the front part of my head and it looks like i lost a major portion of my hair on the crown with in these few months is it possible that i lost the hair on my crown as a result of shock loss , i dint had any trans plant there.

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  • Regular Member

hi all , i had a ht 4 months back on the front part of my head and it looks like i lost a major portion of my hair on the crown with in these few months is it possible that i lost the hair on my crown as a result of shock loss , i dint had any trans plant there.

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Shock loss can/will only occur when hairs are transplanted in between native hairs. It is the native hairs in between the transplanted hair that are at risk for shock loss. Most likely you are experiencing the long term effects of hereditary hair loss (male pattern baldness). Are you currently taking any hair loss medication such as Propecia or Rogaine to minimize the risk for future loss? If not, I'd consider researching these medications to become familiar with the benefits, limitations, and risks.


Best wishes,



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hi all, i'm new memeber i just wonder if someone

went though tough time after 6weeks from my ht done, i see nothing at all accept my life became sucks i lost my original hair there some spot with no hair!! by the way i never been blad all i wanted to have thicker hair, but my doctor promised me that with 4000 grafts it will make my hair so thick! also he promised me that i will not lose my existing hair but after the ht done i found out every thing was fake and scam big visible scar in the back of my head lost most hair on the top and crown even most of my hair line,,, now after 6 weekes i see puffy skin on the top of my head with no hair grow , i doubt it that he did 4000 grafts for me !

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Welcome to our community.


First off....don't panic!


At 6 weeks post op, no growth should ever be expected for anyone. New growth typically only STARTS between 3 and 5 months post op. This however, is a gradual process and full maturity is between 12-18 months.


It sounds like however, that you haven't been informed properly of how hair transplantation works and what to expect post-op. Scarring is a part of the procedure though in the hands of a quality physician, it can be minimal.


4000 grafts will most likely give you a cosmetically pleasing result. Density will be dependent up the area covered and depending on your level on the norwood scale.


Feel free to share your experience and pictures in a new thread by creating a photo album.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Hello! I am new here also. I am the exact opposite of Rikky. I had crown work done 5 mo's back and hairline work done. Now though I have seen a lot of loss in the front. It is noticeable. I started on propecia about a week after surgury and I noticed at about mo. 3 1/2

thinning in the front. Could this be the shedding? Ironically the crown is spouting and the front and midscalp is a running. I have always had good coverage in the front and mid.

THe crown was my issue. but now....?


If this is shedding, How long before is fills back in?


Bill or anyone with knowlege you help please!!!


I have been reading on this forum for a while and I registerd today

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Welcome to our community.


There are a number of possibilities here and I can only give you some case scenerios. It is best however, to consult with your doctor for sure.


Keep in mind 5 months is extremely early to make any evaluation of your HT. You will certainly need a little patience as you wait for full maturity between 12-18 months


At 5 months however, I would suspect that you should at least be starting to see SOME growth in both the hairline and the crown. Have you been seeing any growth yet?


Loss in the frontal area at 3.5 months could be a few things. It could be shedding from Propecia, postponed temporary shock loss from the surgery, or additional native hair loss.


All you can really do at this point is ride the ocean and see what the waves bring you. Hopefully Propecia will work and reverse the miniaturization process. Any temporarily "shocked" hairs will grow back in good time.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

Hello Bill! Wow! Thanks for the quick response.

I have seen some new growth in the hairline and the crown. There is sprouting going on but the thinning goes from the crown forward and it is not even. He didnt seem to know of shedding

when I mentioned it.


I had my 5 month follow up yesterday and my doctor also said that it is too early to assess

the procedure. I never did seem to get shock loss right after surgery. Everything looked pretty good until end of june/july.

How long would it take to fill in if it were

shedding or shockloss. I never knew there was delayed shockloss! I am screwed. kidding





Nice to meet you!

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Bille, thanks for ur respond, i just wanted to know did any one felt the same way like me after the surgery. seems like he insert few grafts on the top of my head? not 4000 grafts. when i look at the mirror using another mirror i see all top like 98% is empty and there is no red spot tell me it was any grafts were inserted on my head. like so smooth and dead skin!! i saw ur photo's and seem like totally different than mine even right after the surgery..put in mind i never been blad ,no one can believe that i need any ht?. i'm so sad and i was going to get married in two monthes now ,,i hate my life to be like this ,,it's so noticeable to every one that i have so thinnnnnnnnn hair specially the left side on the top. if you or any one went through something like this pleaseeeeeeeeee advise i'm burning every mine pass, even i lost like 15lb in bad way ,i used to be in great shape now no desire for any thing!!

my doc was Address


8817 W Olympic Blvd #204

Beverly Hills, Ca 90211


1-310-289-7322 local or international

1-866-HAIR-866 toll free USA or Canada

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  • Regular Member

hi all,


my ht is done fo 1300 grafts by medical hair transplant DR BODEN in hartford ct, i dint research a lot about docs before getting one done. does any one has any experience with this doc.

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