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Finally took the plunge


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Well I finally made the decision to do something about being bald. On December 11th I went to Dr Limmer and his team in San Antonio for a HT. The procedure involved 1700 grafts.

It was pretty painless. Some discomfort when getting the injections but other than that, it went great. It is now 18 days after the procedure. The transplanted hairs are disappearing fast icon_frown.gif

Can't wait for the regrowth!


I will probably need additional procedures but for the time being, Dr Limmer recommended propecia and rogaine since I had great success with these products when used in the past. A year from now, I will see what the results are like and make my decision.


Here's the link to my blog.




Happy New Year everyone!

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Congratulations on your recent surgery with Dr. Limmer. 1700 grafts should be a nice start. But given the area of baldness covered is quite large, you will most likely find yourself wanting more density. It sounds like that is already part of your plan.


Is there any particular reason why you and your physician chose to do a smaller session? Financial, inadequate donor supply, etc.?


I expect by the summer time you should have some nice growth. In the meantime, focus on healing and try not to look in the mirror too much waiting for growth :-).


Best wishes and Happy New year,



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Hi Bill, Happy New year to you and thanks for the comments. I went with Dr Limmer's recommendation on the number of grafts. Because of the success I had in the past with Rogaine, he wants me to try medication to see what will happen.

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By the looks of it, your crown and forelock areas are pretty bald.


In my opinion, it's wishful thinking to hope that Rogaine will do anything extensive in areas of almost complete baldness. Typically non-surgical solutions work a lot better in areas of thinning hair.


In my opinion, unless there were limitations on donor characteristics (density or laxity) or financial constraints, it may have been more beneficial to go for a larger session initially since a very large area was covered.


The good news is, if Roganie doesn't do what you hope for, you can always go back for a second and third session as necessary.


I hope you don't find my post discouraging. But I am trying to help you develop and keep realistic expectations as to what can be achieved with a small number of grafts and non-surgical solutions in almost completely bald areas.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I'm a little surprised at the low number of grafts too for that large a bald area. it looks as if the scar does not extend all the way around on the right side as it does on the left so i'm guessing limmer could have extracted far more grafts. the work does look clean though and you can always go back for more so no worries. good growing to you!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • Senior Member

Looks ok to me ..


I had low graft prcedures as well for financial and cosmetic reasons as well..


Turned out fantastic but of course in a perfect world 1 or 2 procedures would have been better regarding time and waiting!!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Brad Limmer, MD

Hey guys, I meant to comment sooner, but I am still getting caught up after the holidays. Baz had consulted with my father (BL Limmer, MD) regarding all of his options. He had reported having a very good response to Propecia and Rogaine in the past and was willing to restart.

It might be hard to see, but he has a significant density of vellous and miniaturized hairs on his crown and tapering into his mid scalp that could respond to treatment. As is known these types of miniaturized hairs often can be lost forever as a result of the inflammation caused by making thousands of minute recipient sites. Being that he has a history of positive response to medical therapy, why not at least give them the opportunity to respond. While grafting might ultimately have to be done, it could also be totally unnecessary pending his response to medications.

Either way, Baz needs to be on medical therapy as a preventative measure. Since it is going to be a part of his daily regiment, I feel it is in his interest to see what will regrow and not do surgery just because we can. It's still an option later. If you traumatize the area covered in miniaturized hairs prior to allowing time for medication induced regrowth, you may never see the full potential the medication could have provided.

I know it can be frustrating to wait and see what type of response medications can achieve. But you need to think long term and have patience, if you want to have the overall best/most full restoration medications and surgery can provide.

Brad Limmer, MD/jac

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Thanks for your insight. I agree that it's usually good to give medication a chance to work first.


It's quite possible that the above photos aren't telling the whole story as I agree that miniaturized hair may strengthen and increase the appearance of density with medical treatment.


I'll be interested to follow this patient's hair restoration non-surgical and surgical process.


Best wishes,



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