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hairclub for men?


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I know that hairclub for men has been around a while, but i saw their ad on TV recently and they mentioned some type of new method where they put real human hairs on to your existing hair. Wonder if anyone know what type of method is it? Also, I mean obviously HT is the permanent solution so far, but the hairclub for men approach could be supplement to HT once if the donor hairs are all used up. Anyone has any comments or facts regarding to hairclub for men? Thanks.

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I know that hairclub for men has been around a while, but i saw their ad on TV recently and they mentioned some type of new method where they put real human hairs on to your existing hair. Wonder if anyone know what type of method is it? Also, I mean obviously HT is the permanent solution so far, but the hairclub for men approach could be supplement to HT once if the donor hairs are all used up. Anyone has any comments or facts regarding to hairclub for men? Thanks.

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You must be trying to drive all of your friends off if you are seriously considering a wig, crown topper, hair system or whatever they are calling it now icon_smile.gif I think they sow it into your existing hair and then it pulls your existing hair out. Those commercials with the guys sitting around the swimming pool with the fake hot wives are brillant entertainment. You know those guys must have been laughing their asses off the whole time. Don't do it!!

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Sounds like the same ole' marketing speels from the eighties! They may be referring to hair weaving however some of those methods can cause "traction-alopecia" as was alluded to.


Why spend all your hard earned money on something that is not a permanent, something requiring continued maintanence. HTs are much better values for most people unless you have extinuating circumstances like a lack of donor. Best wishes to you in your endeavors.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I won't try to sway you one way or the other, but I will ask that you research your options heavily. One thing that I would highly recommend is that you speak to users (or previous users) of hair systems to get the true story before rushing into anything. Pat, the Publisher of this community used a system for a while before having his hair surgically restored. You can see his story here.


Read up some more on hair systems here.


Whatever your decision, I just ask that you research it thoroughly and I wish you the best of luck!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Under no circumstances I mean none at all, get a Hair System!!!

I wore one for 7 years and by far was the most humiliating time of my life!

Everyone knows so you fool no one. You will never be self confident at all. In every sutuation, people standing over you, your mother near you, your girlfriend, wife, friends, if anyone touches your head!

I had mone ripped off in a bar brawl one night, I got thrown out of the bar while my hair was on the bar floor!!

It truly is the worst thing you can ever do to yourself.

I would never ever gotten it had I known.

I am now 5 surgeries later and have great regrowth with my last surgery 3 weeks ago in crown.

Get HT first or shave it all off.

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One of my most humiliating moments was when I was at the beach with my kids in the dead heat of summer.


I had at that time been polyfusing my hair system and it was getting near the maintenance time where you go in and get it re-glued to your head. It was such a hot, humid day!


Well, I had been laying down on my towell and after awhile my kids were calling me into the water. So I got up and headed to the shore.


All of a sudden my kids started yelling to me and pointing to the top of their heads and then pointing at me. They were laughing their heads off!


Suddenly I realized something and reached for the top of my head and guess what? No system. It had fallen off so I began looking all over the ground and back-tracked to my towell and there it was, laying half on my towell and half in the sand! I grabbed it ran to my car where I luckily had a baseball cap. BTW, my kids continued to call me to the water and the looks I got!


I went down to the shore without looking to the right or left and persuaded my kids that it was time to go. I don't think my kids realized how humiliating this was to me and they did not mean any harm, kids will be kids. It was funny to them and I suppose everyone else.


No doubt I HATED the trap I was in and continued my passionate search for the right surgeon using the FUT technology. I finally found him in 1996, had my first procedure and "PITCHED" those rugs for good! icon_biggrin.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hi Gillenator,


Your unfortunate experience shows exactly why I never went with a hair system. Most of the men I know, especially the ones who are gracefully accepting their balding, would never ever do that. I am a profuse sweater, especially during yard work season here in hot and humid Florida. Of course, my head is covered by a hat for protection from the sun during these times.


I shower and wash my hair twice a day this time of year which would make a system even more out of the question. As previously reported I also serve as a volunteer firefighter and have to laugh when I see the Hair Club ads and website portraying "supposed" firefighters wearing the systems on duty! We wear a bulky fire helmet, an air mask, and a nomex protective hood. The thing would be ruined and be pulled or fall off upon removing all this gear!


However, isn't Hair Club also getting into the surgical hair restoration business. Don't they now have a couple of they claim "renowned" HT surgeons working through some of their sites out west?



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Per the HCM website, Dr. Dan Didocha, who has had several very glowing recommendations in these forums, is one of the HT surgeons who is now affiliated with them. From what I have read here, he either seems to have mulitple offices or to have moved around the country quite a bit (Michigan, Atlanta area, Colorado).



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Dan Didocha has glowing reccomedations??? That's news to me.


There's nothing wrong with wearing a hair piece if you are willing to do the maintenance and willing to make the compromises that they require.


Unlike Hair Transplants, a hair piece is not permanent and you can change your mind... that's not true of a hair transplant!!!!


I've heard that Hair Club is not the best place for a hair piece, and it's also not the cheapest either. They try to jack extra money out of you with expensive maintenance fees, extra costs, etc.


I don't think a hair piece is for me, but as I get older I have become more comfortable with the idea (I got screwed up with my original transplants, and my results are not good). LOTS of guys wear hairpieces to cover a bad transplant. If you think you might be okay with a hair piece, probably the best time to try it is BEFORE getting a transplant, instead of wearing it out of necessity like I might need to do, AFTER a transplant. A hair piece is not as big of a committment as a hair transplant, and it will give you more coverage than a transplant will.

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I got screwed up with my original transplants, and my results are not good.


Is that the reason for your recent crusade against hair restoration surgery? I have been reading your posts all night and they are filled with scare-tactics and skewed information. I addressed one such post here.


I really do feel for you if you had less-than-stellar results, but you have to understand that your case is not representative of the entire industry. To consistently bash the entire premise of transplant surgery across the board is thoughtless, reckless, and immature.


If you think you might be okay with a hair piece, probably the best time to try it is BEFORE getting a transplant, instead of wearing it out of necessity like I might need to do, AFTER a transplant.


This statement is only true if the person wears the hair piece for a VERY LIMITED AMOUNT OF TIME. Hair pieces that are sewn into existing hair can pull existing hair out and rub viciously across the scalp creating traction alopecia leaving the wearer worse off than before.


The maintenance costs, the constant concerns about wind, rain, swimming, etc. would drive me nuts, personally. That, and how fun must it be to have to take it off at night in front of a lady that is used to seeing you all day with a full head of hair.


There is no blanket "right" answer to hair loss. Every person's situation is different. What may work for one will not for another. This includes medication, surgery, hair systems and everything else. If you are going to demonize one possible venue, at least be truthful enough to point out the drawbacks of the alternatives.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Some very insightful comments! You never wore a system before did you? Well even if not, one would think you had first-hand experience with it. Yes rain, snow (being a native Minnesotan), wind, swimming in public, etc is a living nightmare! Anyone who ever wore a system can really relate man.




I know exactly what you are referring to. I saw an ad once that featured a father-son who both were fire-fighters or so the add states. As active a guy as you are, you would be greatly inconvenienced to say the least in wearing a superficial system.


Back in 2002 I believe Hair Club teamed up with MHR to begin a joint effort in California and Arizona. I heard they are both "housed" under the same roof. Maybe some others out there know more about it because I do not know all of the facts. I also heard that Hair Club once were looking at acquiring MHR. Has anyone else heard of that? Just think, the business values of both MHR and Hair Club in one organization! icon_eek.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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No, I never wore a system but I did an extensive amount of research on them before finally happening across the Hair Transplant Network and this forum a couple of years ago. My thinning had become so rapid and untamed that I just KNEW I was going to be a NW7 by the time I reached 30!


What I saw when I peeked behind the veil of glossy pictures of guy models with woman models beside a pool frightened me. The industry is wrought with misinformation and predatory tactics. Many companies really do prey on the hair loss sufferer's shame and lack of knowledge. This is not to say that there aren't some fine systems; there are. I have seen them. However, from what I have seen they are few and far between, require an IMMENSE amount of maintenance, and in the end STILL isn't the wearer's own growing hair.


That last point would frustrate me endlessly.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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And over time it takes an immense amount of money to pay for all of those immense amounts of maintenance! icon_confused.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Is that the reason for your recent crusade against hair restoration surgery? I have been reading your posts all night and they are filled with scare-tactics and skewed information.


Hi Robert. My posts are not any more skewed than your posts. I write from my perspective and you write from yours. As far as scaring guys, look at the title of the website you work for!!!


"Hair Transplant? Be careful! A Hair Transplant can be great if you find the right doctor for your hair transplants.


MY message is also BE CAREFUL. If you think that is "scare tactics" then maybe you should bring this up with your employer.


The simple fact is that MOST hair transplants are not that great. If every doctor was doing great transplants then there would be little reason to BE CAREFUL. If most doctors were doing great work then the list of "recommended" doctors on this website, would be a lot longer. I did a quick count and it looks like the Hair Transplant Network endorses about 51 doctors. But there are about 700 doctors in the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS) and hundreds of non-ISHRS doctors who do transplants. With such a small number of recommended doctors, it's not hard to guess that the MAJORITY of transplants being done, aren't worth crap.


Maybe you want to belabor this point, and we can discuss the merits of the HTN list.


It seems to me that you just want to argue with me. Instead of me saying my opinion on the topic and you saying your opinion on the topic, you want to focus your comments on ME. That's fine with me, I don't mind a good discussion. I read everything I can get my hands on regarding hair transplants, and I've had over 15 procedures with 5 different doctors. I'm confident in my knowledge about HTs.


If you only want Hair Transplant cheerleaders on this website, then that would be too bad.

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Originally posted by arfy:


MY message is also BE CAREFUL. If you think that is "scare tactics" then maybe you should bring this up with your employer.


...which is also MY message, however it has been quite obvious as of late that you have an obvious agenda when posting on the forums. Your very signature line proves this. You never replied to my reply to your venomous private message. Why is that? Why do you think that I am coming after you personally when I simply disagree with your tactics and call you out on them?


The simple fact is that MOST hair transplants are not that great. If every doctor was doing great transplants then there would be little reason to BE CAREFUL. If most doctors were doing great work then the list of "recommended" doctors on this website, would be a lot longer. I did a quick count and it looks like the Hair Transplant Network endorses about 51 doctors. But there are about 700 doctors in the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS) and hundreds of non-ISHRS doctors who do transplants. With such a small number of recommended doctors, it's not hard to guess that the MAJORITY of transplants being done, aren't worth crap.


Again, preaching to the choir.



It seems to me that you just want to argue with me. Instead of me saying my opinion on the topic and you saying your opinion on the topic, you want to focus your comments on ME.



Wrong. I am focusing on the topic at hand. I think that you are a little too used to people taking what you say as truth, when the fact of the matter is that it is not always quite true. The fact of the matter is that good hair transplants do exist. This is fact. I see them all the time. I have also seen bad ones. VERY bad ones. You are basically incenuating that I am championing all hair transplants when you KNOW that I am not. My goal is to educate others in ALL aspects of hair loss. For many, a hair restoration surgical procedure is a viable solution. Why would you want to take that option away just because ALL hair transplants aren't great? The goal is to catch as many people as we can BEFORE they go to some inept butcher and steer them towards physicians of higher caliper so thier decision is not one that they will regret.



That's fine with me, I don't mind a good discussion. I read everything I can get my hands on regarding hair transplants, and I've had over 15 procedures with 5 different doctors. I'm confident in my knowledge about HTs.



I am pretty confident in my knowledge also. I don't think that has anything to do with the topic at hand, but I felt the need to answer that comment since you felt the need to post it.



If you only want Hair Transplant cheerleaders on this website, then that would be too bad.


Yes it would. It's a good thing that isn't what I want. I want true exchanges of information that helps, not hinders the learning process. I don't want to cover up the evils of this industry. They should be exposed. However if all that was discussed on here was the "doom and gloom" nothing much would get done, would it?





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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