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Everything posted by HairSeeker2

  1. Hey man. you are suffering from panic attacks I had them for years. I suggest you read some literature about it. it wasn't your stomach. I sold antibiotics for years and Augmentin was my competitor. it does cause diarrhea but not anxiety. I suggest you learn as much as quickly as possible about anxiety beacuse it begins to creep in every area of ones life.
  2. Here is my opinion on number of grafts and pricing. Now unless you personally harvested all of the grafts and counted them and then placed them. You have no clue what you're getting at all. They can tell you you got 2,000 when you only got 1500. Or vice versa. Some Drs allegedly count and I know some people will argue this fact. But at the end of the day it isn't science. Not even close! The key is to negotiate. Again some people here will argue with me.I have had 5 surgeries with 2 Drs here on this site with which I am very satisfied and I negotiated every surgery and I am talking very hard negotiating. I have literally saved myself thousands. Here is the key.You ask the Dr to cut you from ear to ear which is I believe around 20-25cm with 1/2 blade(again I believe)and you will give him $4,000. The average person with ear to ear strip will get between 1500-2500 depending on past surgeries or hair density. They don't give a crap about number of grafts. They want a certain amount of money for a surgery. Negotiate pricing using those guides and you will be fine.
  3. Robert, Your hair looks great without the concealers! I wouldn't even bother. Get some sun back there and enjoy life! lol
  4. No the hair does not grow evenly at all. I have had 5 surgeries. Some the hair came in from month 4 and looked great at month 6-7. Some no hair growth till about the 7 month mark and ended around 1 year. 1 surgery I did have was a complete disappointment for reasons unknown to me or the Dr. You never really know what is going to happen with an HT. Most do produce the desired results. Many times you suffer so much loss in the recipient site it's almost like a wash..ie..you gained 3,000 hairs from the surgery but lost 3,000 from shock that were going to fall out sooner or later by nature. Hope you fare well at the end of the day. Hang in there it's very early at 4 month mark.
  5. Robert, If I receive any benefit to the transplanted hairs growing quicker or stronger..ect when I stop using it at the 5-6 month will that hair fall out that was transplanted? Thank you.
  6. Hey all. I currently use Prothik on my crown in between surgeries for the past year. I just had another surgery 3 weeks ago and am experiencing shock in the crown with the very little density hair I had back there. Now some spots have very little or no hair to work with when applying the concealers. The Prothik is starting not to look as good seeing I have much less hair temporarily hopefully. Does Dermamatch work well on thinner crowns with very little hair? If not which concealer looks the best with very sparse coverage of hair in crown?
  7. Guys, I have had 5 surgeries and all of my head from hairline to crown is transplanted hair. I heard that Rogaine post op is good for quicker growth. I am using 2% now and will switch to 5 soon. My question this. Is there anyway that I can see new growth on a bald area that has been bald for 8-9 years? In other words I have no vellous hairs at all only transplanted hairs. So how can rogaine benefit me at all? Also, I don't plan to use Rogaine forever seeing I am on propecia and haven't lost any hair for 3 years at all. How long should I stay on Rogaine post op?
  8. Guys, I have had 5 surgeries and all of my head from hairline to crown is transplanted hair. I heard that Rogaine post op is good for quicker growth. I am using 2% now and will switch to 5 soon. My question this. Is there anyway that I can see new growth on a bald area that has been bald for 8-9 years? In other words I have no vellous hairs at all only transplanted hairs. So how can rogaine benefit me at all? Also, I don't plan to use Rogaine forever seeing I am on propecia and haven't lost any hair for 3 years at all. How long should I stay on Rogaine post op?
  9. Maverick, Under no circumstances I mean none at all, get a Hair System!!! I wore one for 7 years and by far was the most humiliating time of my life! Everyone knows so you fool no one. You will never be self confident at all. In every sutuation, people standing over you, your mother near you, your girlfriend, wife, friends, if anyone touches your head! I had mone ripped off in a bar brawl one night, I got thrown out of the bar while my hair was on the bar floor!! It truly is the worst thing you can ever do to yourself. I would never ever gotten it had I known. I am now 5 surgeries later and have great regrowth with my last surgery 3 weeks ago in crown. Get HT first or shave it all off.
  10. 5 strip procedures over 8 years. Minimal scarring. Never any complications. WAS NORWOOD 5. Hair isn't thick like it was when I was younger but I am completely satisfied with results.
  11. My biggest fear has been to get really bad diarrhea right when the strip is cut but you're not sewed up yet!!
  12. Dr Beehner, Can you also use the Prothick which is the aerosol can after 2 weeks?
  13. I had 3 surgeries with dr Charles and none of them were front work.He was able to make the bald crown appear thin. I had 2 great surgeries with Dr Nusbaum many years ago and am pleased with front. Dr Charles was realistic with his opinion on the result where he never promised full density but more like a cover up.
  14. Hi I wore a system through 4 surgeries. The only way I would recommend you do it is switch to clips. I would never use the glue or tape again in the transplanted areas. The clips short term shouldn't cause additional loss if they are rotated monthly or bi monthly. Thank God I am out of the system now!! My 5th surgery was yesterday in the crown. I am almost not a baldy anymore! Lol
  15. I don't feel you should be concerned with the shock in the donor area. My big concern is why did the surgeon cut so high? he went way above the ears on the back portion of your head. That I believe was risky.
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