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Great experiance with Dr. Charles in Boca Raton, Fl (2200+ grafts)


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I just wanted to let everyone know what a great experinace I had with Dr. Charles and his staff yesterday (3.2.2006). I know there are alot of guys out there that are feeling the same way I was so I hope this post helps. First off let me tell you that I had been thinking about this for nearly 10 years before I decided to finally do something about it.The main reason for waiting so long was because the thought of surgery honestlt scared me to death. The fear as it turns out was completely unfounded! I am 40 years old and have been losing my hair since age 27. I interviewed many doc's over the years and of course I went to those well known, heavily advertised hair mills. I just could not bring myself to get up the nerve to have the procedure done until recently. Turning 40 was really the key motivation in all of this. After all why wait when you can look your best while your still young? I did alot of research on this and other hair loss forums and spoke with a friend of mine who used to work in the field. One name kept coming up ovaer and over again and that was Dr. Charles in Boca Raton, Fl. I finally decided to schedule a consultation fully expecting top speak with a consultant rather than the doctor himself. This is what was normal at all of the other places I had been to. I was incredibly surprised to find out that I was actually meeting with Dr.Charles himself. I have to tell you that this doctor spent well over an hour with me just taking you step by step through what the procedure would be like. By the time we were done I had almost no questions as his consultation was so informative he had answered any questions I may have had before I had a chance to even ask them.


I went home that evening and for several days after that and gave this alot of very serious thought. I continued my research and the answer became very clear that the obvious choice was Dr. Charles and if I was going to do this now was the time. I called his office and took the next available appointment (2weeks).


For the next two weeks I did not sleep well. Wondering if I made the right decision, anxiety about the procedure etc. Turns out that all that worry was for nothing.


I arrived at the doctors office at 10am on Thurs and quite honestly my hands were shaking I was so nervous.I actually considered chickening out on the way to his office. But I made this decision and I was going through with it no matter what! I filled out a few forms and within a few minutes the doctor called me back. Oh boy here we go I thought. Speaking with Dr. Charles the first few minutes started to calm me down.He is a really cool guy. He speaks to you like a friend and not some arrogant doctor. He immeadiatly puts you at ease. We talked again about what the procedure would be like. I wrote my check ($9000 for 2200+ grafts, fu's)took a couple of valium ,which never really affected me (bummer)and we started drawing the new hairline on my head. The doc made a couple of changes to make sure it was perfect (This guy is a detail freak I swear!)And thats a very good thing when he is the guy that is going to do your work. Next we went into the surgery room and man was I scared. Thats where I met his assistants (all 5 of them) and I have to tell you that they were so nice it put me at ease a little more.I was given a menu to choose my lunch. Next they started to numb me up with lidocaine. They put a vibrator type of device right where they are going to inject you and honestly I barely even felt the shots. If you are wondering if it hurts the answer is NO! I felt a slight pinch, nothing more. When you are numb it feels like you are wearing a helmet. Pretty weird but you get used to it quick.I felt pretty stupid for having worried about it so much when it turned out to be nothing at all! Anyway from there the doc removes the donore area (I didn't feel a thing) stitches you up and the assistants go to work disecting the grafts. The doc then makes the recpiant area incisions. Again I felt nothing. I would guess this took about an hour so I layed back and watched a movie.


After that we had lunch and then it was back to work placing the grafts. I watched a movie the whole time while three assistants were inserting the graphs. This process took about 3 1/2 hours but I really did not notice it as we were talking and watching the movie. I got up maybe once or twice for a break and to strecth my legs. The assistants were so pleasent I felt more like I was at a spa than a doctors office. The hardest part about the whole procedure is sitting in the chair the whole time. The doc told me that going in and he was right.


By 5pm we were done. I felt more like I just spent the day hanging out with my friends rather than in a doctors office.I got my post op instructions and medications(antibiotics and Vicodin) and drove myself home. The doc actually called me at 9:45 last night to see how I was doing. This guy is awesome! When was the last time you went to the doctor for anything and they called you later to see how you were? No doctor I know does that! I am still amazed at the lack of pain and discomfort I am having. I barely feel like I had anything done. A little tightness in the donor area but thats about it! No bleeding, no pain it really is amazing. I slept great last night knowing that the whole thing was over with and that all my worrying was for nothingand that in a few short months I will have a full head of hair and people might actually look at my eyes when I am speaking with them rather than stare at my head! I just put a few extra pillows behind me to keep my head slighly elevated other than that it was pretty much normal.


The bottom line to all of this is that if you have been thinking about getting this done JUST DO IT! If you are sweating the pain you think will be involved you are totally wasting your time. There simply is no pain! I do not work for Dr. Charles or any other doctor. I am just trying to help anyone out there that is feeling the same way I did before I got this done. You might ask if I would do this again and my answer would be IN A HEARTBEAT! I can not say enough positive things about this whole experiance. Dr. Charles and his entire staff are the best. I can not wait until my new hair grows in and I can share pictures with all of you! Once I figure out how to post pictures here of me immeadiatly post op I will. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. mrtgman@yahoo.com


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  • Regular Member

Glad to hear it went so well for you Kevyn, but I have to say I'm not surprised one bit! I had 1522 with Dr. Charles 12/28 and echo your sentiments. He and the staff are awesome, and you are right, last time I heard of a doctor calling afterwards was probably watching Marcus Welby about 30 years ago. icon_smile.gif Now it's the waiting game. I'm at almost 2 1/2 months and am dying for my new hair to come in. Use the ocean water like he told you, and also the graphyte spray and you'll heal up nicely. Good luck!!

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I am curious about the 'ocean water'. I have heard about some doctors using it in some fashion.


I am schedules to have a HT on 3/31 in Charlotte.Is it OK to go into the ocean a few days post op, before the stitches come out?


What is the ocean water suppose to do exactly?

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Ocean water helps expidite the healing process. I was instructed to pour a cup on my head 3 times a day for 2-3 days. Let it dry and then rinse it off.(with a cup) Everyone who has tried this states it heals you much quicker than if you do not. Today is day 2 post op for me. I get to start doing it today. I'll let you know how it goes.


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You don't drink it you pour it on your head after ht surgery. I am 5 days post op. I used the ocean water 3 times a day for 3 days and it really works! You have to let it dry on your head for about an hour then rinse it off. I am almost completely healed. Tastes like sh*t so don't get it in your mouth or eyes if you can help it! But yes it really does work to help you heal faster!

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I believe you should keep your head out of the sun, however I am unclear of either the length of time or the reason. If anyone has any additional info, it would be interesting since I may want to schedule a second procedure close to Spring.


Originally posted by jason_d:

Its probably the salt. It did not hurt? No irritation? I am going to cancun right after my HT, so if my doc says it helps, i will keep my white ass in the salty water for hours.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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I also had a 1300 graft procedure done about 5 months ago with Dr. Charles. Yeah, the valium really didn't do anything for me either and I was so nervous that I made it worse than it really was. Maybe 5 valium next time will do it.


But Dr. Charles does some really good work. He sutures up the donor site like he could do it in his sleep and the scar he leaves is so hard to find you'd have to know what you were looking for to find it.


The ocean water helps and surely doesn't hurt. And plus, heading to the beach with a cap on and taking a few easy dips is relaxing and feels great. Hell, two days later I was at MGM Studios riding the Tower of Terror (although I'd advise a little more rest)

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Hi All.


2 weeks post op and feeling great. Got my first haircut today. Buzzed down to a number two. Looks like I am getting some serious shock loss. Starting to wonder if I am really going to get the density I was hoping for with 2300+ grafts. What do you all think?


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Where on your head did the grafts go? I had a 2,000 graft procedure done by Dr. Charles 6 months ago in the frontal 1/3 of my head. The hair is starting to grow but I had a lot of permanent shock loss so it still looks pretty thin.

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Hi Kevin, It's hard to tell what hair you had pre-transplant. It looks like you covered about 90 to 100 cm2. At 2300 grafts that's about 23-25 grafts per cm2. Is that what you were thinking also? It looks like a quality transplant with well placed grafts.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Originally posted by stillhere:

Where on your head did the grafts go? I had a 2,000 graft procedure done by Dr. Charles 6 months ago in the frontal 1/3 of my head. The hair is starting to grow but I had a lot of permanent shock loss so it still looks pretty thin.


On the frontal 2/3 where you can see it is still a little red. Did you lose alot a few weeks after surgery?

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Originally posted by Gorpy:

Hi Kevin, It's hard to tell what hair you had pre-transplant. It looks like you covered about 90 to 100 cm2. At 2300 grafts that's about 23-25 grafts per cm2. Is that what you were thinking also? It looks like a quality transplant with well placed grafts.


Not sure what you mean by 90 to 100 cm2. I have tried counting the grafts by looking at the picture. Hard to believe that there are 2300 new ones but I guess that is where you really have to trust your doc.

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I was just estimating the scalp area that the 2300 grafts were spread out over. It appears to be about 90 to 100 square centimeters.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Congratulations on your positive experience and results. Since you went to Dr. Charles I'm not surprised to hear that you were happy.


I must say that I'm sckeptical about using ocean water to help in the healing due to the pollution in South Florida. I think in very clean ocean water the water would be great for healing and exfoliating. But guess where South Florida's treated sewer water goes? Yes, the ocean - granted it is piped three miles off shore.


I have hear other doctors say to never go in the ocean down in South Florida if you have an open cut due to the risk of infection.


Perhaps I'm wrong. But I'd make sure your incisions are healed before getting in the ocean. And for God's sake wear a broad rimmed hat to avoid sun burn in the recipient area.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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