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What should I do about my hair loss?

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I'm a 19 year old male and my hair started thinning about 16-18 months ago. The pattern of my hair loss does not seem to follow the typical Norwood pattern. Rather it is diffuse, and all the hair on the top of my head is thinning at nearly the same rate. At this point, I'd estimate it's at about half the thickness it would be without any hair loss. In other words, my hair appears normal if it isn't seen up close and in a reasonably well lit area. However, at 19, this is still quite disconcerting, and it's definitely having an effect on my confidence and how I see myself appearance wise.


I've been using Provillus (both the topical solution and dietary supplement) for approximately the last 8 months, although not very consistently I admit. It's somewhat difficult to tell, but it may have slowed my rate of hair loss to some extent.


Recently I've been thinking more about what I could do to further prevent hair loss and possibly even restore what I have lost. I came upon this forum as I was doing research into hair transplants. I soon realized that at my age, a hair transplant is generally not recommended, so that's not really what I'm asking about. My main question is what medication or treatment would be most effective in preventing further hair loss, and possibly restoring hair that has already been lost? Should I continue using both elements of the Provillus treatment? Should I start using Propecia? Is there something else I don't know about or haven't considered that I should start using? One concern that occurred to me with Propecia is that since it generally doesn't affect hair at the front of the head, could it, in my case, result in an unnatural look where hair near the front of my head is considerably thinner than the hair behind it? Also, I'd strongly prefer something that's non-invasive, i.e. a pill or something preferably. Applying the Provillus topical solution is about as far as I'm willing to go in that respect.


If you have any questions or need any more information, let me know. Thanks in advance.

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I'm a 19 year old male and my hair started thinning about 16-18 months ago. The pattern of my hair loss does not seem to follow the typical Norwood pattern. Rather it is diffuse, and all the hair on the top of my head is thinning at nearly the same rate. At this point, I'd estimate it's at about half the thickness it would be without any hair loss. In other words, my hair appears normal if it isn't seen up close and in a reasonably well lit area. However, at 19, this is still quite disconcerting, and it's definitely having an effect on my confidence and how I see myself appearance wise.


I've been using Provillus (both the topical solution and dietary supplement) for approximately the last 8 months, although not very consistently I admit. It's somewhat difficult to tell, but it may have slowed my rate of hair loss to some extent.


Recently I've been thinking more about what I could do to further prevent hair loss and possibly even restore what I have lost. I came upon this forum as I was doing research into hair transplants. I soon realized that at my age, a hair transplant is generally not recommended, so that's not really what I'm asking about. My main question is what medication or treatment would be most effective in preventing further hair loss, and possibly restoring hair that has already been lost? Should I continue using both elements of the Provillus treatment? Should I start using Propecia? Is there something else I don't know about or haven't considered that I should start using? One concern that occurred to me with Propecia is that since it generally doesn't affect hair at the front of the head, could it, in my case, result in an unnatural look where hair near the front of my head is considerably thinner than the hair behind it? Also, I'd strongly prefer something that's non-invasive, i.e. a pill or something preferably. Applying the Provillus topical solution is about as far as I'm willing to go in that respect.


If you have any questions or need any more information, let me know. Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to our forum community. Hair loss can be difficult, especially emotionally and at a young age. You are doing the right thing by considering non-surgical treatments first.


Provillus comes in two forms, a topical and an oral supplement. I see that you are taking both. The topical solution contains minoxidil which is an FDA approved hair regrowth treatment. The oral solution contains a number of supposed herbal DHT blockers such as Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root, and Azelaic Acid. See more about Provillus.


In my opinion you may be better off spending your money on Propecia (finasteride), an oral proven DHT blocker and generic minoxidil or Rogaine foam. Combining these two treatments will give you the greatest chance of stopping hair loss and stimulating hair regrowth.


In my opinon, I disagree with those who say that Propecia and Rogaine won't ever work in the front. Because it was only tested in the crown, the medication can only legally state that it works in the crown, but many balding men have restored and stopped hair loss in the front as well.


You might also want to consider adding Nizoral or Revita shampoo which contains active ingredient ketoconazole (a weak DHT blocker) as an adjunct (not a stand alone) treatment.


I hope this helps get you started.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member



Throw away that provillus crap! Its all a scam. Propecia or proscar and rogaine are better and if you can go w/ the combo of proscar and rogaine it's a hell of alot cheaper. All of these companies claiming to cure hairloss use the same things. Minoxidil, a mixture of biotin, saw palmetto and other crap, put in in bottles w/ differant names, throw it up on the internet and prey on people who would do anything to re-grow thier hair.


I was one of those people too! So dont feel bad.

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Thanks for the replies.


As far as the generic minoxidil ( here for example) , that would be a topical solution rather than a foam like rogaine, right? I don't use gel or anything with my hair so a foam wouldn't really work.


Also, I was under the impression that Propecia required a prescription. That would be something I could get from my normal doctor, right? (as opposed to a doctor that specializes in hair restoration)

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  • Regular Member

Correct. Your normal doctor can prescribe you proscar. The sooner you start on that, the better. Although it deals mainly with protecting your crown and back of your head, it is important to start on now to see how well you respond to it when it comes time for a transplant (if thats what you choose to do)

Anything worth doing is never easy

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