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Trichopytic Closure


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This question is about trichophytic scars. Can a trichophytic scar work to close up space between two old scars that is, top to bottom, 15 mm in space between the two, 125 mm long each? It just seems that that is a lot of space to close up and would lead to a very tight crown and shockloss at the crown. He says it will work, but it seems like a lot of space for hair to be strip harvested. Does anyone have experience with that?


I am doing scalp laxity exercises and the procedure is 5 months away (and I take Propecia, too) but I remember well the tight scalp I had 10 years ago when the two long scars were created and at that time it did lead to some loss of hair on the crown. I was 28 then.


Finally, my doctor says that the trichophytic scar will be very thin and that even with a hair cut 6-10mm short (basically a crew cut), that it will be unnoticeable.


Personally, I find that hard to believe because I have my current scars that are 5 mm wide (each) and 125 mm long, and I see them with a haircut that's 12-15 mm in length. In the past, only when my hair has been 21 mm in length (or three quarters of an inch), have my scars been undetectable. Yes, my scars are wider than the trichophytic scar, but wouldn't I still see it with a 6-10 mm cut? He says maybe 6, and definitely with 9mm hair it should be undetectable. What's the truth? I don't want to look like a weirdo with a scar that you really can see with short hair that goes around the back and to the sides of the head.


I don't want to have false expectations.





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The trichophytic is a closure technique, it would still involve a regular strip excision. Tricho isn't magic, if your scalp is tight the scar will stretch and you won't get the amazing results you see some of the clinics posting.


I suggest you do those scalp exercises thoroughly. BUT, make sure you change your clasp at the back. What you want to do is put one hand on the one side of the scar, and the other hand on the other side of your 2nd scar. You basically want to try to hold the skin between your two scars in a sort of constant state when you're doing the stretching because the first skin to stretch will be the scars themselves.


At the end of the day, your results will depend on your doctors skill and how lax your scalp is. If you weren't accessed in person, I find it strange that someone could guarantee you a certain result without seeing how tight your skin is. Just make sure you do the exercises right, and don't waste the hairs in between your two scars - i.e. have the doctor plant them somewhere.


Good luck.

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Hi Eagle10,


Like UM4L said it will depend on your scalp lasticity and how far apart your scars are as to whether or not the strip that is removed will contain your scars. If done correctly though the scar from the tricho method can be nearly undetectable.


There are other ways to camoflauge a scar though. Adding hairs back into the scar will also make it less detectable.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Thanks for the answers. The scars are 15mm apart, top to bottom, and yes the hair is being harvested between them. I'm doing the exercises. I hope they work.


I'm just really worried about the new scar showing through short hair. Such a long scar, if detectable, would not look good.



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through short hair. Such a long scar, if detectable, would not look good.


That's quite a bit of skin to take out. Usually they will take out 1.5-2cm on a virgin scalp on his first go - unless he has exceptional laxity.


The scalp exercises do work, but you have to do them right. Do them like I say and do them fast - the speed builds momentum otherwise you can't get decent movement happening. They've helped me very substantially. I went from not being able to pinch any skin when having my chin touching my chest to being able to pinch a cm or two. I can also move it quite liberally when facing the floor which was not the case before.

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