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two operations or one????

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it is encouraging to see that everybody is in the same boat that i am and my dilemmas are getting bigger. I have been to three consultations with three reputable clinics and each clinic sales person tells me something different. My first port of call was for the hospital group in london, which I saw a flamboyant character called tarquin who said that my donor area was good but to get an extremely dense result a minimum of two procedures would be necessary giving me around 3000-3500 grafts. I then went to DHI and they said that I have an excellent donor area for an FUE procedure and it could be done in one operation and I would get 4500 grafts in Athens. The salesman wanted me to sign on the dotted line straight away and I was put under pressure. I then went for another consultation with the DR. SHAMALAK who was incredibly obnoxious and very rude implying that the deal could be done at short notice and he said he could achieve a 3500 graft procedure in one session. Is it possible to get a very thick result from one operation or will two be required? Thanks. Good forum by the way

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  • Senior Member

Hi Edie.. the guy that just helped you is the guy you want to speak to.. I am from the UK and I would definitely recommend you having a chat with Spex. I know its the best decision I made.


Its not easy finding a genuine consultant who wont be pushing for the sell! I and 100's of guys from the UK have had consults with Spex.. and I can honestly say I am very grateful to him and all his support and for the head of hair I have now!


All the best and sorry to hear about you getting the run around so far.

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  • Senior Member

you are so lucky you have found this site ! Firstly the 3 clinics you have been to are not reputable !! if you continue to research you will find that they are absolutly the most terrible clinics out there .

The only UK clinic is Dr Farjo and thats it !!

Do your research and speak to spex mail him !

All the best


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