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I just noticed that I need a shampoo that is kind for the head root... I was swimming today and after I washed my hair with HeadnShoulders and it started to get itchy ...


So is there a good shampoo that is kind for the root?



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  • Regular Member



I just noticed that I need a shampoo that is kind for the head root... I was swimming today and after I washed my hair with HeadnShoulders and it started to get itchy ...


So is there a good shampoo that is kind for the root?



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I am assuming that you mean the hair follicle by "hair root."


Chemicals in swimming pools may have been the culprit for the itchy scalp or it may be the itchiness that comes with alopecia. Either way, you may want to look into Neutrogena T-Gel. It sells at drugstores in the shampoo section.





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Where online can I purchase Neutrogena T-Gel ? I live in europe so...


I dont know.. I was going to take a shower after the swimming and used HeadnShoulders shampoo and then when I was on my way out it started to get itchy... but it never happend before... but the last times I also didnt use shampoo directly after...


I have had very difficult periods of itching but that was some months now.. and everything has been allright...


I just thought maybe it had something to do with the chlore and shampoo... hmm



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You can get T-gel online at reputable online pharmacies like www.drugstore.com. You may also want to look into Nizoral 2% applied 2 or 3 times a week. You need a prescription to get the Nizoral 2% in the states, but I don't know about Europe. I don't know where online is the best place to get that, maybe another member does.





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As for shampoo, it's hard to decide what's best for you. HeadNShoulders may or may not suit. On this forum you'll find a few well-recommended shampoos.


I use "Avalon" which is also a favourite among HT patients. It's organic and gentle, made in the USA, but distributed in Great Britain by www.alexander-essentials.com


It's pretty much trial and error around this shortlist though. Best shampoo I ever had was a powdered Rosemary shampoo my local hippie health shop sold a decade ago. Left my hair "shiny and smooth" just like those TV ads! Impossible to get now. Modern shampoos all seem too strong, too chemical, take too much out; then you have the same dilemma over choosing a conditioner to redress the balance.



Robert - I see a lot of posts around warning of online pharmacies ripping people off with fake and even contaminated drugs ( i.e. Propecia ). Is www.drugstore.com genuine ? Where is it located ?

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Yes, I stronly agree that many online pharmacies should be HIGHLY scrutinized before you order from them. I would trust drugstore.com. They are located in Bellevue, WA and are affiliated with GNC, i got this info here.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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T-Gel is just a tar shampoo. Look for a local brand that has tar.


Head and Shoulders uses Zinc compounds (Zinc Sulfate I believe, sorry, too lazy to get up to read the bottle).


Nizoral is a ketoconozale shampoo.


Those are the three basic choices in a dandruff/scalp conditioning/ anti-itch shampoo:

tar compounds, zinc compounds, and ketoconazole.


You might want to cycle these...

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I would definitely suggest DHS Zinc shampoo. It has a higher percentage of zinc in it, which slows down the rate of cell turnover which leads to dandruff. I recommend it to patients at the pharmacy all of the time. I would, however, probably not use it for a few months post-op, just to be safe. It is a very gentle shampoo. I would not suggest Nizoral within a few months post-op without your physician OK. Nizoral is ketoconazole, which is a medicated anti-fungal shampoo. It can be used in cases of dry scalp, but it is not as hydrating or as gentle as a dandruff shampoo containing zinc as the active ingredient.

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