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Transplanted hair thinning


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Have a question for the docs or anybody else that has had a similar experience to the one I'm going through...


I had an HT done to the front of my head about 10 months ago. Once it started growing out, I thought it looked good. I started using Rogaine on the hair behind the transplanted zone to try to maintain it for a little while longer before I had to go and get more work done. Now, the transplanted hair has thinned quite a bit. I'm not sure if the Rogaine caused some extra shedding. I really don't have any idea why this could be happening. Should I stop using Rogaine in that area and just stick to crown usage? Should I try and maintain use and hope it is just a shed?


Thanks for any help.

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Have a question for the docs or anybody else that has had a similar experience to the one I'm going through...


I had an HT done to the front of my head about 10 months ago. Once it started growing out, I thought it looked good. I started using Rogaine on the hair behind the transplanted zone to try to maintain it for a little while longer before I had to go and get more work done. Now, the transplanted hair has thinned quite a bit. I'm not sure if the Rogaine caused some extra shedding. I really don't have any idea why this could be happening. Should I stop using Rogaine in that area and just stick to crown usage? Should I try and maintain use and hope it is just a shed?


Thanks for any help.

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How long have you been noticing the thinning?

My guess is that the Rogaine is in fact to blame and is causing the transplanted hair to shed faster. My recommendation would be to keep using the Rogaine and monitor the situation for a while.

The transplanted hair should NEVER fall out because it is genetically programmed never to fall out.

Rogaine cannot change your hair's genetic code. It can however, cause hairs to shed faster and then renew later.

Hope this helps.



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I noticed it probably about 2-3 weeks ago. I was kind of thinking along the same lines as you. I was planning on using it for another month, and if it looks like the thinning has not changed, I'll keep using it. If it looks like thinning has increased, I'll get off Rogaine. I'm a young guy, so I'll have to go in for more procedures eventually, but I wanted to keep what I had in the front for a little while longer.

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Yeah, maybe Rogaine could possibly be having a negative effect on some non-transplanted hair that you'd lose anyway. Yeah, that's possible, though extremely unlikely. The transplanted hair no way.

I'm fairly young at 29, and I've had to deal with hairloss most of my 20s and that sucked. Looking forward to continued regrowth and very hopeful NOT to have another surgery, at least not any time soon. I think the doc set me up for success even if I lose more hair by planting it all throughout the top of my head. Propecia has been good to me. Rogaine is hard to stick to as a routine for me, but I'm still trying it.

Best of luck and keep us posted on the situation.



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