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Realism of me getting a HT?"

Guest Gunner1886

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Guest Gunner1886

Here are some photos and a quick summery.


25 years old, fine dark blonde hair, shaved head with diffused hair and recession, potential "healthy hair" at bottom (donor) when it grows.


Thinking about FUE; 1000 on hairline at least. I'm on Dut, Minoxidil 15 and Spiro cream - both all over. Take the dut pill daily. Hair has gotten visibly worse since starting it 3 months ago.


When it's grown out it looks diffused unhealthy and cosmetically unattractive to the eye.


Been in severe depression because of hair loss.


I'm no brad pitt, so please try not to comment on if you think it looks good shaved, because I know it doesn't.


What are your opinions? only take notice of the photos at the bottom because they are the recent ones.



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Guest Gunner1886

Here are some photos and a quick summery.


25 years old, fine dark blonde hair, shaved head with diffused hair and recession, potential "healthy hair" at bottom (donor) when it grows.


Thinking about FUE; 1000 on hairline at least. I'm on Dut, Minoxidil 15 and Spiro cream - both all over. Take the dut pill daily. Hair has gotten visibly worse since starting it 3 months ago.


When it's grown out it looks diffused unhealthy and cosmetically unattractive to the eye.


Been in severe depression because of hair loss.


I'm no brad pitt, so please try not to comment on if you think it looks good shaved, because I know it doesn't.


What are your opinions? only take notice of the photos at the bottom because they are the recent ones.



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  • Senior Member

First you need to get over your depression before considering a HT.

If you decide, I would suggest working on your frontal 1/3rd- or frontal midscalp. Dont know about the quality of donor so it is hard to estimate # of FU's but 1,000 would be conservative-- mayber 2,000

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I have been thinking about a HT myself, for a considerable amount of time.Like you, I first considered a HT when I was about 26 when I had mild temporal recession.( Unlike like you, I am now almost 50) back then I went for a consult with a popular HT dr who was in Cincinnati at the time and is now very popular in Pittsburg. I AM SO GLAD I DIDNT!!!

It just didn't feel right at the time and I have since heard many bad reviews about that dr. and the "latest procedure that leaves almost imperceptible results" was the old punch graft method that yields HORRIBLE results. That is one reason why I am so apprehensive now and cautious with methods that are considered "the latest that yields totally natural results."( although, admitttedly today's procedures are light years better, still,...)


Instead of getting a HT back then ( I too was very depressed after a girl I loved ditched me for a guy with much cooler hair than I) I became a health nut. I became vegetarian, and worked out religiously. I read books that touted natural methods to prevent baldness and incorporated the suggestions into my lifestyle.I believe natural remedies have a lot of merit. They did not prevent me from losing hair but I think it slowed it down considerably. I come to that conclusion by comparing myself to my brothers, 1 a year older one 7 years younger than me. They did not live healthy lifestyles and my hair is much,much thicker and fuller than theirs.Besides that, I am in far better over all physical shape which I attribute to a healthy lifestyle.


If you decide to go the HT route at your young age you can plan on investing a considerable fortune in your head. Money that could buy a house or, if invested wisely, will multiply several times over.


Have you tried growing your hair a little longer? Growing a beard or moustache?


I have not ruled out a HT for myself and I would not presume to tell someone else what to do on that issue, but, I would strongly advise someone to live a healthy lifestyle first as a means to beat depression, reduce the rate of hair loss and to prepare oneself so that if in the eventuality he does opt for that surgery he is in the best physical shape that he can be in to achieve the finest post op results.

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You are not in a bad shape. Actually I'd go as far as saying that any hair loss you might have is inconsequential to your appearance because you have a fairly decent hairline and not much if any noticeable loss in the back.


Besides you must have other things on your mind like lucky Arsenal right now icon_smile.gif

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judging from your photos you don't look bad with the shaved head look, but only you know If you are ready for an HT, I got mine done really young so I can't really tell you to wait

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Have you consulted a transplant physician either in person or via email or phone yet?


Have you stabilized your loss through Dutasteride and/ or minoxidil yet?





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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You may be doing some heavy shedding from the Dutasteride since you just started it three months ago. Did you initially try finasteride (Propecia) with no resolve?


Robert makes an important point to see if the meds stabilize or greatly slow down the genetic hairloss "before" you decide on surgery. The prudent long-term planning will undoubtedly be very different if you continue to lose and the meds are not effective for you. Consider taking them for at least one year to analyze their efficiency "under a doctor's care of course".


Lastly, consider the genetic hairloss and it's extent in your family history which can help you gauge somewhat of an idea of what yours may be in the future. If it is extensive i.e. class 6-7, approach hair restoration more conservatively especially when you are still relatively young.





Unless the former girlfriend specifically stated they were leaving because of our hairloss, that may not always be the reason although we want to believe that. It may have been a "blessing" in disquise that they did leave, no offense. icon_cool.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by gillenator:



Unless the former girlfriend specifically stated they were leaving because of our hairloss, that may not always be the reason although we want to believe that. It may have been a "blessing" in disquise that they did leave, no offense. icon_cool.gif


I saw a former girlfriend a few months ago. She married some bald guy. icon_biggrin.gif


All jokes aside, Gunner what Gillen said about that shed from Dutasteride carries great weight. I always kind of chuckled at threads that spoke of "shedding" until I started Dutasteride not too long ago (something I don't recommend unless you have exhausted Propecia's effectiveness). I "shed" like a madman. Whereas I was gaining so much ground with Proscar and Minoxidil in the months prior, I was now seeing a VERY thin pattern behind my grafts. It was scary, sure, but I stuck with it. Now, at roughly 6 months after first starting Dutasteride I am seeing it fill back in nicely. It is powerful, but it just may be worth it.


Again, I want to stress that I am NOT advocating anyone taking Dutasteride. I decided to take it on my own accord and it was my own choice. If you are considering this medication please do your research on it and always follow your physician's guidance.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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