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Question for the veterans

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Try to keep this as short as possible, I am 29 years old , norwood 3. This was my second HT, my first was 300 grafts (strip) 7 years ago when I was 21 years old, 1900 grafts (strip) DEC. 2004 same doctor.


8 months later I am not happy with the results I have 2 separate scars, 1 that's ear to ear (2nd HT) only cut my hair with number 2. I use to be able to buzz my hair with a number 1 even with the small strip from my first HT.


The reason why I rushed into the 2nd HT was because I was getting married and wanted fuller hair and of course the consultant made it sound like I had no worries it was going to be great. Well the wedding has passed and I used dermatch to cover little bit front and crown made look pretty good, thank god.


I'm tired of always having to use dermatch every time I go out, to time consuming and tired of spending a ton of money on things that don't work. I use Propecia and the Laser comb for about a year but my hair still falls out it doesn't matter, I give up and just want to shave my head with a number 1 but can't now because of the second scar ear to ear.



1. I am not happy with the way my HT went and I fell I was misinformed can I take legal action??


2. Is there any place I can go to that can some how cover up the scars so I can shave my head and say the hell with it??? Like maybe laser therapy or some other type of surgery???

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  • Senior Member

Try to keep this as short as possible, I am 29 years old , norwood 3. This was my second HT, my first was 300 grafts (strip) 7 years ago when I was 21 years old, 1900 grafts (strip) DEC. 2004 same doctor.


8 months later I am not happy with the results I have 2 separate scars, 1 that's ear to ear (2nd HT) only cut my hair with number 2. I use to be able to buzz my hair with a number 1 even with the small strip from my first HT.


The reason why I rushed into the 2nd HT was because I was getting married and wanted fuller hair and of course the consultant made it sound like I had no worries it was going to be great. Well the wedding has passed and I used dermatch to cover little bit front and crown made look pretty good, thank god.


I'm tired of always having to use dermatch every time I go out, to time consuming and tired of spending a ton of money on things that don't work. I use Propecia and the Laser comb for about a year but my hair still falls out it doesn't matter, I give up and just want to shave my head with a number 1 but can't now because of the second scar ear to ear.



1. I am not happy with the way my HT went and I fell I was misinformed can I take legal action??


2. Is there any place I can go to that can some how cover up the scars so I can shave my head and say the hell with it??? Like maybe laser therapy or some other type of surgery???

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Don't get depressed there are a lot of great surgeons out there that can correct your donor scars. With the same doctor excising a 2nd donor strip from a different location, this tells me he is not using "top notch/up to date techniques". 15-20 years ago the thought was to "layer" the donor scars for multiple surgeries which would be covered by above layer natural hair strips.

But latest techniques (used for about the last 8-10 yrs) is to excise strips from mutliple surgeries from the same site and leaving just 1 strip scar.

If you need further HT, go to a world reknown surgeon, at that time they will consolidate your scars (if not too far apart).

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Thanks Mahair and Smoothy,


SMOOTHY what if I just want to cover up the scars with some type of procedure without another HT?


So I can buzz my hair again with a 1.


How much would it cost just to cover up scar strips only?




It's just that I'm tired of spending thousands of dollars trying to keep my hair from falling out and the 2 failed HT's. I'm going to be 30 years old and I fell like my life is been on hold always thinking about my hair loss, always wearing baseball hats, always trying to cover up bald areas that are just getting bigger and bigger. I just want to shave my head with a number 1..



I fell really mad and frustrated 8 months later after the HT. I fell like I need a lawsuit against this company for giving me to separate scar strips when I thought the 2nd HT strip (ear to ear) was suppose to be part of the old strip. I gave it a chance to see if the results would have made ok but it didn't. This consultant of course made it sound like the 2nd HT was going to be great, he showed me before and after pictures of other supposable patients they had which came out great. I was freaking out because all I wanted was for me to look great at my wedding so I rushed into this HT, I still had enough hair to use dermatch to cover up the bald spots for the wedding. I wish I never did it because of the bigger scar. On the day of the surgery there were 2 other guys that had HT's done. After my HT was over I didn't even see the doctor on the way out, I think he left before I did!


MAHAIR, I'll try to private message if your on thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member



I am sorry to hear about your ordeal. Just curious, how was the growth of the second procedure?


You can look into getting some grafts inserted into your scars via FUE. This has been done successfully a number of times and sometimes on scars that are not even considered "bad."


You would be doing other forum members a service by giving as much information about your procedure as you can so others don't make the same mistake with the same clinic.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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