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Notice - Dr. Humayun Mohmand removal from the Hair Transplant Network

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Recently I became aware that Dr. Humayun Mohmand, by his own account, has discontinued the use of microscopes in creating grafts in his clinic in Pakistan.


While Dr. Humayun Mohmand's experience, credentials and patient results are excellent, this community has chosen to discontinue his recommendation given the proven importance of microscopes in maximizing the amount of viable grafts that can be yielded from a given donor strip.


The leading physicians who use microscopes to trim all their grafts do so because they believe the additional time and expense are justified because the microscopic dissection, due to its optimal visualization, is believed to reduce waste and transection in a given donor strip by up to 20%.


If in the future Dr. Mohmand follows the lead of the world's most outstanding clinics and resumes using microscopes this community will reconsider him for recommendation.


Regrettably, at present, this community recommends no hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan or India based on our technical and ethical criteria.


I appreciate Dr. Mohmand's honestly and I believe that he is the most experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan. However, until he resumes using microscopes in his practice, he does not meet or strict standards for recommendation.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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  • Administrators

Recently I became aware that Dr. Humayun Mohmand, by his own account, has discontinued the use of microscopes in creating grafts in his clinic in Pakistan.


While Dr. Humayun Mohmand's experience, credentials and patient results are excellent, this community has chosen to discontinue his recommendation given the proven importance of microscopes in maximizing the amount of viable grafts that can be yielded from a given donor strip.


The leading physicians who use microscopes to trim all their grafts do so because they believe the additional time and expense are justified because the microscopic dissection, due to its optimal visualization, is believed to reduce waste and transection in a given donor strip by up to 20%.


If in the future Dr. Mohmand follows the lead of the world's most outstanding clinics and resumes using microscopes this community will reconsider him for recommendation.


Regrettably, at present, this community recommends no hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan or India based on our technical and ethical criteria.


I appreciate Dr. Mohmand's honestly and I believe that he is the most experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan. However, until he resumes using microscopes in his practice, he does not meet or strict standards for recommendation.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

My Hair Loss Blog

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The decision to recommend only leading hair transplant surgeons who utilize the latest hair transplant techniques and technology is what makes this patient based community a credible and trustworthy resource.


Dr. Mohmand was utilizing microscopes for a time, but for his own reasons, apparently decided not to anymore. We are saddened by this fact but appreciate his honesty.


Pat and I do the best we can in discovering all that we can about a hair transplant clinic before even considering them for potential recommendation. Our physicians are also reviewed by us and by the patient members of this community by contributing and sharing experiences on our forum.


We are not perfect and we are not always made aware of all issues immediately. But, we do the best we can to ensure our recommended physicians continue to perform state of the art hair transplantation and deliver consistent results.


I hope that Dr. Mohmand will decide to incorporate the regular use of microscopes to dissect follicular unit grafts and in time, we can review him once again for potential recommendation.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Hi Pat and Bill


I am pleased this doctor has been removed from the recomended list as the standards cant be dropped no matter what the reasons.


If he raises his standards and proves he has moved forward to the next level i see no reason why he cant have his status reinstated as his work did look good.


Just my 1 pence worth.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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