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Warning about Ross Medical Hair Restoration (Dr. Ross)


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Update: I got a private message reply from Dr. Ross.


Still don't know why I had so much contact trouble initially - but I now have a reply, I'm happy to say!


- Keith





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Update: I got a private message reply from Dr. Ross.


Still don't know why I had so much contact trouble initially - but I now have a reply, I'm happy to say!


- Keith





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If I understand this correctly, you're happy with your results but are upset that you're having difficulty getting in touch with the clinic?


It seems to me that there may be a logical explanation for this, especially since they contacted you first about coming in for a follow-up.


It may be possible that your email was caught in their spam filter and they never received it. I also can't imagine why anyone there would purposely hang up on you - perhaps there was a bad connection.


Nonetheless, I will notify Dr. Ross about this post and ask him to address your concerns here.


Best wishes,



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Hi Bill,


Yes, I suppose there's a chance it's all a misunderstanding. But I'd still like this cleared up. I've tried every single contact avenue possible, after all!


I am happy with how the surgery went, but I'm a bit disappointed with the results. However, I don't think this is the fault of the surgeon. I think it's the fact that my transplant was done in scar tissue. I'm happy that it's improved somewhat, at least.


The questions that I sent to Dr. Ross can be found here:






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  • Regular Member

Update: I got a private message reply from Dr. Ross.


Still don't know why I had so much contact trouble initially - but I now have a reply, I'm happy to say!


- Keith

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Originally posted by CuriousJungleGeorge:

Was an explanation given for why there was such difficulty in communication? I mean, this kind of stuff does happen, and it can be very frustrating, but, I think, once you get that reply, you immediately feel better. Nonetheless, it bites all the way through that you don't.


It happens for sure. Even yesterday, I was working with another board member on our local chamber of commerce on a scholarship program for two local schools. Amazingly, the technical college a mile down the street doesn't list their tuition or answer the damn phones.


I swear I called eight different numbers and couldn't reach anyone. By contrast, I called up Harvard University, which is 800 miles away, and asked them about three questions. (We called them just for comparisons and they won't be on our scholly list).

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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I had a recent HT performed by Dr. Ross and can honestly tell you that he and his staff were always responsive and returned my calls and emails in a timely fashion.


Certainly I don't see, based on the amount of effort you put into actually contacting them (1 botched phone call and unsolicited email with a likely very large attachment that may have been blocked as SPAM), why you would post a warning about Dr. Ross


my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by miked:



I had a recent HT performed by Dr. Ross and can honestly tell you that he and his staff were always responsive and returned my calls and emails in a timely fashion.


Certainly I don't see, based on the amount of effort you put into actually contacting them (1 botched phone call and unsolicited email with a likely very large attachment that may have been blocked as SPAM), why you would post a warning about Dr. Ross


my 2 cents.


Actually, I sent 3 different emails, both to the Patient coordinator (CC'd to another Ross Medical email address) and to Dr. Ross directly.


No, I did not include an attachment.


I also private messaged Dr. Ross on the forum. And, of course, I called.


What would you have had me do? I had already been waiting 2 months for a response.


I see now that it was apparently just a mistake, but while I was waiting for a response all this time, I didn't know what to think.

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I had assumed that when you said you sent pictures from a "nice camera" that they went along with the email. my bad.


I guess I would have called the office a second time if I was truly concerned. but that's me and I do appreciate you sharing your experience. if anything it tells us that forum postings are not a very reliable method by which to reach Doctors.


Also remember that patient/doctor confidentiality sometimes comes into play over the internet (I am not suggesting this was the case here) as they (Doctors) can't always be sure the person on the other end is who they say they are.


there.. thats 4 cents now.

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Guest Dr. Brandon Ross

Hi everyone. kg0, once again I apologize for your difficulty in reaching me. I can assure you that this is not the norm. The first time that I saw your questions was on 3/31/9, when I logged on and saw your PM, and I answered them on the spot.


I have actually really been looking forward to your follow up appointment, since your case was fairly unique and already has a separate thread detailing your procedure on this forum.


My staff and I try to be very diligent about both post-operative and pre-operative communications. So I think it's safe to say we can bring the public warning meter back down to the 'green,' or 'low-risk' level.

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