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few questions, help me out HT vets!

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Hi, I'm 34, currently a norwood 5. I've been shaving my head for the last few years and never have taken any type of med for my hair. Recently I decided to visit a few different surgeons and came back with roughly 5000 graphs required. Now what are the odds that I can achieve a full head of hair with 1 surgery. Also is everyone on meds after surgery for the rest of their lives?

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Hi, I'm 34, currently a norwood 5. I've been shaving my head for the last few years and never have taken any type of med for my hair. Recently I decided to visit a few different surgeons and came back with roughly 5000 graphs required. Now what are the odds that I can achieve a full head of hair with 1 surgery. Also is everyone on meds after surgery for the rest of their lives?

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The phrase "full head of hair" is a bit taboo when discussing hair restoration. The truth is, nobody at your level of hair loss is ever going to retain a "full head of hair", since it usually refers to both full coverage and true natural density.


However, creating the illusion of density is possible in many patients.


For more information, see "Will I Be Able to Restore a Full Head of Hair?"


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Post some pics and we should be able to better answer your question.


The unwritten rule for the illusion of density is to multipy your norwood level by 1000. So, it sounds like you are spot on with that estimate. However, you may need more due to future loss or wanting to have greater density.


Again, it is hard to answer your questions without clear photos of the front, top, left and right, and back...

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Senior Member

Bill and Eman are both right about the illusion of density. That is what you will have to settle for. You will never be 14 years old again.


"Also is everyone on meds after surgery for the rest of their lives?"


YES! Before and after.


Hair restoration is a synergistic confluence of medication(and surgical intervention, for those who are so inclined).



You will need to take medication for the rest of your life to prevent/halt the minituarization of atrophic hair follicles.


And if you decide to take the surgical route, you may realize you need to keep having hair transplanted to maintain that illusion of density as MPB continues (and will continue despite surgical intervention and medication)


Best wishes Dave.

take care...



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