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Dr. Meshkin or Dr. Kahen for HT surgery?

Question Man

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I'm considering an HT with either Dr. Meshkin or Dr. Kahen of (promotional link removed)They have both recommended 2,500 grafts, and I'm a stage IV-V on the scale. I'm 27 years old.


I've met with both of them and the experience has been a bit different. Dr. Meshkin sounded informative and experienced, but had his assistants do most of the consultation. Dr. Kahen handled the meeting himself and guided me through he process. Dr. Kahen is a lot younger than Meshkin and has performed less surgeries. I can't find any reviews about him on the web.


Dr. Kahen also stated that he uses a 0.8mm needle that allows for denser packing that other doctors in the area do not use. Is that a correct statement?


I'd like to make this decision in the next few days and I'm confused as to which doctor to go with. Has anyone on this forum had any experience with Dr. Kahen?


I also got a bit freaked out when I saw Am0986 results on http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...-page.asp?WebID=1358. Is that just a rare case of bad results and scarring?


Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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I'd go with recommended surgeons on this forum.


Dr. Meshkin is well praised on here and I really like his results, although I do agree that being comfortable with your surgeon after the consultation is key as well.


But then again results are key, and that's what Dr. M has on here. icon_wink.gif


I also agree that traveling is never a bad idea. Lot's of surgeons offer traveling discounts.

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Dr Meshkin puts out some impressive results. The case you referenced definitely does NOT appear to be his normal standard of work, and the result was probably not a reflection of his talent. I've wondered a lot about Kahen. He's located in Beverly Hills, and seems to be doing okay, but he's young, and I've never actually seen any results on this site - just the ones on his.


I'd definitely go with Meshkin between the two. If you still aren't sold, you could consult with the various recommended docs in LA, OC, and SD. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hello there,

I just became aware of this thread. I first want to thank all the kind words from every one, but I felt I must step in and clear some things before this goes any furthur.

I have been performing hairtransplantation surgeries for the past twenty years exclusively, and I have never had any consultants to do my job. I do all the initial consults and then the prospective clients are moved to our scheduling room. I have very informative and experienced staff whom some have been working with me for the past twenty years. If the clients have any furthur questions which they may have forgotten to ask during the consult with me, they may either return and ask me or if they choose they can ask my assistants. However, my assistants' primary goal is for scheduling. The clients are always encouraged and welcomed to come back to me on the same day or make another appointment for a second or third consult if they do desire. I never proceed to do surgery unless all the questions and concerns are answered. We donot have any patient advocate, consultants or sales persons at our office now or ever.

As far as my client AM is concerned, he came to our office this last weekend and six month hair growth progress is very good and on schedule. He was concerned about a small scar formation on the right side of the donor area. As I explained to him when he had his previous surgery with Hair Club, they took the donor way below the safe zone in the right side and compromised the blood flow in that region. As a result of that, the blood circulation was compromised in the right side which caused the scar formation. Furthurmore, because of the hair clubs mistake of taking the hair from the wrong area, the hair planted from his first surgery didnot grow. The left side where the donor hair was taken by me is healing perfectly and almost undetectable. I explained to him that when the scalp is loose enough , the small scar on the right side can be corrected easily.

I have his prommision to post his before and after photos in a few months when his hair fully grows. I will post the final results soon.

Dr. Meshkin is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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