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a small treatment

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hey whats up im a 20 year old male and have had a slightly receding hairline for a couple years now, my hair texture is still the same as its always been and im not thining at all its just in the frontal hair line in the temple areas it goes back. My hair is pretty long like to my eyebrows so you cant really tell the only time you can is in the wind but i was wondering what my best bet was on like a small treatment just to fill in those areas. Its not much at all but it would make the biggest difference. Ive had the same hairline for a few years now so its not getting worse or anything and i also take vitamins and use special dht preventing shampoos to make my hair healthy. so is there any advice that can be shared on weather or not to have a small procedure? I also live in La area so i would want to know who the best doctor to go to is. Thanks!

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  • Senior Member

hey whats up im a 20 year old male and have had a slightly receding hairline for a couple years now, my hair texture is still the same as its always been and im not thining at all its just in the frontal hair line in the temple areas it goes back. My hair is pretty long like to my eyebrows so you cant really tell the only time you can is in the wind but i was wondering what my best bet was on like a small treatment just to fill in those areas. Its not much at all but it would make the biggest difference. Ive had the same hairline for a few years now so its not getting worse or anything and i also take vitamins and use special dht preventing shampoos to make my hair healthy. so is there any advice that can be shared on weather or not to have a small procedure? I also live in La area so i would want to know who the best doctor to go to is. Thanks!

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Mr. Invisible,


It's great that you've had the same hairline for a few years no and its not getting any worse. However, I wouldn't have a hair tranpslant immediately if I were you. I would get on Propecia and Rogaine for 1 year and make sure that you continue to stay where you are at. If you can stay where you are at, then I'd say go ahead and have one. If you don't do the meds and you get a HT now, your hairline may continue to recede you are going to be VERY frustrated and the work is not going to look good. I started loosing my hair at 17 and I had a HT at 20. I just have an extremely agressive gene. If not for propecia and rogaine right now, I'd be almost completely bald. The meds help, so get on them. The most important thing I can say here is, WHATEVER YOU DO, NEVER EVER EVER STOP TAKING THE MEDS!! icon_smile.gif


Hope that helps

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  • Senior Member

thanks for the reply,

as far as keeping my hair healthy i take the right vitamins and use the right shampoos and i also have this lasercomb too that helps to keep your hair healthy and halts any more receding. Has anyone else heard of or used the lasercomb?

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  • Senior Member

I don't think the laser comb will regrow hair. It may do something to strengthen the hair you have (but personally I doubt it).


However since you already bought the laser comb, you might as well use it.


As far as getting a hair transplant to touch up your hairline, my recommendation is DON'T. I personally think that doing little touch-up jobs for trivial amounts of hair loss can be a big mistake. It is very hard for a transplanted hairline to look perfect... not very many doctors can do it consistently, and even the best doctors can't guarantee complete perfection. But that's exactly what guys want and expect from a hairline touch-up (perfection). I don't think it is realistic!


By getting a hair transplant so early, you may be opening up a Pandora's Box. You may be creating more problems for yourself than you already have now. I personally feel that a guy shouldn't get a transplant until he is at least Norwood 3 or HIGHER. (See Norwood Scale )


Hair transplants are not perfect! See this thread about hairlines and how the transplanted hair can sometimes not make a perfect match with the existing hair:



My advice: don't get a hair transplant if you only have a minor amount of hair loss.


Vitamins and shampoos are probably not going to do anything for your hair loss. You might want to think about getting on something effective like Propecia, which should be able to stop your hair loss from progressing.

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  • Senior Member

DIDO Arfy--- get on Propecia, Rogain, and MSM as well as multi then use Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. This is your best bet right now. This combo therapy will buy you some extra years and who knows, by that time hair cloning or something might be available.

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