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Starting to think abt Hair Transplantation


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Hi evreyone


I am new to this forum. I am planning to do a hair transplantation but am very confused.

I am currently in Spain and am 25 yrs old.


Have lost most of my front hairs and in the crown during the last 5 yrs...


I had taken minoxidil but didnt have any results. I have been taking finatseride ( propecia) for the last 3 months, though i have heard many side effects


I am thinking on Dr Khanna in India...has anyone heard of him?


Also Dr. Jean Devroye, anyone know abt it?


Also The Farjo Medical Centre in UK?


Anyway would reallt appreciate to receive any feedback or suggestions







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Hi evreyone


I am new to this forum. I am planning to do a hair transplantation but am very confused.

I am currently in Spain and am 25 yrs old.


Have lost most of my front hairs and in the crown during the last 5 yrs...


I had taken minoxidil but didnt have any results. I have been taking finatseride ( propecia) for the last 3 months, though i have heard many side effects


I am thinking on Dr Khanna in India...has anyone heard of him?


Also Dr. Jean Devroye, anyone know abt it?


Also The Farjo Medical Centre in UK?


Anyway would reallt appreciate to receive any feedback or suggestions







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  • Senior Member

Welcome Ronaldo!


There are lots of people here that are more experienced and qualified to comment but I'll do my best.


Fist, let me congratulate you on your decision to do something about your hairloss! If you are a candiate for a transplant, the most important decision you make will be your choice of doctor. Of the doctors you mentioned, I am only familiar with the Farjo clinic as both Drs. Farjo are recommended here. While I'm sure there are many good HT doctors out there that are not part of the coalition, you'll find that most people here will urge you to consult with one or more of the recommended docs. This is because, these doctors and many of their patients regularly post examples of their work, answer questions and communicate with each other. As a prospective patient, this provides you with a wealth of information to aid in your decision.


People will tell you not to let distance and cost influence your decision and if thse are real obstacles for you then to wait until they are no longer issues. If you do a search on these forums for Farjo, you'll find some interesting discussions about them. Some like them and some don't. I have no direct experience with them. There are other options. Just take your time and do your research.


We are here to help!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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You know what pushed me over the edge to get a hair transplant was the pictures I took of my head and mailed to the clinics.


I always looked at myself from the front, and the combover maksed how bald I had become. I WAS BALD! The top and side shots were devastating.


If you want to know if you are ready for a HT, take some pictures of yourself and if you can live with them, you arent ready.


I think Farjo and Devroye have good reputations.

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you may want to look at the thread GOOD DENSITY DESPITE THE THIN HAIR. by Dr. Jean Devroye, MD on results posted by clinics in this forum.


To me the explanation he gives as to how he went about planning that HT suggests he does quality work. this is only my opinion based on that one post. Hope it helps

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  • Regular Member

Hi Ronaldo, considering that you are based in Spain maybe you would like to contact some patients in person, for what I know our clinic, HDC Medical, are very well considered by our customers, here you can examine lots of experiences posted by the own patients:







































Hope this can help you, if I can do anything else just let me know.






I'm a hair transplant consultant since 2004 and I have been a patient few times, if you need assistance I'm here to help.

Consultant for HDC Clinic

Mail: escar@hdc.com.cy / Whatsapp: +34 644 728 567 / 

My case

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