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Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I read a few of the discussions, it sounds like there is a fair bit of knowledge around here on hair loss treatment, which is reassuring with the number of products out there claiming to work, and people willing to take your money.


My story:


My hair started thinning out a fair bit when I was 19, I went on Propecia and it had great results, I had a full head of hair up until the age of about 24, since then it seems to have been slowly thinning out (I'm now 27). I have been using a generic version of minoxodil 5%, for about 6 months, it doesn't seem to have done a lot (I don't think hair loss has increased, and I have noticed that now when I wash my hair, less hair seems to wash away). It seems that hair loss has been stabilised a bit, but I would like to be able to regrow some. Does anyone have any advice on other treatments? I heard copper peptides have giving good results.

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Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I read a few of the discussions, it sounds like there is a fair bit of knowledge around here on hair loss treatment, which is reassuring with the number of products out there claiming to work, and people willing to take your money.


My story:


My hair started thinning out a fair bit when I was 19, I went on Propecia and it had great results, I had a full head of hair up until the age of about 24, since then it seems to have been slowly thinning out (I'm now 27). I have been using a generic version of minoxodil 5%, for about 6 months, it doesn't seem to have done a lot (I don't think hair loss has increased, and I have noticed that now when I wash my hair, less hair seems to wash away). It seems that hair loss has been stabilised a bit, but I would like to be able to regrow some. Does anyone have any advice on other treatments? I heard copper peptides have giving good results.

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Welcome to the community! icon_smile.gif


Most likely your hairloss is from MPB, but you can still check with a densitometer to be sure. If you've taken a break from Finasteride, you need to restart it. Also you should have started Minoxidil at the same time as the finasteride, but that is all in the past now. Continue with the minoxidil.


Alternately, if you have not had severe side effects with these two medications, you can try the more potent versions such as dutasteride and 15% minoxidil.


Folligen/Copper pepitides are not as potent as minoxidil or finasteride for hair regrowth. They are more for the healing process due to inflammation.


Nizoral is good. I tried it when I was a kid and I thought my hairloss was just from an infection.


Please post some pics.


According to how strongly you feel about it, you may want to explore the option of hair surgical restoration.

take care...



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rogaine/minoxidil, finasteride/dutasteride and biotin do help those with hairloss/miniaturizing hair. Now how much they help varies from case to case and to give them an adequate trial you need to be on them for the better part of a year. I suggest taking detailed photos every 3 months to track/measure your progress. Also, combination therapy works better than monotherapy. So if you want to judge effectiveness, you better plan on using more than one product and be consistent with their use for at least a year. Finally, if you like the results then you must stay committed to the medications.


HT Coordinator

Limmer HTC


Dr. Brad Limmer is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence that biotin works as a hair loss treatment. All that I've read on this other than empty bold claims contradicts this.


I'm certainly open minded. But I don't often buy into something unless I see plausible evidence.



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rogaine/minoxidil, finasteride/dutasteride and biotin do help those with hairloss/miniaturizing hair.




It is important to emphasize to potential patients the side effects of drugs, particularly powerful systemic ones such as dutasteride.


Someone cannot simply interchange "finasteride/dutasteride" just like that.


The patient must run the prescribed course of the lesser one (in this case finasteride) carefully noting the side effects and measuring the benefits, before venturing to more potent chemicals.

take care...



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I found this from April, if it helps at all

I have no personal or patient experience with this medication. I do know there was an article published in 2005 (Archives of Dermatological Research) that studied 48 women with fine hair. After 9 months of study they concluded that it helped the hair gain strength, elasticity and mass. Other than this, I know of no other data to support its claim.


Brad Limmer, MD/jac


Limmer Hair Transplant Clinic



HT Coordinator

Limmer HTC


Dr. Brad Limmer is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Yes, let me say...


This is not recommend for everyone. Of course, there are side effects to medications. I wanted to simply offer you some advice in response to


I would like to be able to regrow some. Does anyone have any advice on other treatments?


And question for mmhce,

Where are you getting your information?

The patient must run the prescribed course of the lesser one (in this case finasteride) carefully noting the side effects and measuring the benefits, before venturing to more potent chemicals.

And, I ask this question sincerely, as I have not heard that this was a must until now. So, please do not take offense to the question...just wanted to inquire...

Hoping to learn something new everyday! :-)


HT Coordinator

Limmer HTC


Dr. Brad Limmer is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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And question for mmhce,

Where are you getting your information?



The patient must run the prescribed course of the lesser one (in this case finasteride) carefully noting the side effects and measuring the benefits, before venturing to more potent chemicals.


And, I ask this question sincerely, as I have not heard that this was a must until now. So, please do not take offense to the question...just wanted to inquire...

Hoping to learn something new everyday! :-)


There have been no serious differences in side effects between finasteride and dutasteride, in both phase II and phase III studies, but patients need to tread cautiously.


The precedent, as always, is to try a prescribed medication, allowing for the results to become evident, before moving to another drug.


Until a clinical determination has been arrived that finasteride is an obsolete chemical intervention in favour of dutasteride, a patient should follow a qualified medical professional's advice (which is what most prescribe) and administer finasteride.

take care...



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Thank you for answering my question. I always have to say a short prayer that I am not setting myself up for an attack...lol.


Now, in your opinion are there people who may be a better candidate for dutasteride than finasteride? Or if they experienced any side effect with the finasteride should they consider dutasteride as an alternative?


(quick prayer)


HT Coordinator

Limmer HTC


Dr. Brad Limmer is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Firstly let me say that you have nothing to fear from myself nor Bill nor Spex nor PGP nor Jotronic nor any of us.


Secondly, while scientifically trained in biology and chemistry, I am not a qualified medical professional nor health care provider and any one who takes my advice should always consult with qualified medical professional or health care provider, before making a decision.


Thirdly, I think, that Gary's question may have been sufficiently answered knowing that minoxidil and finasteride are the only chemicals empirically proven to regrow hair.


Fourthly, perhaps it is best that you initiate your own thread "who may be a better candidate for dutasteride than finasteride?" where other members can post responses to your inquires.

take care...



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I know some who switched to dut b/c they had bad sides from fin, and the dut was fine on them. Generally, dut's side are perceived to be stronger, though, and there is certainly less clarity on all matters concerning dut, vs. fin.


Various H+W patients have certainly tried dut, and with success, for either the aforementioned reason; or, as I plan to incorporate it, when fin's potency looks to be fading.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I have no personal or patient experience with this medication. I do know there was an article published in 2005 (Archives of Dermatological Research) that studied 48 women with fine hair. After 9 months of study they concluded that it helped the hair gain strength, elasticity and mass. Other than this, I know of no other data to support its claim.


Brad Limmer, MD/jac


Limmer Hair Transplant Clinic




Thanks for the information. If you or Dr. Limmer have access to or could tell me where to find this article, I'd appreciate it. Feel free to email me with the information at help@hairtransplantnetwork.com so as not to hijack this thread from Gary.


Thanks also for your more recent involvement in helping to answer member questions. I certainly appreciate it and I know our members do too.


All the Best,



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We always say , stick to the BIG 3




and a potential small value in Nizoral or Revita shampoo


Thats all you can do non surgically to promote hairloss.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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What does Nizoral and Revita do? I don't have any negative reaction to Minoxodil so wouldn't have any objection to going onto the higher strength. Would using a larger quantity of the 5% Minoxodil have the same effect?

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