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Propecia and Women


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Hi, I am a 38 year old female with mild androgenetic alopecia. I have been using Propecia for a year now with moderate results. For the past few months, I have noticed a significant decrease in my sex drive. Does finasteride affect women that way like it does men? Have any of you girls who take Propecia had a similar experience?

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I hope and trust that you are taking Propecia under the direct advice and supervision of a doctor and have no intention of getting pregnant since there are warnings for women not to even handle broken Propecia tablets while pregnant.


It will be interesting to hear from other women on whether or not Propecia lessens their sex drive. Though since Propecia is mainly for men, there aren't too many women on here reporting they've taken Propecia.


Best wishes,



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Hi Bill,


Thanks for the reply.


No, I do not plan to get pregnant and Propecia was prescribed to me by my endocrinologist (I have PCOS and that's what's causing my hair problem).


I understand Propecia is prescribed more and more to women and that it works for some, but my decreased libido is really causing me concern, to the extent that if I found out Propecia is the culprit I would discontinue it.


Hair or sex - that is the question icon_confused.gif

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