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Everything posted by Yasa

  1. I found this link that lists decreased libido in women as a side effect of finasteride: http://www.ovarian-cysts-pcos.com/androgen.html but this is the only instance. Still would like to hear about this from women who have used Propecia.
  2. Hi Bill, Thanks for the reply. No, I do not plan to get pregnant and Propecia was prescribed to me by my endocrinologist (I have PCOS and that's what's causing my hair problem). I understand Propecia is prescribed more and more to women and that it works for some, but my decreased libido is really causing me concern, to the extent that if I found out Propecia is the culprit I would discontinue it. Hair or sex - that is the question
  3. Hi, I am a 38 year old female with mild androgenetic alopecia. I have been using Propecia for a year now with moderate results. For the past few months, I have noticed a significant decrease in my sex drive. Does finasteride affect women that way like it does men? Have any of you girls who take Propecia had a similar experience?
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