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need some advice please.

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  • Senior Member

I've been taking proscar daily for the last few months 1.25mg and noticed a couple of side effects (mainly libido).

I've heard that sometimes it helps to lower your dosage. I was hoping to change my pattern from daily to mon, wed, fri,sun still taking 1.25 daily.

Will this effect my progress?

Do you think it may help with side effects?

Also is it true that the first year is the worst and after a while the side effects subside?

Thanks for your help.

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Take a chance,


As your alias rightfully suggests, you may just have to take a chance.


Ultimately, cutting down the dosage may minimize or even eliminate the side effects however, you may lose some benefit of the medication. Whether or not the loss is enough to cause hair loss to progress more rapidly, it's next to impossible to tell.


Ultimately, you will have to determine what you want to do. Some patients press forward with the medication as is, and side effects dissipate on their own. Others, stop taking it altogether while others decrease their dosage.


You may want to get the advice of a hair restoration physician.


Best wishes,



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