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Potential Recommendation of Dr. Robert Jones of Ontario

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Dr. Jones,


It's ashame that a number of these past issues weren't previously addressed. Nonetheless, these are the concerns posed by our community and I agree that they should be addressed in order to consider you for recommendation.


However, I would like to hear your explanation on the previous alleged webpage of yours listing your "board certification" with the "International Society of Follicular Unit SUrgeons". I have never heard of this organization and the only information I can find on Google points to your name.


Additionally, I'd like you to change some verbiage you have on your website. The homepage of your website boldly claims:




Calling the trichophytic closure technique "scar-free" is highly misleading. Please remove this from your website or rephrase it to be more accurate. In order to be a part of our community, hype must be eliminated and let your results speak for themselves.


I appreciate your willingness to put your feet to the fire and addressing the concerns of this community


Best wishes,



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As you probably know, many of the images that were once associated with Hair Loss Help have been removed and last I checked, their search feature didn't work.


Since you claim to be a previous patient of Dr. Jones, your input is highly valued. However, if we are to seriously consider your input, we must substantiate it.


Please send me a private message with your first and last name, the date of your surgery with Dr. Jones, the type of procedure (FUE or Strip), and your phone number. I will then forward this information to Dr. Jones who will then contact you about obtaining the proper permission from you to discuss your case openly online. Though your name and contact details will be kept completely confidential, Dr. Jones may need the permission to discuss your medical history, conversations, and surgical plan along with the permission to post your photos. Your face can be covered if you require it.


Genuine patient experiences are always welcome on this forum community whether good or bad. However, we have to be able to substantiate it if the surgeon asks.


I'll assume if you are genuine and serious that you'll have no problem obliging to allow Dr. Jones the chance to present his side of the story.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Best wishes,



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I want to thank the members of this patient based community for the feedback they have posted and emailed to us privately.


I was aware that Dr. Jones' reputation was tainted a few years ago by complaints and concerns that were posted on various forums regarding the FUE procedure that he was providing and promoting.


My impression was that at that time Dr. Jones' FUE procedure in many cases disappointed both patients and ultimately Dr. Jones.


More recently Dr. Jones approached me to let me know that he was now focused on doing state of the art follicular unit hair transplantation using strip harvesting, while FUE was now being used on only limited candidates.


While I had my concerns and reservations, I felt that Dr. Jones deserved the chance to post examples of his more recent strip surgery results on this forum community. During the past few weeks, at our invitation, he did present several sets of patient photos and highlights of his current surgical techniques. I felt that the results he presented did appear to be solid and did merit that we at least consider the possibility of him being recommended.


To garner maximum input from the online patient community and from leading hair transplant physicians, we created this topic and sent a newsletter to the members of this forum inviting them to post their input and experiences.


While I knew there might be some controversy, I had thought that we might also hear from more recent patients of Dr. Jones who had positive experiences. So far the input we have gotten, as reflected in this topic, has not been encouraging.


Based upon the current feedback that we have gotten I do not believe that we can have the confidence in Dr. Jones to recommend him at this time.


Again, I appreciate everyones input and involvement with our review process.

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I had a 2000 graft strip procedure with Dr. Jones on September 12, 2006. I was told by

Dr. Jones that the majority of the grafts would be placed in the hairline to create a

density of 100 hairs/cm squared and the remaining grafts would be placed in the crown.

During our pre-op consult Dr. Jones had told me that I would have a pencil line scar in

the donor region. The day of the procedure Dr. Jones told me that he would be doing a

tricophytic closure and my scar would be nearly invisible.


I have attached pictures at 18 months post-op.


As I previously mentioned I am not interested in getting involved in a public discussion.

Dr. Jones had numerous opportunities to deal with this issue in an ethical, responsible

manner and he chose to ignore me. Why now does he want to discuss this issue? Dr. Jones

even went to the extent of setting his email filters so all my complaints and concerns sent

to rgjmd@cogeco.ca were returned to sender.


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As you can see above from Pat's response, we've chosen not to recommend Dr. Jones at this time due to the feedback we've acquired publicly and privately.


However, if you would like to continue presenting your case publicly, you are required by this community to give Dr. Jones the permission to share his side of the story.


How would you like to proceed?



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Bill and Pat,


Whether I am accepted as a member of your organization or not does not affect the fact that two patients are making negative posts about me without allowing me to defend myself.


Momo88 has made some allegations about me and I don't even know who he is. I have never had a direct complaint from him.


McLovin is also making some negative posts, although he says...


"As I previously mentioned I am not interested in getting involved in a public discussion."


By making posts he is involved in a one sided public discussion. Is it possible that there are other issues that he doesn't want me to bring up on this forum??


I would ask that unless they sign a release, then all of their posts that reference myself be removed from this site.


As far as the ISFUES, this is an organization started by Dr. Feller and myself in 2003. It was started to further education in FUE. The organization ceased to exist after a few years, these facts can be verified by contacting Dr. Feller. Some references to the organization remained on a page of my site, as soon as it was pointed out that they were there in error, they were removed. As far as being among the first in North America to perform FUE, ask Dr. Alan Feller, Dr. Brad Wolf , Dr. Alvi or Dr Hasson who was the first doctor in North America to perform large session FUE. I did a demonstration surgery in Little Rock Arkansas in 2003 with Dr. Feller, before most doctors had heard of FUE. The technique I used was one I developed myself.


I agree with both of you that "scar free strip closure technique" should not be on my site. It will be removed today,


Thanks for considering me for your site. Even if I don't become a member, I will continue to defend myself and my reputation. I do state of the art follicular unit hair transplants in my clinic and as long as I am given an opportunity to post pictures and defend myself on a level playing field, the truth will come out.



Dr. Robert Jones

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as long as I am given an opportunity to post pictures


Thats ALL you should be doing.

All I know is when I first started researching you were one of the few docs that I eliminated right away.

Why that was I cant even remember but I believe it was the whole package.

Results ,your blog,your prior posts ,patient complaints, high and mighty attitude,and people telling me privately to stay away.

Just all the things you dont want from a doctor.

You can change all that in time by busting your ass and producing soild work and posting as many as possible .

I would also try and reach out to Mclovin and others who are unhappy with you.

Obviously you did something to have enemies out there.

I always laugh how a select few doctors blame patient complaints on them being shills .

It usually only happens to inconsistent doctors or doctors with terrible postop care that blame the patient for shitty results.

I went on 4 sites yesterday and searched your name from over 5 years back and there is barely anything positive.

Honestly you come across as a creepy mad scientist. Theres no trust factor and that is HUGE with us.

Maybe you have too many things on your plate . I mean your selling this and selling that , doing this ,doing that .


Lord almighty just bust your ass off in the op room and thats it .

I dont know how you did it but youve evolved into the Charie Wise of the hair transplant world.

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Dear Dr. Jones,


At this point I would rather not pursue this issue as I have moved one with my life and accepted the fact that I will continue to wear a hairpiece for a few more years to come, although I feel I owe it to our forum members to at least respond to your questions.


Yes you are correct in clarifying that I was not to expect the same density as my hairpiece and I was well convinced of that. You showed me images of one of your other patients at the time and indicated that my results would be as good as his - at which point I was satisfied and agreed to proceed. At no time during the initial consultations did you indicate that my hair shaft was too fine, but you did mention it when I stressed how dissapointed I was following the first surgery. You are an expert in your field and I'm sure you knew exactly what kind of results I could expect. Had you mentioned it during the initial consultation, I would be $12,000 richer.

The pain experienced was during the initial injections where I nearly fainted due to the immense pain and your nurses made very little attempt to alleviate the situation. The other painful experience was during the post-op where the incisions were so close to my ear that I couldn't sleep in any position. Other friends of mine experienced hardly any pain from their procedures through another doctor.

Why I did it a second time? You offered to redo another procedure for $1,000 to cover your costs and I was reluctant due to the pain experienced during the first operation. Unfortunately, the results of the first operation were so negligible that I had no choice but to agree. I'm not sure there was any increase in density following the second surgery.


Forgive me for the negative remarks directed to you personally but I was only expressing my sentiments follwoing such a negative experience. You must realize that you are dealing with peoples' emotions and your patients rely on you to make their lives a bit better. They are in a vulnerable situation due to their lack of self esteem and you have the ability to improve that - and I'm sure you have in many of your patients. Unfortunately, there are aslo many that haven't and this forum is set up to give past and propective patients the ability to express their thoughts.

Best regards,




Originally posted by hair doctor:

Hello Momo88,

First of all, I was not removed from this site, I withdrew my sponsorship voluntarily.

Please sign a release and I will go to my office and find your chart and look at you pictures.

All patients who wear a hair piece are warned that they will never get the density that they are used to.

I would also be interested to hear of when you had the pain. We use medications to control pain in the office and can give medications to control pain after surgery. I am continually asking patients if they are feeling anything in the office, and wouldn't hesitate to give more medication if necessary. Did you have pain in both procedures? or just the second? If the experience was so bad for the first surgery, why did you come back for a second? Was the $12,000 bill for two large surgeries?

I look forward to looking for your chart and responding to your concerns,

Dr. Robert Jones

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The reason I did not file a complaint against you was because I had accepted the fact that I had made a big mistake and afterall, who would I complain to? When I did complain to you, you indicated that my hair shaft was too fine which is why the results weren't as good as expected. When I reminded you that it was the same prior to the surgery, you brushed it off and left for your other consultation. What was I supposed to do, hire a lawyer and spend another $12,000? I beleive in Karma and know that eventually what goes around, comes around. Only you have the ability to make things better and I hope that you come to that realization.

Best of luck,




Originally posted by hair doctor:

Bill and Pat,


Whether I am accepted as a member of your organization or not does not affect the fact that two patients are making negative posts about me without allowing me to defend myself.


Momo88 has made some allegations about me and I don't even know who he is. I have never had a direct complaint from him.


McLovin is also making some negative posts, although he says...


"As I previously mentioned I am not interested in getting involved in a public discussion."


By making posts he is involved in a one sided public discussion. Is it possible that there are other issues that he doesn't want me to bring up on this forum??


I would ask that unless they sign a release, then all of their posts that reference myself be removed from this site.


As far as the ISFUES, this is an organization started by Dr. Feller and myself in 2003. It was started to further education in FUE. The organization ceased to exist after a few years, these facts can be verified by contacting Dr. Feller. Some references to the organization remained on a page of my site, as soon as it was pointed out that they were there in error, they were removed. As far as being among the first in North America to perform FUE, ask Dr. Alan Feller, Dr. Brad Wolf , Dr. Alvi or Dr Hasson who was the first doctor in North America to perform large session FUE. I did a demonstration surgery in Little Rock Arkansas in 2003 with Dr. Feller, before most doctors had heard of FUE. The technique I used was one I developed myself.


I agree with both of you that "scar free strip closure technique" should not be on my site. It will be removed today,


Thanks for considering me for your site. Even if I don't become a member, I will continue to defend myself and my reputation. I do state of the art follicular unit hair transplants in my clinic and as long as I am given an opportunity to post pictures and defend myself on a level playing field, the truth will come out.



Dr. Robert Jones

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Dr. Jones,


I am waiting for McLovin to respond to my last post requesting for him to give you the necessary permission to defend yourself before we consider simply removing his posts.


You are welcome to continue defending yourself against claims on our forum.




You say you'd rather not get into it, but you keep discussing your case. If we are going to continue to allow discussion of your case, please contact Dr. Jones so he can obtain the necessary permission to present his side of the story. Otherwise, you've tied Dr. Jones' hands and he can't properly respond to you. This is highly unfair.


Best wishes,



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Dear forum members,


Given that we have decided to not to recommend Dr. Jones at this time and that his patients critical of him have not given Dr. Jones permission to discuss their particulars we are closing the topic to any new posts.


If any of Dr. Jones' patients wish to continue discussing their case, please be aware that you will be required to give Dr. Jones the necessary permission to offer his side of the story.


Best wishes,



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