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Socialdrinker's Dr. Cooley Surgery 6/18/04


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Well, its done! 2,300 graphs in all! I cannot begin to express how relaxed and easy this procedure was for me.


First off, please forgive me for my inevitable leaving anything out of this post tonight, as I have already taken the two Valium that will help me sleep soundly tonight, and Im sure I will be missing something or another.


I will say, though that the hair on the back of my head was extremely short. I had it in a "high-and-tight" hair cut so it was no longer than 3/8" or so. Looking at the stitiches, though, hardly noticeable. I feel very relaxed and only a SLIGHT tight feeling in the donor area. Im sure it will be sore tomorrow, but, I really still cant believe how painless and (dare I say it???) FUN the entire procedure was.


I did an interview on camera beforehand. There is footage of Dr. Cooley mapping out the new hairline and narrating the planned process the entire way. Some more pictures were taken, and I was shown to the room where the magic would happen.


I saw no less than 3 (though there may have been 4) microscopes along the far wall for dissection. The process began with my vitals being read and me taking some anti-biotics and two Valium to soothe me.


I then laid face down on the chair (its just like one of those massage chairs where your face pokes throught the bottom, so its very comfortable). I was then given a shot to further soothe me for the extraction.


Now, Ive read some stories on here about the application of the local anesthesia being painful, and I can see how it could have been, but Dr. Cooley has this really cool technique where he holds some kind of massaging apparatus next to the place its being administered while its being administered. This helped alot. I barely felt a thing. Not one time did I feel anything but a small prick.


The donor area was shaved and I could feel something being spread on the surrounding area to separate the hair so they would have an unabstructed area to work with. Now, for the actually extraction, I apologize in advance because I wont be able to tell you much.


To say the least, I was feeling pretty dang good at that point. I do remember the sound of them working, but as far as what was taking place, it beats me. Im pretty sure Brandy (the technician that was there the entire time...THANKS BRANDY!!!) was telling me what was going on, but who knows what I was thinking about.


The next thing I remember, I was being lightly nudged awake. At any given interbal throughout the day, my comfort was ensured by the entire staff. I noticed that there were no less than three technicians dissecting the graphs under the microscope when I stood up. I really had no idea how tedius this job is. I saw pictures in the album and this job takes some kind of attention to detail!


I was on cloud 9 (but never uncomfortably buzzed, just pleasantly euphoric) and went to the restroom for a quick break. This was the last time I would see my huge forehead the exact same way again.


When I returned to the room, I sat down and was even able to kick off my shoes so I was more comfortable. Let me tell you, this is NO DIFFERENT than kicking back in your recliner at home. A list of movies was presented to me, and since I hadnt seen Monty Python in a while, I opted for "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". Funny stuff, but I tried my best to refrain from laughing, I certainly wanted to make their job as easy as possible.


I fell asleep after only about 20 minutes into the movie, and awoke during the credits. By this time, it was lunchtime and I was given some Quiznos I had ordered earlier. Awesome stuff.


Back to business. Im given another Valium and given another look at the movie list. I pick a James Bond flick. I'm thinking I got through approximately 3 and a half minutes of this movie before I was out like a light again. It was just so comfortable. I awoke and saw the last ten minutes or so of this.


After that, I was immediately offered the list agian, but I opted to just say "nah". Seemed like a waste of time to keep popping movies in if Im just gonna snooze through them. They turned on the golf tournement, which was nice. Again, I drift off. I dont think it was so much the drugs as it was the fact that I had awaken at 5 a.m. to get to the office by 7:30 and didnt sleep the best the night before I was so anxious.


When I awoke, the radio was playing softly. That was nice too. Dr. Cooley and Becky assured me to speak up at any time I felt anything remotely discomfortable, so occasionaly if I felt something like a mild pin prick, Id say so and immediately another shot of anesthesia was given.


They both worked so diligently for hours and hours. The longest break I saw either of them take was for no longer than 5 minutes. Even then, one would break, while the other continued to work. Heck, MY bathroom breaks lasted longer than that!


This is just my best memory (they warned that I wouldnt remember much) but I think that I was in the chair until a little after 7 p.m. After all the graphs (2,300! can you say WOW!) were placed, a few photos were taken and I talked to Pat. He congratulated me and asked how I felt. I felt great, couldnt wipe the smile off my face. Me and Dr. Cooley took a picture together and my post care instructions were re-itterated to me. I was given a take home bag with some sterilewater-cleansing solution, a ball cap, some rogaine, some other topical foam, and some Valium to help me sleep soundly for the next couple of days.


There is a likely chance that I wouldnt remember everything that was instructed, so Dr. Cooley gave me his cell phone number to call him tomorrow (how many Dr.'s can you call on a saturday???) so he can go back over it with me.


I once again thanked him, Becky, and Ailene as profusely as I could and got driven back to Columbia, SC by my roomate. I sit here now, feeling no less than awesome and excited.


Like I said before, I will post pictures tomorrow, and it will give everyone a good look at my new hairling and redness (which is not bad AT ALL). But for right now, its bed time, for socialdrinker. Ill re-read this post in the morning to fill in any blank spots that Ive most assuredly missed and post those pics.


Once again, thanks so much Dr. Cooley, Ailene, Becky, and the rest of his staff, Pat, this forum and everyone that has given me the tremendous advice and encouragement that made today possible.


*UPDATE 6/19/04*


I awoke this morning feeling refreshed and with even less soreness than from when I went to sleep. I slept on my back. With the help of the Valium, it doesn't appear that I rolled around much, or even any at all. I decided that since I was feeling a bit more level-headed, some pictures were in order. So, without further ado, here they are. Now, remember, these are taken with my phone under a bright bathroom light as to ensure the limited capabilities of the phone will capture the most detail.



My awesome new hairline!!!




Scar? What scar? Actually, one can upon inspection see the stitches and Ill try to get a better shot tomorrow of them. Keep in mind that the hair on the back of my head is VERY short (about 3/8", a 1/2" is really pushing it)




Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

Well, its done! 2,300 graphs in all! I cannot begin to express how relaxed and easy this procedure was for me.


First off, please forgive me for my inevitable leaving anything out of this post tonight, as I have already taken the two Valium that will help me sleep soundly tonight, and Im sure I will be missing something or another.


I will say, though that the hair on the back of my head was extremely short. I had it in a "high-and-tight" hair cut so it was no longer than 3/8" or so. Looking at the stitiches, though, hardly noticeable. I feel very relaxed and only a SLIGHT tight feeling in the donor area. Im sure it will be sore tomorrow, but, I really still cant believe how painless and (dare I say it???) FUN the entire procedure was.


I did an interview on camera beforehand. There is footage of Dr. Cooley mapping out the new hairline and narrating the planned process the entire way. Some more pictures were taken, and I was shown to the room where the magic would happen.


I saw no less than 3 (though there may have been 4) microscopes along the far wall for dissection. The process began with my vitals being read and me taking some anti-biotics and two Valium to soothe me.


I then laid face down on the chair (its just like one of those massage chairs where your face pokes throught the bottom, so its very comfortable). I was then given a shot to further soothe me for the extraction.


Now, Ive read some stories on here about the application of the local anesthesia being painful, and I can see how it could have been, but Dr. Cooley has this really cool technique where he holds some kind of massaging apparatus next to the place its being administered while its being administered. This helped alot. I barely felt a thing. Not one time did I feel anything but a small prick.


The donor area was shaved and I could feel something being spread on the surrounding area to separate the hair so they would have an unabstructed area to work with. Now, for the actually extraction, I apologize in advance because I wont be able to tell you much.


To say the least, I was feeling pretty dang good at that point. I do remember the sound of them working, but as far as what was taking place, it beats me. Im pretty sure Brandy (the technician that was there the entire time...THANKS BRANDY!!!) was telling me what was going on, but who knows what I was thinking about.


The next thing I remember, I was being lightly nudged awake. At any given interbal throughout the day, my comfort was ensured by the entire staff. I noticed that there were no less than three technicians dissecting the graphs under the microscope when I stood up. I really had no idea how tedius this job is. I saw pictures in the album and this job takes some kind of attention to detail!


I was on cloud 9 (but never uncomfortably buzzed, just pleasantly euphoric) and went to the restroom for a quick break. This was the last time I would see my huge forehead the exact same way again.


When I returned to the room, I sat down and was even able to kick off my shoes so I was more comfortable. Let me tell you, this is NO DIFFERENT than kicking back in your recliner at home. A list of movies was presented to me, and since I hadnt seen Monty Python in a while, I opted for "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". Funny stuff, but I tried my best to refrain from laughing, I certainly wanted to make their job as easy as possible.


I fell asleep after only about 20 minutes into the movie, and awoke during the credits. By this time, it was lunchtime and I was given some Quiznos I had ordered earlier. Awesome stuff.


Back to business. Im given another Valium and given another look at the movie list. I pick a James Bond flick. I'm thinking I got through approximately 3 and a half minutes of this movie before I was out like a light again. It was just so comfortable. I awoke and saw the last ten minutes or so of this.


After that, I was immediately offered the list agian, but I opted to just say "nah". Seemed like a waste of time to keep popping movies in if Im just gonna snooze through them. They turned on the golf tournement, which was nice. Again, I drift off. I dont think it was so much the drugs as it was the fact that I had awaken at 5 a.m. to get to the office by 7:30 and didnt sleep the best the night before I was so anxious.


When I awoke, the radio was playing softly. That was nice too. Dr. Cooley and Becky assured me to speak up at any time I felt anything remotely discomfortable, so occasionaly if I felt something like a mild pin prick, Id say so and immediately another shot of anesthesia was given.


They both worked so diligently for hours and hours. The longest break I saw either of them take was for no longer than 5 minutes. Even then, one would break, while the other continued to work. Heck, MY bathroom breaks lasted longer than that!


This is just my best memory (they warned that I wouldnt remember much) but I think that I was in the chair until a little after 7 p.m. After all the graphs (2,300! can you say WOW!) were placed, a few photos were taken and I talked to Pat. He congratulated me and asked how I felt. I felt great, couldnt wipe the smile off my face. Me and Dr. Cooley took a picture together and my post care instructions were re-itterated to me. I was given a take home bag with some sterilewater-cleansing solution, a ball cap, some rogaine, some other topical foam, and some Valium to help me sleep soundly for the next couple of days.


There is a likely chance that I wouldnt remember everything that was instructed, so Dr. Cooley gave me his cell phone number to call him tomorrow (how many Dr.'s can you call on a saturday???) so he can go back over it with me.


I once again thanked him, Becky, and Ailene as profusely as I could and got driven back to Columbia, SC by my roomate. I sit here now, feeling no less than awesome and excited.


Like I said before, I will post pictures tomorrow, and it will give everyone a good look at my new hairling and redness (which is not bad AT ALL). But for right now, its bed time, for socialdrinker. Ill re-read this post in the morning to fill in any blank spots that Ive most assuredly missed and post those pics.


Once again, thanks so much Dr. Cooley, Ailene, Becky, and the rest of his staff, Pat, this forum and everyone that has given me the tremendous advice and encouragement that made today possible.


*UPDATE 6/19/04*


I awoke this morning feeling refreshed and with even less soreness than from when I went to sleep. I slept on my back. With the help of the Valium, it doesn't appear that I rolled around much, or even any at all. I decided that since I was feeling a bit more level-headed, some pictures were in order. So, without further ado, here they are. Now, remember, these are taken with my phone under a bright bathroom light as to ensure the limited capabilities of the phone will capture the most detail.



My awesome new hairline!!!




Scar? What scar? Actually, one can upon inspection see the stitches and Ill try to get a better shot tomorrow of them. Keep in mind that the hair on the back of my head is VERY short (about 3/8", a 1/2" is really pushing it)




Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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The results kind of make you excited, don't they? Seems like Dr. Cooley gave you an excellent hairline and he really packed the grafts in there. My experience was exactly the same as yours with Dr. Cooley and his staff. Very professional and very skilled. Don't let your new hair transplant give you a big ego like it has with me. I must look at myself in the mirror about a million times a day admiring my improved hairline and making sure I haven't accidentally dislodged any of the grafts. Now all we got to do is wait...wait...wait...wait....



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HAHAHA! MAN!, is it funny you mentioned looking in the mirror! I dont think 20 minutes has passed since I have looked in the mirror and just...smiled. Being only a week apart, yours and my progress is going to be very similar. I guess we'll just wait it out together, huh?


By the way, are you still sleeping with the surgical cap on, after a week? Are you wearing it, a bandana, or ballcap during the day?



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I only wore a surgon's cap (with saran wrap covering my grafts) for only two nights because I worried about rolling over on my stomach and pressing my head into my pillow or accidently running my hand over my hair or itching at my scalp.


Since the third night I have had no problem sleeping on my back and I remember not to roll onto my stomach and sleep with my face in my pillow. I do not wear a surgeon's cap now.


I only wear a baseball cap when I go out during the day. Again, I place a sheet of saran wrap over my grafts then put on a loose-fitting baseball cap. Usually I have to trim some of the saran wrap in front so people don't notice it on my forehead and ask me questions. Also you need to spritz your head so the saran wrap clings to your existing hair and molds to your head. (Use that spray that Dr. Cooley gave you) It's advised that your scalp gets a lot of open air and is not enclosed in a baseball cap 24/7. Remember, no exercise and try not to be outside in this heat; you do not want to build up perspiration if you're wearing a hat. Even if you do sweat, the saran wrap will not stick to moisture and it will never pull on the grafts; in most cases the saran wrap slides right off.


Another tip: when you start applying Rogaine to the grafts starting the third day, apply it very conservatively. You will not be able to shampoo your scalp, and the residual will build up on your scalp and it is very difficult (it's been impossible for me) to get it off with water alone.


One last tip: sleeping on your back makes your head apply pressure to the sutured-up donor area, causing discomfort, even with a stack of pillows. What I do is I roll up a towel and place it underneath my neck for extra cushioning and elevation; it relieves some of the pressure from the back of the head and helps me sleep a lot better at night.


Good luck...It's that time now that I have to jump away from my computer and look at myself in the mirror again.



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social, good to hear the experiance.

If you want to avoid the saran wrap under the cap, I can't stress enough how much a bandana does wonders.

It's breathable and loose fitting.

Towel or cropping a pillow definelty does help ease the back of your head when sleeping. I used a pillow, which also helped keep my head elivate.

Did Dr. Cooley give you a prescription for Vikidine? If so, found popping 2 before bed and cracking a beer, put's you out like a light till the next morning. I'm sure that's a big "NO, NO" from any doctor though. But man did it help.

Good Luck, and can't wait to see some more photo's.

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I got a prescription for Valium. 20 came with the script, I took 3 before the surgery, 1 during, and 2 last night to sleep. That leaves me 14. I will pop 2 tonight before bed and, depending on how I feel, 1 or 2 tomorrow night before bed. I'm such a lightweight concerning prescription drugs that the beer isnt necessary, but thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking I'll post more pics Monday or so in the "post pictures of your transplant here" forum. Then, perhaps twice a week after that. I truly do feel great, and I couldnt have timed it better, because this weekend I have 3 papers and 2 tests to study for, so I was going to be house bound all weekend anyway!



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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That was sure fast. It looks great so far. I want you to keep us updated. Damn I am so happy for you. You deserve it. It looks really good. Are you going to get any more grafts done? How many hours did that take? I will be checking on you to see how your coming along so keep us informed. Again, it looks good.

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since the 2300 wre densely packed up front to restructure the hairline and "thicken" the area behind it (which was , naturally more important to me), i dont have any plans to get any more procedures AS OF RIGHT NOW. Since ive only been on Proscar and Minoxidil for a short amount of time this time around, id like to give that and the Nizoral some time to see what happens. However, in the next year or two, after evaluating said results of the drugs, yeah, ill get "greedy" and bolster the density on top.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Social...I also live in Columbia. I have my second surgery with Dr. Cooley tomorrow. I had a similar experience to what you had with Dr. Cooley and his staff. All are very friendly, and easy to talk to. My first surgery was 2 years ago. I decided to have one more to thicken the hair on the top of my head. No one can tell at ALL that I've had anything done. He really does a great job. I'll post how things go tomorrow.

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Awesome to hear! Yeah, Id definitely want to hear about it. As a matter of fact, Im going back up friday to have my stitches taken out so we will have just missed each other.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I am leaning toward the dissolvable sutures so I don't have to make another 3 1/2 hour trip to Charlotte. Is your scar thin? They dissolved in 2 weeks? Would you recommend them?

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Dr. Cooley gave me dissolvable sutures, and yes, most of them dissolve in two weeks. I am almost 3 weeks post-op from my transplant, and I still have a few suture knots in my donor area. They usually fall out or I rub them out.

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I went with the stitches because he said that he prefers them (that they can leave a slightly smaller scar than the dissolvable ones). That, and I have no class on Fridays, and the idea of two checkups at weekly intervals sounded pretty good to me. I always like to be comforted with the knowledge that they think Im doing well and that everything is healing the way its supposed to.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Brando...I would totally recommend the dissolvable stiches. Mine seemed to stay in a little longer than 2 weeks...maybe 3 weeks or so. But when they started falling out, they came out fast. Like in one or two days. It looked like small pieces of fishing line falling out of my hair. As for my scar, I realy don't have a clue what it looks like. You can't see it at all. I guess the only way would be for me to shave my head. (I suppose if you ran your hand up the back of my head, you might can see it.) But I had no adverse affects from the dissovable ones. It's interesting that Social is making 2 follow up visits to Dr. Cooley. When I had my first surgery 2 years ago, I didn't go back at all. They told me to call if I have any problems...which I did not. I'll find out tomorrow if they want me to come back this time.


I'll post tomorrow night about my experience. (unless I'm high on valium) icon_smile.gif

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dunno, call it overkill, but i liked the idea of going back for the cleaning in a week and to get another look-see at 2 weeks post op. sounds wierd, but im kind of anticipating the hairs falling out, just to know that things are progressing, I guess. Dont remember, whjos tag line it is, but it really makes sense:


"Is it 6 months yet?"



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Hey social, don't be suprised if you don't lose many of the grafts in the front. They usually like to stick around and torment you. icon_cool.gif

My first frontal HT, I had little to no lose, which killed me.

Dr. said I would, so I was actually anticipating a better outcome, from what I had already growing.

The little hairy bastards!! icon_mad.gif

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So the graphs might actually grow? Hmmm....interesting...that may not be so bad.


Or will they just stay the same length and stare back at me in the mirror day after day after day?



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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