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HLH is Censored...bogus forum

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Feel free to contact Dr. Rassman with your concerns and see if he'd be willing to post them over there.


no thanks Bill icon_smile.gif


i was just discussing the obvious and pointing few things that do not jive with me.

few members are asking for a simple thing and they are getting ignored - just not right. if it's already out in the open then everything should be now. now it's not the time to be holding any "minor" things back from the public eye. you guys agree?



i'm not blaiming anyone nor i'm saying who's right and who's wrong. i just need true 100% trancperancy since most of it already is "out there".

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Mr. GQ,


I understand your points and I'm certainly in agreement that full transparency is appropriate and important. I can only guess that Dr. Rassman may not have had the time to follow the recent discussion on the thread and may have missed the request to post postoperative photos.


That said, even though the discussion is on another forum, I've taken the liberty to contact Dr. Rassman to inform him that there are a few remaining concerns and requests for postoperative photos on that thread. I would imagine that as long as he took postoperative photos, that he can post them.


Best wishes,



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I EDITED MY POST ABOUT HLH...I just saw that the Armani lawsuit was resolved and the original thread is going to be deleted in 7 days from public view.


I will not comment again about HLH in this forum because i honestly start to wonder about things and if i am becoming onesided or unfair.


it has nothing to do with this community that i find it a very nice place to be in icon_smile.gif

should we believe everything?

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You didn't have to edit your post. The Armani lawsuit has been resolved, but that has no bearing on your right to express your opinions. In fact, our fight and its resolution has protected your right to free speech.


P.S. Only the Armani lawsuit thread is beinbg removed from public view. You are all still free to share your genuine opinions about any and all surgeons, including Armani.



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if you're going to change the tread title, why not change his accusations? so it reads "my experience".. but when you open up the thread he says dr. rassman threw out his scalp.. isn't that just as bad if not worse? it's fine if you're going to change it, but just put some indication up there that you changed it.. just dont explain it on the 165th comment. You ever see anything on ebay? when someone changes the decription there is a link saying that it was altered. Same thing could be done here. Also there are PLENTY of threads on HLH bashing bosely and other docs that dont advertise with farrel. Alot of them without proof.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



You didn't have to edit your post. The Armani lawsuit has been resolved, but that has no bearing on your right to express your opinions. In fact, our fight and its resolution has protected your right to free speech.


P.S. Only the Armani lawsuit thread is beinbg removed from public view. You are all still free to share your genuine opinions about any and all surgeons, including Armani.




Bill i am not in favor of threads being deleted completely.I believe all threads have valuable information and its up to the reader to decide if he wants to embrace them or not, but they have to be available to him.I cant pretend the allmighty judje when i see that this site where i am posting also can only do so much and in the end a thread is deleted.ofcourse the circumstances are way different so its the nature of the thread...but in the end the outcome is the same... a deleted thread with many valuable information and warnings.


Ofcourse in noway i am comparing what you guys do and how you treat posters and how helpfull you are in thread after thread with the Farellator who vanished so many good posters from his site just because he screwed up, but maybe we dont know so much about how legal battles can intimidate site owners and i just dont want to be so hard.


by the way.Why the thread has to be deleted completely?cant you just rename it lol.you can ask Farell he is very creative at that LMAO

should we believe everything?

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I certainly understand your concerns.


The good news is however, that we have not compromised the ability for anyone to continue expressing genuine opinions about or critiquing any surgeon, including Dr. Armani. Additionally, by using the "find" feature, members and guests can find all previous discussions about any surgeon.


For more on the general topic of free speech on this forum visit "Free Sppech and Accountability on this Forum".


Best wishes,



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I certainly share your concerns. Lord knows I spent a great deal of time contributing info to this Armani Lawsuit topic as did many others.


But I decided that once the lawsuit was resolved that the lawsuit topic will have served its purpose - once everyone has their final say.


However, much of the information in this topic exists in the hundreds of other posts about Dr. Armani and his procedures on this forum. If posters use the "Find" feature to search for "Armani" they will find hundreds of posts expressing opinions and experiences regarding Dr. Armani and his clinic.


Posters are also free to post the same or similar comments in other new or existing topics as well - if they think it is appropriate.


Believe me I would not agree to any resolution that compromised the hard fought for integrity of this community or hindered any of our rights to free speech.


For more on this subject visit "Free Speech and Accountability on this Forum".


Onwards and Upwards, Pat

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