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Hair Falling out

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I have noticed my hair thinning so I have started to use Rogaine... I have been using it for about 3 months now


I have been noticing that my hair has been falling out - been finding hairs on my pillow, the bathroom, etc. My questions is; is the rogaine causing my hair to fall out? or am I just physically losing my hair?





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It is quite common to have a little fallout when first starting Rogaine. The hairs that are falling out are weak, dying, and probably would not have survived more than another 6-12 months. Some of your current hair loss could be just normal everyday shedding. Have you considered using Propecia to also help slow down any genetic hair loss you are experiencing?

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  • Regular Member

Shedding is so frustrating. So many times everyone says it's a GOOD thing when starting on a hair loss treatment. That's not ALWAYS the case. If you read what Dr. Charles said, it could be weak hairs that would have been gone in a short time anyway.


Just because a hair sheds when starting minoxidil, it DOES NOT mean that a better stronger hair will replace it. The follicle may just be lost forever. Now, hopefully, SOME will come back and get stronger and also your other hairs that didn't shed will get stronger and stay around much longer if you continue to use minoxidil.


This is the reason I think using this drug is so frustating for so many is because it CAN actually accelerate your hair loss temporarily and some of this hair will not always come back.


I've found that the stronger, healhier your hair is when srarting minoxidil the better. If you have much thinning and minuterization, forcing these hairs through another immediate cycle is not always a positive.

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  • Senior Member

I didn't shed on either Rogaine or Propecia and had excellent results for a few years until they lost their effectiveness. When I tried dutasteride, I started shedding like I was on chemotherapy so I stopped taking it. I'd say about 90-95% of it returned.


I recently started taking propecia again but surprisingly I started going through a pretty good shed. So I decided to stop that as well since I likely would not have seen any benefit from it anyway.

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Interesting. I have been on rogaine for a good 3 months and the shedding has been pretty constant... so I guess it may actually be my hair falling out. I have been using rogaine on the receding hairline in the front of my head instead of the crown... is that ok?


I may have to give in and go to the doc and get a prescription for propecia. I'm only 26 yrs old, but I'll try and stop it before it starts getting bad. Thanks.

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