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How to controll number of grafts taken after 4 days?

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Is there a way of controlling the number of grafts. You can count the spots but never sure there is a graft in it. Maybe some kind of photography or photos to take in an independent hospital who can look just under the skin.?


Because I am very unsure if i have had the number of grafts i was promised. and I have my own old hair too between the new ones... Difficult.


Please help me, I am so unsure, i want to know the truth... thx a lot (my transplant took place some days ago)

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Is there a way of controlling the number of grafts. You can count the spots but never sure there is a graft in it. Maybe some kind of photography or photos to take in an independent hospital who can look just under the skin.?


Because I am very unsure if i have had the number of grafts i was promised. and I have my own old hair too between the new ones... Difficult.


Please help me, I am so unsure, i want to know the truth... thx a lot (my transplant took place some days ago)

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First off, you have to have faith in your Dr....There should be no reason for them to charge you more than what they planted...They will eventually get caught...you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time...And no, there is no real way to tell exactly what has been grafted...I too am 4 days out from 2000 grafts into existing hair, and I swear for the life of me I can't see a thing...No joke..You are just going to have to wait and see what your growth will be...in about 5 to 6 months...maybe in 3 if your lucky....Hope this helps....Happy growing...



Just a thought from thje peanut gallery...

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I think there must be a scientific fotography.

or even something with special lightning photography that can verify that. I really wanna know because otherwise i become crazy. icon_frown.gif

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Trust me, this is my second surgery, shaved for the first but not the second, I couldn't tell with either...Besides even if you could...whats to say that they will all "take" and grow anyways?...Stop obssesing about numbers, it's quality and technique along with Dr. expertise that will detirmine your final outcome...Just relaxe...and enjoy the ride...



Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

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come on? The more you plant the bigger the chance more come out. If you pay (with pleasure) for X number grafts, you have to get X ones. Like if you buy 5000 trees, probebly some will not survive but if you pay for 5000 and you get 2500 , I think there is a problem... So I will relax like you said but I will find out as well to be sure icon_smile.gif

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My camera magnifies and focuses when very close up. I have some close detail shots from after my surgery. Its very possible to make out how many incisions there were.


If the area was shaved prior to planting, you could mark the area into sectors and take close up photos of the area, enabling you to count.

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Who was your doctor? if he was a member here you risks of being stiffed drop substantially (or at least I'd like to think so). if on the other hand you were on safari and had your HT done in Zimbawe on a whim, then the odds go up somewhat that you got taken advantage of.


Someone posted recently that they went in for 6000 grafts and the procedure was over and done in 2 hours. Now that would cause me some concern regardless the number of holes that I could count on my head.


Bottom line is that there is little hope of traceability involved. Your scalp strip may have had x grafts. Of these X-Y were properly extracted. X-Y-Z survived the handling and X-Y-Z-W were properly placed in your scalp. of that number

X-Y-Z-W-Q will find a healthy blood supply in time and prosper.


I feel Y, Z, W and Q all get smaller (and number of grafts successfully planted approaches those extracted from the donor area) as the skill and integrity of the doctor and their staff increases. My 2 cents

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Hi Os,


I'm afraid it's going to be almost impossible to check at 4 days post op to see if you have follicles planted or not in the incisions. The only way you'd be able to tell is if you take a forcep by basically "dig" into the incisions to check for grafts. Some grafts have very short hairs or almost no hairs so it's hard to tell. Your incisions at this point is closed and wouldn't be able to check with a forcep. Kounais makes very good points. At this point, you'll have to trust that you made the right choice in doctor/clinic. Best wishes.

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Hi everyone, I donnot understand that x y z w q thing . It was a FUE by the way. ... I can photograph the skin and the grafts are with a zoom clearly viewable,... but my basic question is how can I photograph so I see that a sign of a graft is inside. (for instance at a hospital)? There must exist an instrumentphotograph with laser or lightning ...

to check what is just under the skin.

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no, I realize that I have to figure it out myself to give me some certainty on a scientific base. And if I have that and they gave me what was on the contract, I will praise them but if not they will have a problem. So no names before my investigation. And if they are maybe here on this site (you never know) and they think they made a mistake, it is not too late yet to make a deal, if they think they have done what was in the contract, then it is just me who is overreacting and I will prease them into heaven like I said. (me: had long hair, 3000 grafts, was panicing openly during operation about number of grafts on the second day).

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Os apologies about my crytic explanation above.


here are some thoughts. Most doctors these days take really good high res pictures at each stage of the procedure. Ask your doctor or their staff for a set of those (if you click on my blog link below I have posted some of the ones I received from my Doctor). it should at least show you the outline of the shaved strip and then pre and post of the placed grafts. this may help alleviate your fears.


as a baseline i had approx 3000 grafts done recently. 1 surgeon cutting two techs placing. we started promptly around 6:30 am broke for lunch and i left their office around 8 pm after a brief post op consult.


was that similar to your experience? or did it seem more like a drive thru?

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Os, if your so certain you didn't get what you were promissed, or you can't verify it for sure, then that tells me you don't trust the Dr. you went to....if that is the case...and I am hoping for your sake it is not, the # of grafts should be the least of your worries...I know of a guy who had 2 FUE sessions of over 4500 grafts totall, and he wasn't even all that bald, they were planted...but almost nothing grew...he actually lost more because of transection and shock loss...he just recently had strip to try and repair the damage that the other hack did to him...That's why I am telling you to worry more about the surgeon and his skills, over wheather he grafted 5 and got paid for 7....I think you have a lot to learn about how HT work....Good Luck


Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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today (day 5 after surgery) i could take a photograph of the entire surface treated. And it is very clear where the spots are and on the other side where my old hair is. Tonight I start counting. What if I count half of the number I paid? Then ...

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