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HT with Dr. Bicer

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After doing extensive research and deciding between Dr. De Freitas and Dr. Bicer. Both have excellent reputations in the industry, but my rapid hair loss (due to excessive amounts of testosterone) has caused me great mental anguish, and being that I am in Europe for a year, I felt that getting the procedure now and being able to recover in relative anonymity was preferred to waiting for another 1.5 years (De Freitas waiting list is very long) and having to live with this anguish and facing recovery at home. 

I felt quite optimistic with my choice in clinics leading up to the surgery with good communication both via WhatsApp message and video consults with Dr. Bicer herself. I knew my donor area going in was rather weak and my hair loss substantial, so I didn’t have unrealistic expectations. Several clinics refused to work with me while several others sold me the world. I respected both Dr Freitas and Bicer for their honesty and integrity. Upon arrival the first day, they arranged for VIP shuttle at a very fair price of 50 Euros from Istanbul Airport to the 5 star Sheraton right next to the clinic. Super convenient for medical purposes and plenty of good restaurants walking distance. Its about a 15-20 euro ride into the city center, and I took the first 1.5 days to sight see. Istanbul is a pretty incredible city so added bonus of a little vacation built in. 

I reported direct from the airport to the clinic to meet the team, take before photos, take some bloodwork and an EKG to ensure all was “good to go”.  A couple days later I reported for surgery. The day started at 830am. I changed into gown outfit, we agreed on the hairline (she drew several and had her staff also weighing in) and we continued until I was happy with it. I wanted it to look like it did a few years ago before all this loss occurred.  She then brought me in and nurses shaved my head. We then touched the hairline up again and she drew also for the donor area and all of that. We then went in and more blood was taken so plasma could be separated for PRP, where the hairs would rest once extracted. The nurse and anesthesia tech administered local anesthesia. It was not super painful but was like Botox into the skull. Got very swelling feeling and they kept pricking my head with needle and if I felt anything they would andminister more. In the end it was very numbed and the incisions and extractions began….all this also done by Dr. Bicer. No pain. After this was done a very delicious kebab lunch was served with Turkish tea and water. After, the two nurses performed the implantation. They have worked with Dr. Bicer for 17 and 20 years so are credentialed and very experienced. I ended up dosing off several times. Dr. Bicer would check in from time to time but for 85% of the process she was not in the room for the implantation. Afterwards at 800pm or so I was sat up and bandaged. I went down for an after surgery consult with Dr. Bicer, more tea, and she told me that while originally we spoke about 3,500 and hoped for 3,700, she stopped at 3,000 roughly due to bleeding and feared poor circulation. She did not want to over harvest and wanted to preserve remaining.  Wanted to ensure a better healthier result and lessen risk of complication. She said she would refund the money the following day. Integrity. I alrewdy had my pillow and meds so was off to the hotel to sleep. 

Day following surgery I reported at 900am to remove the bandage, clean the area, and talk. We went over final numbers (3,050 grafts), she refunded me 1,500 euros), discussed starting on medication a month later (minoxidil and finestriside) but I’m going to ask tomorrow about just a topical finestriside/topical minoxidil combo) or a topical dutesteride. Anyone have experience and suggestions on those? I’m trying to prevent further loss and strengthen my existing hair in hopes of returning in 12-16 months for a second transplant to thicken frontal area and mid area more and touch the crown to show a little coverage there. 
im attaching pictures. This is the 2nd day after the FUE



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Posted (edited)

Here are a couple before. I’d obviously need to return to finish the job, but this was the conservative approach given my donor area and large amount of coverage needed. This loss was 100% due to an excessively high TRT dose. Warning to all considering TRT. Do not play with fire.  




Edited by TXGuy
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I definitely did it to myself. There was a psychological aspect where for the first time in my life I started to like how I looked in the mirror—-and then I lost my freakin’ hair and I would rather have that back than anything. But yes I did labs. Definitely was on the very high end test wise to exceptionally high at times….but don’t recall looking at the DHT levels. I also did a cycle of something else that when combined with the test was…a problem. Anyhow—-anyone doing any kind of TRT should be very careful. Low doses spread 3x a week is the way to go. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is 10 days post transplant. I’m definitely pleased with the results. The healing has gone remarkably well. I knew I would have to come back for a second surgery given the extensive loss and poor donor area, but I feel with another year of Finestriside/Minox combo, I should be able to go back and get another 2,000-2,500 grafts to largely complete things (save for the crown area). 



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  • Moderators

Thanks for posting about your experience with Dr Bicer. The work looks good so far. Please keep us updated on your progress as the months go by.



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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  • Regular Member

Hello, I discovered some multis on my hairline from friends that were also from bicer. At HLC they were then removed again.
Hope everything's good with you

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