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Wearing a wig after H/T

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I am a MtF transgender and unfortunately suffering sunstantial MPB from my younger years prior to transitioning. To cover this I currently wear a wig. I am due for a HT with Dr Path in March 2010 and have been wondering if after the surgery it would be still possible to wear the hairpiece to work until the HT grows out enough. I have read a number of threads on the site however most seem to refer to hairpieces that glue or attatch to the head or hairs. This is not the case with my hairpiece which pulls completely on like a cap and has a mesh lining to allow your head to 'breathe' during use. I can't see that it would be any different to wearing a normal cap after your HT. Any advice from you knowledgable gents would be appreciated.

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Since your hairpiece is loose fitting and allows your scalp to breathe, you shouldn't have any problems. However, it's generally good practice to minimize its use, allowing your scalp to be exposed to the air as much as possible.


Be sure to get Dr. Pathomvanich's medical input as well.


Best wishes,



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Bring the wig in for your doctor to have a look at and see what he says. I would think that you would struggle to wear it for at least a 7-14 days as your head is a little tender post op. I wore a hat but I made sure that no material was touching the recipient area. I don't think you will have that luxury with a wig.



2425 FUE - Dr Armani - Nov 2007 (poor result)


1000 FUE Procedure with Dr. Bisanga - March 25th 2010 (great result)


1599 FUE Procedure with Dr. Bisanga - Feb 3rd 2011


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Hi Beachgoer. I agree with stingers on this. You should wait for 7 days at least. You dont want anything firmly fitting on the grafts because if you then get movement in the hairpiece or any kind of catching of the grafts on the it they can come out. You will probably be a bit paranoid about damaging those grafts for the first week at least. I was. I wore a baseball cape very loosely and was careful taking it off. I still wear 2 weeks on. Maybe you could arrange your HT timing so that you can take a full week off at home to begin with to allow the grafts to heal in firmly. cheers



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Hi Guys


Thanks for the replies. I only intend on wearing it when needed, mainly work, and I will be showing the Dr for his opinion. I will actually be staying in Thailand for a week after the procedure for some sightseeing and shopping and then having another week off on my return so all going well the grafts should be quite firmly fixed by the time I return to work.


I do appreciate your knowledgable advice.

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Sounds like you have it under control Beachy, enjoy Bangkok. Just keep in mind that a HT is pretty full on surgery. A hair follicle can be 5mm deep so they take a real chunk of flesh out of you, especially with alot of grafts like you need. youll have 15 or more retention stitches and a closely packed running stitch for quite a way around your head. Your head and the cut line will feel really tight, some say numb, for a couple of weeks and will gradually feel more normal but it takes quite a while. The cut line will feel different almost every day as you recover. Sleeping is uncomfortable for the first few weeks. has been for me anyway. So be ready for it. The time you are taking off is a very very good idea. Anyway wish i couldve stayed another week there but not enough leave. Its a fascinating place, cheap hotels, awesome curries and the shopping is ok...not as cheap as I expected tho. MBK is cheaper than Siam centre. So best of luck Beachy. Dr Paths team will look after you well.



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