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Is PRP needed - Two consolations and neither mentioned PRP


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I've had two consultations. One in Belgium and one in Spain. Neither mentioned PRP, but I see it mentioned everywhere. 

Has everyone who has gone through a HT got some form of PRP before/after? Is it possible to mess it up and it actually damages the hair etc? Another minefield of a topic.

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I  had a HT last month, and my doctor offers PRP, but it is optional as he apparently does not believe it is as effective as it is marketed, but because patients look for it, he feels the need to offer it to compete. As it was included in the price, I took it anyway. It may not have done me any good, but it did not do me any harm either, and I was already numbed up, so did not feel the injections. In this recent video that @Melvin- Admin posted yesterday if you start it at 20:27, you will see the doctor explaining that he does not believe in PRP and that more and more science is coming out that shows PRP does nothing to benefit the hair


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PRP isn't generally standard within a hair transplant procedure and I believe that any doctor who is achieving consistently excellent results and optimal healing, will explain that this is not due to PRP, or does not require PRP.

Many clinics, generally less so in Europe, really get behind and market PRP in a way that patients may feel that they are missing out if they do not take up the option of PRP, when is most cases this is not really true.

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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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