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Dr gur or turan? Limited donor, diffuse

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(QUESTIONS).                    ————————————————Need advice on proposals of gur and turan, which one ? Is ht for me ill adviced? I don’t expect perfection. They suggest 2 transplants, first 3500 being on front and mid. Then the second ht 1700 on crown if there is donor left for the crown. I do have some beard grafts which they are open to using on the crown. Is it really possible to have some donor left after first transplants? and how much density can I really expect? I am worried that after the first surgery I will not have any grafts left for the crown, so then should I go get a mega session else where that will priotize coverage over density? Lastly I am a major diffuse thinner so does that mean that the diffuse thinning hairs which are many and densely packed will die? And in my case will shock loss be a real problem?

( HISTORY and GOALS) ——————————————————29 years old, been on Finasteride and monxidil for long time hair loss has stabilised, I am major diffuse thinner and quite far gone. thinning is in the entire top of head and mainly crown. My donor is also quite limited but I’ve been quoted for atleast 3000-4000grafts or so. I’m happy to just continue buzzing my head and the ultimate goal would be to eventually rock a fade haircut with short hair. I just want all the zones to be thicker and closer to full coverage as possible even though I know that’s probably not possible. is this a dumb proposal or should I go to somewhere that will do a mega session all over aka cosmedica? FYI The donor looks abit different when hair is abit longer.










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Hi I think your case is interesting as you probably regained some ground on Fin+min, so have a lot of miniaturized hair, a hairline and a crown that doesn’t dip: a true diffuse thinner in other words.

I would look into some other meds to give the hair more of a boost tbh, specifically, dut, oral minoxidil (as you apparently tolerate topical well) and maybe RU. Would then give it 6 months and reassess the HT. I would favor a more conservative approach in your case now so reading between the lines, of the two would go with Gur.

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Avoid cosmedica, they are a hairmill and in a case like yours you will probably get your donor area butchered with them. You are a NW 5 with diffuse thinning on the top and the best choice would be to follow the two procedures approach. In the first session to do the hairline and midscalp and in a second session to use what is left from your donor and to combine it with beard grafts for the crown. Yous donor is not that strong so you cant expect a full coverage with high density in the whole area. Living the crown a little bit thinner as the frontal part wond be an issue and fot this matter you can always use some dermmatch or volume powder for the crown.

I think bot gur and turan are at the same level so you cant go wrong with either of them but in you case i would choose the package where the doctors does the extractions and incisions.

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19 hours ago, streethawk said:

Hi I think your case is interesting as you probably regained some ground on Fin+min, so have a lot of miniaturized hair, a hairline and a crown that doesn’t dip: a true diffuse thinner in other words.

I would look into some other meds to give the hair more of a boost tbh, specifically, dut, oral minoxidil (as you apparently tolerate topical well) and maybe RU. Would then give it 6 months and reassess the HT. I would favor a more conservative approach in your case now so reading between the lines, of the two would go with Gur.

Thank you, would 3000 3500 grafts in the front and mid as they suggest be thick or sparse or just okay, what does that density look like exactly?

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3 hours ago, Adriam said:

Thank you, would 3000 3500 grafts in the front and mid as they suggest be thick or sparse or just okay, what does that density look like exactly?

I got 3500 grafts myself  in the frontal 3rd and I had less than you at the front- you can check out my thread.  I’m sure 3000 would be enough for a good density in that area for you. Even better or less if you get some more thickening on other meds

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Your result is pretty good man, how was your donor prior to transplant? My donor and overall hairloss is pretty bad. Who’d you go to? Honestly you think I should try or just not do ht. I don’t expect perfection. But some density would be life changer as long as it looked natural. It’s okay if it’s not the densest 

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25 minutes ago, streethawk said:

I got 3500 grafts myself  in the frontal 3rd and I had less than you at the front- you can check out my thread.  I’m sure 3000 would be enough for a good density in that area for you. Even better or less if you get some more thickening on other meds

Your result is good man, how bald were u on the top? It’s abit frizzy but man I’d prefer some hair then none any day. As long as it looks somewhat natural. I’m just worried I’ll do more damage then help if I do ht. Or if I should wait in the future to do it when there is better technology to deal with my limited donor. Be honest you reckon I should not do it and what result can really expect. I just wanna rock short hair always.

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  • Senior Member
20 hours ago, Adriam said:

Your result is pretty good man, how was your donor prior to transplant? My donor and overall hairloss is pretty bad. Who’d you go to? Honestly you think I should try or just not do ht. I don’t expect perfection. But some density would be life changer as long as it looked natural. It’s okay if it’s not the densest 

You can check the first post at the beginning of the thread- has the pre op pics and background. To reiterate, most clinics, when looking at my submitted pics thought my donor looked weak- perhaps it was the lighting. Dr Laorwong however, said I had medium thickness and no problem for 2 procedures.

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20 hours ago, Adriam said:

Your result is good man, how bald were u on the top? It’s abit frizzy but man I’d prefer some hair then none any day. As long as it looks somewhat natural. I’m just worried I’ll do more damage then help if I do ht. Or if I should wait in the future to do it when there is better technology to deal with my limited donor. Be honest you reckon I should not do it and what result can really expect. I just wanna rock short hair always.

IMO you can get a great result, especially if you try the other meds to make yourself a better candidate and with regrowth save yourself quite a few grafts. If you are willing to do that then wait about 9 months at least to gauge your response.

Invest in a quality surgeon who is experienced with diffuse thinning, and avoid Turkish hair mills. 


Yeah it’s a bit frizzy, but as you say better than none any day. Good luck !

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