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My surgery W/ Dr. Hasson on Jan. 28


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I arrived at H&W on Tue. for a pre-op consult, met Joe (Great Hair) and Dr. Hasson. We discussed the plan for tomorrow. Arrived the next day at 11. the hairline placement on me has always been naturally lop-sided on my right side and when my hair is grown-out it naturally flops over on my right-side like Superman. Dr. Hasson lowered my right-side some because it was even higher and more uneven than the left side before. The main goal was to add density to the frontal and left side of the hairline and density to the frontal left side and general areas of thinning.


My experience was excellent from the entire staff. No pain, only discomfort from the beginning injections. I needed 2 strips removed (left toward center/right toward center), as the middle 1 1/2" area might have shown, due to a small FUE session taken above the scar area in 2007.


Originally estimated 2,000 fu, but Dr. Hasson got 2,469 (830 singles, 1639 multi's) at no extra charge.


Great experience, took ~8 hrs. Been no discomfort post-op, except when I lie down to sleep.

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  • Senior Member

I use to spike up the parted side and let the right side flop over, but I will keep some length on top, maybe ~2-3" and trim the sides and back. (kinda like a flock of seaguls, but not that long or hippyish, just best way I know to describe it). My main concern was my hairline, especially under low lighting you could see the old hairline and barely even see the new hairline, had to part it more toward the center to camoflauge this.

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