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Celebrities that don’t get transplants

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I know there are celebrities and professional athletes that have had hair transplants… but what is surprising to me is the number of athletes and celebrities that are losing their hair that haven’t gotten transplants. These people are obviously in the spotlight and care about their appearance. Sometimes I find it alarming that they don’t do something about it especially if they are NW 3 or 4… it’s almost like they know something we don’t or maybe afraid that they will look worse? Does anybody else wonder this? We obviously care about our appearance since we are all on this forum… but imagine a camera being on you all the time! Why don’t more get it done? Think their hair just doesn’t bother them? 

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1 hour ago, Recession1 said:

Sometimes I find it alarming that they don’t do something about it

That's deeply unhealthy. Surgery is a last resort. Many people just aren't that bothered and are happy buzzing it off (which is by far the best option objectively; free, convenient, no meds, no side effects, no surgical costs, no recovery, looks good, no risk of things going wrong, no need to chase down future loss with more and more HT's).

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Nothing deeply unhealthy about it… not many guys just say I’m losing my hair it doesn’t bother me at all. You wouldn’t be commenting on my post if it didn’t bother you. Hair loss for men is one of the most bothersome things they will encounter… I’m just simply stating it surprises me that you don’t see more of them getting hair transplants. As far as recovery and money that’s not an issue for them. 

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The best option is to just buzz it all off and forget about it. You no longer think about hair. But only some men can do this which is a pity because it would stop a lot of regretful results. I think the reason why is because balding/buzzed men have good self esteem and are already successful and don't see the need. For myself I found shaving my head 'liberating' on so many levels. Shaving your head today has come of age and you need to wear a suit to go with it. In my late teens and throughout my 20's no one was shaving their head except Kojack!

Edited by Gatsby
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Yeah I’m not talking about guys that shave their heads and are in action movies lol I’m talking guys that are rocking hair that don’t have good hair. Do you think they don’t get transplants because they think they won’t look natural and aren’t educated on hair transplants or just don’t care? I don’t buy the successful part because of anything I think that adds more pressure to look good. Me for example… I’m no movie star but am a director for a big business and money isn’t a concern but I’m in the public eye so I feel even more pressure personally to have good hair and care about my appearance. Those guys are on camera and have attention to a whole new level. I don’t know I just find it odd that more of them don’t… it’s hard to believe it doesn’t bother them. I don’t know many guys it doesn’t bother and they aren’t even in the public eye. I guess given the option almost all guys would elect to have hair. 

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It's strictly a personal thing, there's no hard and fast 'should/would' about it. By the same logic, let's all start getting nose jobs, ear jobs, chin jobs, whatever, to look like the 'best' possible version of ourselves. 

If a man is bothered by their baldness, science offers good solutions these days. If not, or if they are crucially, not bothered enough, they buzz it off and are done with it.

Also keep in mind, most men who progressively lose their hair in their 30's and 40's, have some 'heyday' in their minds : early 20's, full head of hair, most likely associated with what they perceive to be their happiest years or greatest achievements. If they hit walls and go through hardships in life, they tend to combine these dark memories with hairloss, which in turn leads to some kind of magical 'Hey, if I get my hair back, maybe I'll get my mojo back' kind of thinking. Big time celebrities with the world at their feet, people who made their names and fortunes on pure skill while probably already balding, will really not care about this. They are looking forward and going forward all the time, there is no time to reminisce about 'the good old days'.

Hair restoration has come a long way and it's fantastic that we now have so many options to get our hair back if we wish to do so. 

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11 hours ago, Recession1 said:

Nothing deeply unhealthy about it… not many guys just say I’m losing my hair it doesn’t bother me at all. You wouldn’t be commenting on my post if it didn’t bother you. Hair loss for men is one of the most bothersome things they will encounter… I’m just simply stating it surprises me that you don’t see more of them getting hair transplants. As far as recovery and money that’s not an issue for them. 

You said it was “alarming”. 

There’s no reasonable and intelligent/thoughtful way of arriving at the conclusion that guys who are otherwise perfectly healthy & don’t go and get a surgery on their head are acting in an alarming way. 

There’s also shades of grey between “not being bothered AT ALL” with hairloss and not being sufficiently bothered to get a surgery. 

There’s other assumptions to challenge; money doesn’t guarantee a good result or that you’ll walk through the doors of the right clinic. David Beckham’s hairline design in the temples is like something you’d see from a dodgy Turkish clinic. A bulging bank balance doesn’t mean your prior research is sound. There are other even worse cases, like Kyle Christie and Maria Fowler in the UK. 

Actors in particular have very varied and off-the-cuff schedules. A good friend of mine is a high profile actor. You can never pin him down for anything as he never knows when he might suddenly need to be on set. This dictates their appearance a lot as it can be very film specific and thus finding the required amount of time to get through the ugly duckling phase plus have things look passable could be trickier. 

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8 hours ago, Recession1 said:

I agree some guys look great bald. I’m talking guys who have deep receding hairlines of who are NW 3s and 4s that still grow their hair. Like an example would be Jude law.

jude law would be a perfect candidate, with no apparent crown thinning he could restore his front without being dependent on meds. however he has a bunch of kids, possible grandfather maybe even and might doesnt care anymore. or he does care but in anothet way really (some people would never get a hairtransplant because they are afraid people would see them as insecure and would made fun of them. its not entirely off when you think about it - jason statham image for example would be ruined by ht i think)


for people who regressed very far a wig might be a better solution simply because hair transplants especially at progressed norwoods is an illusion and might doesnt give the density that is required for hollywood. and advanced norwood would required several procedures, meaning several years where the look wouldnt be on point.


younger people who are required to take fin etc might be put of by this  etc

Edited by mr_peanutbutter
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Plus, if you are an actor, wigs and makeup are an acceptable part of your work, you become so used to transforming yourself for different roles that hair would just be another thing on your list. A great case in point is Al Pacino who wears a piece for public appearances and movies and if you see him in real life, he doesn't. He's Pacino, he's done everything and he's one thousand years old. 

I think that it ultimately comes down to how secure you feel in yourself at any given point in time. Mindset, emotional frame, the works. Again, this is a personal choice. Is my nose too big? Damn right it is. Would I like to get some Prince Charming chiseled nose? Nah, I'm good :D

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  • Valued Contributor
9 hours ago, Recession1 said:

Yeah I’m not talking about guys that shave their heads and are in action movies lol I’m talking guys that are rocking hair that don’t have good hair. Do you think they don’t get transplants because they think they won’t look natural and aren’t educated on hair transplants or just don’t care? I don’t buy the successful part because of anything I think that adds more pressure to look good. Me for example… I’m no movie star but am a director for a big business and money isn’t a concern but I’m in the public eye so I feel even more pressure personally to have good hair and care about my appearance. Those guys are on camera and have attention to a whole new level. I don’t know I just find it odd that more of them don’t… it’s hard to believe it doesn’t bother them. I don’t know many guys it doesn’t bother and they aren’t even in the public eye. I guess given the option almost all guys would elect to have hair. 

Jason Alexander and Larry David are multi millionaires. They’re in the public eye and have been for years. They’re by definition successful yet they don’t appear to worry about their hair? There are also countless others 

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I assume for guys like Tom Hiddleston and Jude Law it's factors like weak donor and downtime/ugly duckling phase. Guys like Bruce Willis and Jason Statham lost most of their hair when hair transplants were still in their infancy and being bald has become part of their image.  

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