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hairtransplant in turkey


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I will be in turkey next week for like 14 days and im planing to get a hairtransplant while im there,However, there are several hair transplant clinics in Turkey that made me confused .

Is there some good clinics that have received positive reviews and high ratings from patients, i need suggestions or recommondation from people who already did it. And how was it and how much did it cost 

Thank you

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3 hours ago, roosevelt said:

I will be in turkey next week for like 14 days and im planing to get a hairtransplant while im there,However, there are several hair transplant clinics in Turkey that made me confused .

Is there some good clinics that have received positive reviews and high ratings from patients, i need suggestions or recommondation from people who already did it. And how was it and how much did it cost 

Thank you

Mate, splash some cold water on your face and have a word with yourself. 

You don’t just “get a surgery next week whilst I’m on holiday” unless you’re wanting to regret what a stupid and poorly researched whimsical decision you made a few short months from now. 

A HT is a potentially life changing surgery, and not in a good way if you get it done badly. Do what a sensible person would do and spend the next 6-12 months doing really careful research and exploring all possible options. 

Just to sum up the sheer stupidity of your “plan”:

1. Get a last minute HT next week whilst on holiday in a country with literally several hundred awful clinics

2. Try and go to a clinic based entirely on what someone anonymous on a forum that you’ve just signed up to told you

Does this sound like an intelligent strategy to you? Would you advise someone you care about to approach a permanent surgery in this way?

Sorry to be so blunt but sometimes people need to be told straight up that they’re being an idiot. If it were me coming to this forum and looking to do what you are, I’d hope someone would intervene and give it to me straight as well. 

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I'd like to explain how surgery should be approached

—> As a first step, you should address the underlying cause of your hair loss...even if you undergo surgery, if your hair loss continues, then you will be in the same state again soon...surgery won't solve your hair loss problem.

It is therefore important to consult a good doctor who is more familiar with hair loss and begin medication. This can stabilize, slow down, or reverse your hair loss...this is the key to a successful outcome...to reap the benefits of medication, you need to take it religiously for the full 12 months and then reassess your situation and plan accordingly. Medication can also make your donor more healthy, so all of this will make you a better candidate for Hair transplant 

—>In addition to taking medication, you should also educate yourself. You can use this 12 month period to research more about hair transplant surgery, learn more about the whole process, and understand the nuances. Research good doctors around the world and shortlist around 4-5 doctors based on your findings, and then consult all of them to determine who best fits your needs and expectation

Taking all of the above things into account will pave the way for a successful surger.

And It is unfortunate to inform you that your approach to finding a good surgeon is wrong. It is not wise to look for a surgeon based on their location, because it will eliminate all other good options you have available to you. As there are good doctors in Turkey, and even in other parts of the world, it makes sense to look for a good surgeon regardless of your location preferences, which gives you a wide range of options.

The most important part of the whole process is your surgeon and you are doing yourself no good by limiting your choices for that.

Consider prioritizing the quality of the surgeon over location preferences to access a wider range of expertise.

I hope this helps you ...best of luck

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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