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SMP onto bald scalp with FUE scars

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Hey guys, been spending a lot of time thinking about a "worst case scenario" if a HT thins out in 10+ years. Being left with unsightly FUE scars forever makes me really nervous... Shaved my head recently and didn't hate it, would be open to shaving + SMP when I'm a bit older tbh. Had 2 questions I can't seem to find an answer to:


  1. How does SMP look when done on top of FUE scars? I know scar tissue is different - does SMP look natural on FUE scars when shaved down?
  2. Can SMP be removed from FUE scar tissue?

Been learning so much the last few months, appreciate all the knowledge here!

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  • Senior Member

Why would you get a hair transplant if you don't think it will work long term?


Better just get smp on top then than get a hair transplant if you think it will fail over time or if you don't want to have multiple transplants

A HT won't really thin much at all unless you have dupa hairless

Best thing is to get an in person consultation to assess your donor rather than these what ifs.

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