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Should I have any blood work or anything done before I get on propecia? Some other questions as well

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Hey guys, I think I am actually going to go with propecia instead of prp just because it has more data behind it. A couple questions first


1) Should I have any blood work done or get anything checked beforehand (thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances etc..)?? I have not had insurance for a while ( I am 22) and I have not had any physicals or blood work done in over 8 years.


2) Also my hair is thinning just in the frontal corners and a little bit in the front middle I think ( I may just be paranoid, I dont know because I am overreacting to this so it the loss in the middle may just be in my head). Anyways should I even try propecia right now or see where my loss goes from here and then get on it since I am so young. I heard propecia stops working after 5 years so I dont know if I want to waste it now, or maybe a better option will be available in 5 years.


What do you guys think

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  • Senior Member
1) Should I have any blood work done or get anything checked beforehand (thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances etc..)?? I have not had insurance for a while ( I am 22) and I have not had any physicals or blood work done in over 8 years.


No. Just watch for side effects.



Anyways should I even try propecia right now or see where my loss goes from here and then get on it since I am so young. I heard propecia stops working after 5 years so I dont know if I want to waste it now, or maybe a better option will be available in 5 years.



Yes. Get on Finasteride. Don't gamble and wait around for newer technology. Use what is available now. And get on minoxidil too!

take care...



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