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2nd procedure 900 grafts with ASMED Dr Koray Erdogan - Tuesday 7th February 2023


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So yesterday was 8 weeks post surgery. Took the pictures below yesterday afternoon. I have to say I’m very happy with how it currently looks given it’s only 2 months in.  Typically this would be the the ugly duckling phase, however as this was a touch up and didn’t involve covering any new areas/further lowering of the hairline, the transplanted hair from the first HT seems to have pretty much covered up the shedding.  I do need another haircut on the sides and back so looking forward to that this weekend. Fingers crossed the redness will continue to improve and come mid May/early June I should hopefully see some of the density start to fill in. 






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So it was 2 months post op last Friday and on the weekend I got my hair cut again so I thought I’d share the pics post hair cut. As last time, I only cut the sides and back (0.5 grade) and then just had them hand blend it in with the top. 

I have to say I’m so happy with my hair at the moment, although it’s very short look, it’s essentially back to looking (shape wise) how it would have been before the surgery. I have a big holiday in 3 weeks and I was really worried just after the surgery that I might not be looking great by the time the holiday came around but I’m now feeling like most people wouldn’t even think I’ve had anything done unless they looked more closely. 

One thing I had quite realised until I actively thought about it this past week, is that the numbness has dissipated almost completely, so when I wash or lightly comb my hair, it feeling much more normal.  

Lastly, i want to mention a little styling tip that I remembered from last time. If like me you’ve been advised by your clinic not to use styling products for 6 months, you can make your own styling products with approved items. Basically clinics normally say it’s fine to use aloe vera and sweet almond oil, so I use two pumps of aloe vera and a few drop of almond oil and rub those together and apply to the scalp and hair and it acts as a sort of stylising gel. Great for creating a little shape and reducing the fuzz of dry hair.  





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6 months update. Generally very happy with the results, yes in theory potentially more growth as it’s only 6 months, but it’s gone a good way to achieving what I wanted which was to strengthen some weak spots and make the hairline a little more dense and as such, more natural.  I do need to start taking the Finasteride tho. I do think that I possibly lost some further hair in the nearly 7 years since my first HT, so I want to start taking it to now keep what I have. Just trying to get off a few other meds that I’ve been on for the past several months first as I don’t like taking too many meds. 






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