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My Experience with Dr.Rahal


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Hi guys, I just recently registered for the site, but have been reading up on experiences for some time now. Im excited to share my progress with everyone.

My hairline started to recede in my late teens. There is a history of male pattern baldness on both sides of my family. 24 years ago I had my first hair restoration surgery performed over two sessions. These procedures resulted in 135 "plugs". With hair thinning around the recipient areas I decided to have another hair transplant. After alot of research I decided to have my hair restoration performed by Dr. Rahal.


My procedure took place on July 6,2009 at Rahal Hair Institute in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It was one session lasting approximately 6 hours with 1900 grafts transplanted. The thick hair was removed and th


Here are some pictures taken during my pre-op. You can see where the old "plugs" were placed, and the marking for the new placement of grafts.


I will update with more pictures as my progress continues.

Im healing well so far, and looking forward to getting my sutures removed this coming week icon_smile.gif


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Hi guys, I just recently registered for the site, but have been reading up on experiences for some time now. Im excited to share my progress with everyone.

My hairline started to recede in my late teens. There is a history of male pattern baldness on both sides of my family. 24 years ago I had my first hair restoration surgery performed over two sessions. These procedures resulted in 135 "plugs". With hair thinning around the recipient areas I decided to have another hair transplant. After alot of research I decided to have my hair restoration performed by Dr. Rahal.


My procedure took place on July 6,2009 at Rahal Hair Institute in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It was one session lasting approximately 6 hours with 1900 grafts transplanted. The thick hair was removed and th


Here are some pictures taken during my pre-op. You can see where the old "plugs" were placed, and the marking for the new placement of grafts.


I will update with more pictures as my progress continues.

Im healing well so far, and looking forward to getting my sutures removed this coming week icon_smile.gif


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Congratulations on the recent procedure. Great choice of Doc and Im sure you will see the positives of your choice before long. All the best!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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