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Well, just back from my visit to a dermatologist.

Guest Gunner1886

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Guest Gunner1886

Bare in mind he wasn't a specialist on just hair. He was the towns local dermatologist. He is a Dr and specialises in other things, but his practice wasn't strictly hair.


First of all, I walked in the doctors office expecting to be alone. Instead a nurse was present sat in a chair opposite for the remainder of the time I was there. The doctor basically told me what I knew already. I walked in with my hat on, took it off, immediately feeling uncomfortable because the nurse sat opposite, saying nothing, just looking on at our discussion.


He asked me to tell him when I started to see noticeable hair loss. I told him that and gave him a run down. Telling him about how much this has effected my life. How I can't get away with shaving my head etc. He then told me about fin and minox. I then said, I want to look into a HT. He then told me that about what he knew - where they take single hair out the back of your head and plant it in the front. He the said I will lose more hair, and explained that if I did get a HT at the front it might look odd when my hair loss continues through my life. I then said, but what about if it's used in conjunction with Finasteride and Minox, he then looked at me with his full head of hair and said, but you can't use minox and fin for the rest of your life - the next 40 years. I said, it was no hassle - with him telling me what I know about, saying once you stop using the treatments, you'll lose hair.


He didn't seem to accept my theory of helping to fight against future loss by using fin and min in conjunction with a HT. He just went on to explain to me, by drawing little diagrams on the piece of paper on his desk, that, if your hair continues to recede and thin, then the hair at the front will look odd.


I just looked like a little kid with crap hair, trying to get my point across. I just couldn't in the presence of the nurse who was looking on al the way through. I felt so awkward.


He basically said you have to get over it, looking at me with his full head of hair. Not very understanding. But I didn't expect him to be. He then said he will or can direct me to someone else who can look into HT's. I told him about Dr Rogers and he said he has never heard of him, but said he could write to him if I liked.


All in all it was quite negative. About HT's, he dismissed using meds in conjunction with a Ht saying "you can't use them for the next 40 years" - but said he could direct me if I wanted.


I left the hospital feeling like crap, hidden because of I've become an expert out of hiding my disappointment and emotions. Saw a couple of decent looking girls on the way home. Didn't even bother to look at them. No point when I'm wearing a hat.


Although it's not my biggest concern or never was I've never had a real girlfriend at 24? That's a joke. Ah well, more important things I guess.


I just got home, shaved my head to a 1guard, looked in the mirror with the conclusion and in a resigned way that no one around me knows how much this has changed my life, but me. Everything from my mindset to opportunities. My appearance has gone. I'm mentally and emotionally tired and I have no piece of mind.



All that aside, I might take up his request to give him Dr Rogers' details and see if he can pass them on or write to him. At least I'll be getting advice from an expert.

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Guest Gunner1886

Bare in mind he wasn't a specialist on just hair. He was the towns local dermatologist. He is a Dr and specialises in other things, but his practice wasn't strictly hair.


First of all, I walked in the doctors office expecting to be alone. Instead a nurse was present sat in a chair opposite for the remainder of the time I was there. The doctor basically told me what I knew already. I walked in with my hat on, took it off, immediately feeling uncomfortable because the nurse sat opposite, saying nothing, just looking on at our discussion.


He asked me to tell him when I started to see noticeable hair loss. I told him that and gave him a run down. Telling him about how much this has effected my life. How I can't get away with shaving my head etc. He then told me about fin and minox. I then said, I want to look into a HT. He then told me that about what he knew - where they take single hair out the back of your head and plant it in the front. He the said I will lose more hair, and explained that if I did get a HT at the front it might look odd when my hair loss continues through my life. I then said, but what about if it's used in conjunction with Finasteride and Minox, he then looked at me with his full head of hair and said, but you can't use minox and fin for the rest of your life - the next 40 years. I said, it was no hassle - with him telling me what I know about, saying once you stop using the treatments, you'll lose hair.


He didn't seem to accept my theory of helping to fight against future loss by using fin and min in conjunction with a HT. He just went on to explain to me, by drawing little diagrams on the piece of paper on his desk, that, if your hair continues to recede and thin, then the hair at the front will look odd.


I just looked like a little kid with crap hair, trying to get my point across. I just couldn't in the presence of the nurse who was looking on al the way through. I felt so awkward.


He basically said you have to get over it, looking at me with his full head of hair. Not very understanding. But I didn't expect him to be. He then said he will or can direct me to someone else who can look into HT's. I told him about Dr Rogers and he said he has never heard of him, but said he could write to him if I liked.


All in all it was quite negative. About HT's, he dismissed using meds in conjunction with a Ht saying "you can't use them for the next 40 years" - but said he could direct me if I wanted.


I left the hospital feeling like crap, hidden because of I've become an expert out of hiding my disappointment and emotions. Saw a couple of decent looking girls on the way home. Didn't even bother to look at them. No point when I'm wearing a hat.


Although it's not my biggest concern or never was I've never had a real girlfriend at 24? That's a joke. Ah well, more important things I guess.


I just got home, shaved my head to a 1guard, looked in the mirror with the conclusion and in a resigned way that no one around me knows how much this has changed my life, but me. Everything from my mindset to opportunities. My appearance has gone. I'm mentally and emotionally tired and I have no piece of mind.



All that aside, I might take up his request to give him Dr Rogers' details and see if he can pass them on or write to him. At least I'll be getting advice from an expert.

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  • Regular Member

where do you live???


Uh not for personal reasons,just how close

are you to a top ht surgeon??


I wouldn't bother dealing with the Penn& Teller

Doctor/Nurse team again


You need an opinion from a ht surgeon that you

would feel worthy of performing an ht on your noggin.


He should give you a much more informed assessment.

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It's quite obvious that the physician that you went to is not really up-to-date with current technology and procedures. He also sounds very dismissive and as if he wouldn't accept the fact that you had obviously come to him as a very informed patient.


The mind-set of doctors like this really irks me. Oh well, move past it. You have lost nothing. If I remember correctly, however, you are a diffuse thinner. Have you made an appointment for a consultation with a HT physician yet? I suggest that you do so to get a more up-to-date and specialized opinion on your situation.


Best of luck to you and thanks for sharing your experience.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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How's it going, mate forget this guy. Clearly he knows little and obviously has no appreciation as he has his hair. Mate Ive had a HT on the front half of my head, growing in really well and its very close to the stage where no-one will know the difference, its not like there's a line between the HT hair and my existing hair.


See some of these Doc's recommended on the Forum and view some of the photo's. You dont need to go through this anymore mate. See a top Doc, do alot of research (the forum is spot on for this), pay your money and get it sorted.... Its all up from there, believe me, Im 3 months post op and loving it icon_smile.gif




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Perhaps you can do an on-line consultation with a reputable HT surgeon. You can attach your pics. Derms vary quite a bit in expertise regarding hairloss. The derm you saw obviously does not do HT procedures and appears not very knowledgeable in the field.


He may have been referring to the fact that finasteride and minoxidil have no efficiency in the front area of your scalp which is basically true. So once you start restoration in the front forelock including the hairline, you will be committed to future procedures as your hairloss continues in that area.


What he did not mention to you is the fact that finasteride has remarkable stabilization effects in the bridge and crown areas. If you respond favorably to finasteride, more of your finite donor can be allocated to the frontal areas and then ideally maintain an all around appearance of coverage. Minoxidil may work some additional resolve for you as well but does not address the "cause" of genetic hairloss, DHT.


Let us know how things turn out in your next consultation.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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that doc who you have visited obivously does not know sufficient info on HT. It is true that most doc would not perform HT on young patients. However, I received my first HT at 20 and then a second one a yr later. I think that was the best move I've made yet. Just make sure you go to the right doc for you. Some doc are more aggressive than others. You have to know what you want: for instance, if you want to be safe, you could have first HT on the front, but request for a typical high hairline first so that you may still have enough donor hair for the crown in the near future. I was pretty much a norwood 4 by age of 20, so I pretty much knew how much I needed to transplant. Do not know if you are in the same boat as I was. Hope this can help. I know exactly what you are going thru, I didn't do much with girls during my hair lost either.

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  • Senior Member

If you have got a shaved head, why not go to the gym, bulk yourself up (if u arent already) and go on the sunbed and get a suntan, you will then feel better about yourself and look better.


I know what ur going through, i am 21 and loosing my hair so i am even younger. i think i am just going to wait a bit then get HT. Dunno what else to do.


Good luck

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