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New hairs stopped sprouting - Month 4

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Hi all, 

Long time reader, first time poster but hoping to get some advice. I recently had a hair transplant back in August so coming up to the 4 month mark.

I had very promising phase from month 2.5-3.5 where I was noticing new hairs what seemed like every day. However, I have noticed over the last 2-3 weeks that the new hairs have stopped coming through, with only longer hairs pictured left. I have fairly fair hair so it has generally been easier to spot new ones coming in.

What also worries me is a multiple graft falling the other day. The doctors have mentioned this is a rarity and will likely be from scratching in my sleep. 

Has anyone had any experience with stop-start hair growth? Or rare occasions of losing a graft this late in the game?

I have obviously read many times in this forum that patience is key so would love to hear that myself right now. I am worried with the graft coming out that my body might be rejecting the transplanted hairs.


The fair hair guy.




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Patience is definitely key. You wouldn't have scratched out any grafts otherwise there would be blood all over your pillow and under your nails. Hair shed is normal. I found in my case my growth really changed from month five. I would not be discouraged by a few weeks when it will take the best part of twelve months to see your final results. All the best!

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Dude, take a deep breath. Relax. 

I know months 3-6 can seem like an eternity, particularly because you are so over the ugly duckling phase and are probably looking at unreal Internet results of dudes who apparently had full heads of hair at Month 5. Don't poison yourself like that. You have not dislodged any grafts. As Gatsby mentioned, you'd have seen blood and there would have been serious pain. Essentially, it's not really possible to remove grafts beginning about 15 days post-op. 

Give it time. Wait. Each of us grows at a different pace. If you did not experience complications in your surgery or healing phase and everything looked OK post operation, you are on track. If you obsess over growth, the days will seem like an eternity. Slow and easy does it. 

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At only four months postop, I wouldn’t be concerned about it at this point. Hair restoration surgery is a process and it goes through many phases.  Most if not all the transplanted hair typically falls out between 4 to 6 weeks and doesn’t normally start to regrow until between three and five months. However, the growth process is slow and gradual and takes 12 to 18 months.  That is when you want to determine the success of the result and whether or not it will require subsequent procedures to meet your long-term goals.

I hope this helps.

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you everyone for your advice here, really calmed me down last month. Unfortunately I’m now at the 5 month mark to the day and still no sign of further growth which is concerning me - hopefully it isn’t a case that I have no more hairs to grow as my hairline is a state. Trying the stay positive but generally, what’s the point at which the halt in growth would be a concern? 

Thanks again everyone. 

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  • Valued Contributor

@Fairhair22 dont worry generally people start getting growth after 6 months and sometimes there are many slow growers who takes around 7-8 months to see some growth...

And are you taking finasteride and minoxidil ?

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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Thanks for getting back to me. My main concern at the moment is that there was rapid hair growth and this has come to a complete stop with no sign of restarting. Can’t find any instances of this happening across this forum. 

I am currently on Finasteride but I have been considering Minoxidil, what’s people thoughts on starting min at this stage in the transplant process? 

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6 minutes ago, Fairhair22 said:

I have considered my options and will be starting minoxidil in the coming days/weeks to see if I can encourage some growth and strengthen what I have.

Good idea, combine it with some microneedling too.

Do you have a photo after the scabs were removed but before you started to shed. Normally around 10-14days post op.

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