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Ron Shapiro and Paul Rose A Clarification

Dr. Paul Rose

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I recently learned that Steve Gillen (Gillenator) posted a message about Pat Hennessey having a surgery with me. In that message he apparently included a statement that I trained Ron Shapiro.Dr Shapiro properly took offense at this statement and contacted me this morning. The statement is UNTRUE.


I DID NOT train Ron and he DID NOT train me.


Over the years Ron and I have tried to increase each other's knowledge and pass it on to other physicians via the ISHRS and Live Surgery Workshops.


Steve Gillen also mentioned that Ron has been heavily influenced by my approach to hairline. I don't know where this statement arises from. I can say that both Ron and I have written and lectured about hairlines and that we have exchanged ideas on the subject.


Lastly, I and at least another physician pay monies to Steve Gillen. I pay for him to monitor the web and keep me apprised of whats out there. Unfortunately I did not see the comments Steve made before posting them.


I regret that any information may have been miscontrued.As Steve in essence works for me I take the responsibility for the error in the post and apologize to Dr Shapiro.


Paul T Rose, MD

Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I recently learned that Steve Gillen (Gillenator) posted a message about Pat Hennessey having a surgery with me. In that message he apparently included a statement that I trained Ron Shapiro.Dr Shapiro properly took offense at this statement and contacted me this morning. The statement is UNTRUE.


I DID NOT train Ron and he DID NOT train me.


Over the years Ron and I have tried to increase each other's knowledge and pass it on to other physicians via the ISHRS and Live Surgery Workshops.


Steve Gillen also mentioned that Ron has been heavily influenced by my approach to hairline. I don't know where this statement arises from. I can say that both Ron and I have written and lectured about hairlines and that we have exchanged ideas on the subject.


Lastly, I and at least another physician pay monies to Steve Gillen. I pay for him to monitor the web and keep me apprised of whats out there. Unfortunately I did not see the comments Steve made before posting them.


I regret that any information may have been miscontrued.As Steve in essence works for me I take the responsibility for the error in the post and apologize to Dr Shapiro.


Paul T Rose, MD

Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr. Rose thank you for your honest fair disclosure regarding your relationship/history with Dr. Shapiro. A lot of times, individuals close to the situation might make statements like Steve did and it isnt the best termanology or verbage which thus get miscommunicated. "training/working together" and "training/working for" could be misinterpeted. I'm sure no harm was intended by Steve, since he works for you, he should know and probably used the wrong verbage to get his point across. (not taking up for him, but giving an explanation). Peers learning from each other is different from training under one another but can mean the same to outsiders.

Nice to see something get Dr. Shapiro's ego going a little --ha ha. He's one of the nicest and honest surgeons in the industry.

Thanks to both you and Ron for helping lead the way in technology/development/progression in HT for those of us suffering from MPB.

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Dr. Rose, you have chosen a fine example of representation, as we all hold Gillenator in high regards!


He not only let's his intentions be shown up front, but represents the true honesty that a person is looking for. You should be proud to have him staffed as a dedicated, and I use this loosely, employee. I think he'd rather have it that way.


His dedication, I believe, goes higher than most physicians in this industry.


I thought you should know this... As well, new readers who do not know who he is.

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Dr. R -


Don't be to hard on G-man. We consider him an informed, straight shooter. If I had the Kidney stone he had - I would be speaking in tongues!!


BTW - Speaking for myself and probably others,

I think of you, Dr Shapiro, and Dr. Keene as being similar in philosphy, ability, and judgment. I know I wouldn't risk my good name working closely with anyone that wasn't on the same wavelength as me.




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I wanted to make everone aware that Paul Rose and I have been friends and colleages for a long time and the exchange of ideas between us has helped us both improve and change our techniques over the years.


I also respect Gillinators longstanding good reputation on this forum.



I was not really upset or worried about the thread or comment Gil made. The only reason I mentioned something to Pauls was that after thecomment was posted I started to recieved a lot of personal e-mails asking me about it and after a while I thought I should mention it to Paul.


I do not feel that he or Gil in any way did anything wrong or tried to give wrong informaton on purpose. They both have a great reputation for integrity.


It was not necessary for them to write explanation on here but it shows the level of there integrety that they did.


I do owe Paul Rose a debt in that it he that suggested that I try this field many years (14 years) ago. So if not for his suggestion I probobly would not be in this field I love so much right now. He has also been a good friend and we have been a great sounding board for each other with respect to the many changes that have occured in this field over the past 10 years.



Any way I just wanted to make sure that everyone is ok with everthing ...I am.


So like the words from that jamacain song many years ago DONT WORRY...BE HAPPY


Ron Shapiro

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