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Help analysing this result

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Can you help me analyze who was at fault here? This guy had a 3 small FUE procedures totalling about 2 to 2.5k grafts, the first picture was his before (any procedures) and after..  now the the next 2 pictures are what his hair looks like now, it obviously thinned out, would you say this is the patients fault for maybe not taking medication ( I don't know for sure but it might be his balding has progressed)  or the clinic for not doing a great job, but still even if it thinned out, those results doesn't look like 2k grafts to me.




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Firstly it could be a combination of medication not being taken, leaving native hair transplanted behind to look that sparse. Another factor could be the lighting making it look like that. There's also a possibility the person used hair fibres in one picture but not another. 

When people talk about hair transplants and the "Illusion of Density" this is sometimes what they might mean if it was a case of the lighting exposing the lesser density in sunlight. 

Ultimately without knowing all the facts surrounding the hair transplants and the person's medication history, it's hard to paint an accurate picture of what possibly went wrong in terms of visuals between the two. 

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40 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

Firstly it could be a combination of medication not being taken, leaving native hair transplanted behind to look that sparse. Another factor could be the lighting making it look like that. There's also a possibility the person used hair fibres in one picture but not another. 

When people talk about hair transplants and the "Illusion of Density" this is sometimes what they might mean if it was a case of the lighting exposing the lesser density in sunlight. 

Ultimately without knowing all the facts surrounding the hair transplants and the person's medication history, it's hard to paint an accurate picture of what possibly went wrong in terms of visuals between the two. 

Let's just base our analysin on hypotheticals. He wasn't using fibers, he was on medication but probably stopped, he got 3 transplants because he says he was still progressing, he was 29 after the 3 transplants. If let's say the doctor warned him that he might still progress his hairloss and might need another surgery, would you say the doctor acted ethically? Also mainly i just wanted to get you guys opinion if the remaining transplanted hair looked like 2k to 2.5k grafts. He only had work done on his hairline and midscalp

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11 minutes ago, Henry said:

Let's just base our analysin on hypotheticals. He wasn't using fibers, he was on medication but probably stopped, he got 3 transplants because he says he was still progressing, he was 29 after the 3 transplants. If let's say the doctor warned him that he might still progress his hairloss and might need another surgery, would you say the doctor acted ethically? Also mainly i just wanted to get you guys opinion if the remaining transplanted hair looked like 2k to 2.5k grafts. He only had work done on his hairline and midscalp

I mean, ultimately it doesn't matter if it was 3 procedure or 5. The amount of grafts here if they're genuinely 2.5k maximum is what's the most relevant information. That should mean the individual hypothetically has more grafts that they can use perhaps to add frontal density and also some to maybe spread in the midscalp to crown. 

The reason for stopping medication would have to be due to side affects imo otherwise its just self sabotage getting a hair transplant and letting your native hair suffer further loss to end up well, with hypothetically what you see in the picture. 29 to have had 3 procedures, that's also indicative imo of a slightly more aggressive hair loss if you're getting that done. 

I think the doctor sounds like they acted ethically informing an individual just because you had 3 procedures, given your age that hair loss could progress. 

Personally if somebody didn't use medication, got a hair transplant when younger and whatnot, i can understand things to a degree, but my opinion on it has always been that ultimately if you're an adult, you have to take responsibility because you put yourself into that position. Nobody forces you to go get a hair transplant, you did it because you wanted to and you chose who you did because your budget allowed whatever you were willing to pay. 

Personally i would focus on making a plan based on the situation you find yourself in. This applies for everybody. 

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23 minutes ago, Henry said:

Let's just base our analysin on hypotheticals. He wasn't using fibers, he was on medication but probably stopped, he got 3 transplants because he says he was still progressing, he was 29 after the 3 transplants. If let's say the doctor warned him that he might still progress his hairloss and might need another surgery, would you say the doctor acted ethically? Also mainly i just wanted to get you guys opinion if the remaining transplanted hair looked like 2k to 2.5k grafts. He only had work done on his hairline and midscalp

It’s impossible to answer these questions because we don’t have any pre & post ops to estimate grafts, & you’re narrowing the criteria from which we can judge with caveat after caveat, which sort of makes me feel like you’re looking for a specific answer. 

I also note the hairline shape/design looks remarkably similar to the other thread you made asking if it looked like a natural design. 

Is this you?

Edited by Berba11
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19 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

It’s impossible to answer these questions because we don’t have any pre & post ops to estimate grafts, & you’re narrowing the criteria from which we can judge with caveat after caveat, which sort of makes me feel like you’re looking for a specific answer. 

I also note the hairline shape/design looks remarkably similar to the other thread you made asking if it looked like a natural design. 

Is this you?

I did post the other thread, I'm not the one on the picture though, these results are from a clinic that I'm looking at. Also, I'm not looking for any particular answers. I'm just looking for answers really, I've given all the details that i could, I've included pre and post op pictures and number of grafts, and all the hypotheticals, and yet most people just gave me a really safe answer. I get that it's complicated, i know that but we are not doctors here (most of us arent), i just want some opinions based on first impressions, and hypotheticals. 

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6 minutes ago, Henry said:

I did post the other thread, I'm not the one on the picture though, these results are from a clinic that I'm looking at. Also, I'm not looking for any particular answers. I'm just looking for answers really, I've given all the details that i could, I've included pre and post op pictures and number of grafts, and all the hypotheticals, and yet most people just gave me a really safe answer. I get that it's complicated, i know that but we are not doctors here (most of us arent), i just want some opinions based on first impressions, and hypotheticals. 

Ok fair enough. So what do you think about this result? I think it looks sparse, but it’s hard to say why without concrete details. And the closure in the temple corners doesn’t quite look right, which is what I thought & said in your other thread. 

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  • Senior Member
6 minutes ago, Henry said:

I did post the other thread, I'm not the one on the picture though, these results are from a clinic that I'm looking at. Also, I'm not looking for any particular answers. I'm just looking for answers really, I've given all the details that i could, I've included pre and post op pictures and number of grafts, and all the hypotheticals, and yet most people just gave me a really safe answer. I get that it's complicated, i know that but we are not doctors here (most of us arent), i just want some opinions based on first impressions, and hypotheticals. 

You're not exactly going to get definitive answers without knowing specifics of a case. 

You should also not be looking at just this one result but a range from a clinic to see how they perform and knowing the history sometimes helps, but it's not always the case. Let's flip it on its head and say he was on medication the whole time and still kept losing ground and ended up there. That doesn't mean the clinic really was at fault per se, but at the same time, you may have patients that turned out to be a better candidate for medication and a HT

I think you shouldn't hyper focus on a single result but see a range. Every elite clinic has had bad results but if its not a general occurrence but rare, then that's more reassuring. 

OP, you should simply focus on your own hair loss and circumstances. It's usually easier to control hypotheticals when there's a more specific information criteria. 

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The cameo picture looks a whole more dense--maybe it is darker lighting, picture angle or at a different time  frame than the gray picture. I would not be a happy fellow if this were the final result in the gray shirt. The hairline looks thin and unnatural. Looks like a hair transplant--a throwback to that dreaded pluggy look. I would be thinking about getting another pass but be worried that there would be shock loss. If the thinning occurred post-transplant after having sufficient density, then it would present a whole different set of considerations. The bottom line is that there needs to be a better cosmetic outcome than what we are seeing for someone so young because the possibility of further thinning is a real possibility.

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