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Where to go in Turkey for first FUE?

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3 hours ago, flashy said:


thanks for asking about the status.

So I did a lot of research the last weeks and talked with different clinics.

What I can say is that I will stay away from Turkey. If I would pay ~5.000 € in Turkey and the result is bad then the 5k € would be a waste of money. And yes, the other clinics in Europe are much more expensive. I got offerings from UK and Belgium for around 10.000 - 18.000 €. 

I would much rather have doctors from Europe, but my budget simply does not allow it. I don't suffer that much psychologically from my hair loss. Friends and family advise me against surgery to support myself and my ego.
However, I am still waiting for offers from Spain and Portugal. Eugenix really does not make a bad impression but maybe instead of a hair transplant I should rather pay for a gym ;)

So I am still very unsure myself. The trigger for my research is possibly a divorce. I make myself with scarce 40 years again more thoughts about the appearance of myself. But whether it is worth it? Whether my ego needs to be strengthened so? I don't know.

Sorry to hear about the marriage issues but don't let them make you rush into a lifelong decision with consequence. 

It's better to save up and use medications like Finasteride to preserve what you have in terms of hair but i would recommend also maybe thinking about other areas of your life you do want to make an improvement in because like the gym, it can help in more than just physical appearance but your mental well being. 

I personally would say your pictures show a more advanced grade of hair loss but not something that can't be overcome with the right plan and right surgeons. However, your donor hair is even more finite and valuable as a result of the greater loss and need to get better framing. So i recommended that you research carefully and realise that although things could be tough, it's better to be slow and steady in this choice. Fast and reckless will lead to more problems. 

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  • Regular Member
On 11/4/2022 at 7:05 PM, Jackdaniels said:

Turkey has many good options to select. 

Good and safe budget options in Turkey to go to: Yaman, Gur, Turan, Demirsoy

more expensive and safe options in Turkey: Bicer, Pekiner, HLC, Keser. 

I would drop HLC, they have produced some botch cases that were posted here.

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On 11/3/2022 at 8:23 PM, BurnieBurns said:

OP I understand people have limited budgets, and please understand I'm criticising your process rather than you personally.

BUT for the love of god, no one should ever be asking: 'What clinic should I go to in Turkey?'. 

Budgets aside it's crazy to limit yourself to one location. It's even CRAZIER if that one location is a place there 99% of HT clinics have a high chance of butchering, over-harvesting and leaving you with a horrifically unnatural hairline, and that's IF you're lucky enough for it to grow. These places routinely do rushed 5000 graft FUE's by untrained staff, ALL in a way to maximise profit against your best interests. How do they keep getting people? Advertising and Social media that's convince all these victims that Turkey is 'The best place to go'. PLEASE don't be one of those victims

COST and LOCATION are the two LAST aspects your need to focus on before finalising your choice.

Yes, there are a couple of skilled, ethical surgeons in Turkey, but if you end up going with them, it should NOT be BECAUSE they're in Turkey!

As @Gatsby mentioned above, do you your research and save up. You need to have have ZERO doubts in left in your mind before you finalise your choice. Ideally, you'd do this for at least a year.

It's also critical learn about treatment to prevent continued loss. From your pictures, you're on track to be at least a Norwood 6. This is advanced level of Baldness, 

Even with treatment, there's no guarantees you'll stop your hair loss for life. Only an ethical and skilled HT surgeon will provide a sensible, and balanced recommendation.

These surgeons are small minority sadly, and the sooner you know this the better.

I'm passionate about this because I've been a victim before, however I'm SO thankful it was only a small procedure. This gave me a second chance to go the right way,

Yesterday I had my repair surgery with an elite surgeon who mentioned the number of consultations he's had with people overharvested from Hairmills (not only in Turkey), who have broken down in tears from hearing the bitter reality that they cannot be fixed. It's terribly sad this has become the epidemic it has but please don't be one of them.

Ignore the advertising / Hype / Testimonials. Do this the smart way and your future self will thank you.

Who is the elite surgeon if I may ask?

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