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New Hairline at 6 months...will this normalize?


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Hey ya'll,

got my hairline redone at HLC in Ankara back in March, just wanted some opinions on how it's growing in...now I'm not complaining, I'm pretty generally happy with the results thus far but I was starting to think that the way it's growing in on the left side is a little weird.

The hair at the transplant area seems to be kind of doing it's own thing compared to the original hair, which is making it look a bit odd when I style it, almost like it's two separate hair masses that each require a different styling solution, which I guess technically it is but I was hoping they would blend a little better. Will this effect settle down as the hair grows in more? It's not a big deal if not, worse case scenario I could just start training my hair to part on the other side, the left is my natural part but the hair implant on the right side is so far perfectly straight, just looking for some opinions.

Included a few before and after pics for reference.

6 months.jpg

Final Transplant.jpg

New hairline.jpg


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  • Regular Member

hello. I don't understand what you mean exactly. These pictures don't show any problem :) For a very good october 6th month. Maybe you should put a more detailed picture
Who did your operation?

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  • Senior Member

I don't think it will. HT is an illusion. Same problem as mine, in which it seems like the whole HT area looks transparent when compared to the natural hair, correct?.

That is the case unless you have a 2nd do over to increase density, or have a dense packing on your HT. It will look less than the native hair. I usually add some hair fiber on the area to conceal this problem

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  • Senior Member

It looks well for 6 months. Actually have one quick look at the first photo you would say it looks great.

Regarding your concern about styling or the hair being different than the original hair... this tends to be because they implanted the hairs with incorrect directions compared to the native hairs, so when it comes to blending your eyes might notice where the transplanted hairs begin or end. This usually becomes less and less noticeable the longer the hair gets. It becomes a big problem only if you want to have a buzz cut 

I'm sure it will fill up some more until 12 months,  good luck and enjoy it.  Try to focus on the positives 

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My hair "did" the same thing.  Felt like it's own lump of hair that reacted differently to styling, had a weird texture, separate from the rest of the hair, etc.  It did this until about month 7.  After month 7, I couldn't tell where non transplanted and transplanted hair met.  They mixed together.

It just takes time for the hair to grow in strong and healthy.  So if you're anything like me, in the next 2-3 months you should be good.

Check out my journey here:


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  • Senior Member

Define "weird". I think it looks fine. Also it can take 1 - 2 years for the transplanted hairs to adjust at the front of your head, so that's the timeframe you need to wait in order to assess your results appropriately. 

FUE 2400 Grafts (2023) - Dr. Panine; Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic

FUT 1400 Grafts (2019) - Dr. Steven Paul Holt; Holt Hair Restoration/Bella

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Transplanted hair can start growing in a bit coarse, wiry, kinky, extra wavy, etc and it sometimes sort of goes in all directions and doesn't stay when trying to style it. This is normal, but not everyone has this problem. It can take up to 18 months for the hair to match the rest of your hair and be more manageable.



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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